
The Weakest Hunter In Nigeria

In the bustling metropolis of Lagos, Nigeria, Olutola Ojetola is a hunter of modest rank, underestimated and overshadowed by his peers in the guild Iron Fangs. His world changes drastically when a routine dungeon raid goes awry, forcing him to confront a terrifying monster alone. In a moment of desperation, a mysterious system awakens within him, granting unparalleled powers and setting him on a path to greatness. As Olutola navigates the complexities of his newfound abilities, he keeps his system secret from the wary eyes of the government and rival hunters alike. Determined to prove himself and protect his city from encroaching otherworldly threats, he rises through the ranks, earns allies, and faces adversaries who covet his unique powers. With each victory and discovery, Olutola's journey unfolds—a tale of strength, ambition, and the unyielding spirit of a hunter destined to forge his own legacy in a world where danger lurks in every shadow.

DiMonak · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Chapter 30: Power Shift

As they emerged from the dungeon, the morning sun cast a warm glow over the landscape. Olutola, now infused with the relic's power, felt a profound connection to his shadows. He knew this strength was both a blessing and a responsibility.

The other hunters glanced at him with a mixture of respect and curiosity. Marcus approached, clapping Olutola on the shoulder. "You did well in there. You've proven yourself more than capable. I believe the Hunter Association will want to hear about your feats."

Olutola nodded, but his mind was already racing ahead. He knew he needed to keep his new powers under wraps, at least for now. The shadows were his secret weapon, and he intended to use them wisely.


Back in Lagos, Olutola decided to take a break and recharge. He headed to his favorite street food stall for some suya. The tantalizing aroma of grilled meat filled the air, making his stomach growl with anticipation. He ordered a generous portion, savoring the spicy, smoky flavors.

As he ate, he overheard snippets of conversation from nearby tables.

"Did you hear about that hunter who single-handedly took down a beast?"

"Yeah, but some say he's reckless. Smokes Igbo during fights. Can you imagine?"

"Reckless or not, he's got skills. I heard he's getting stronger every day."

Olutola couldn't help but smile. The rumors were already spreading, and he knew it was only a matter of time before his reputation soared.


Later that night, Olutola decided to unwind. He rolled a fresh joint of his favorite Igbo, enjoying the calming ritual. He lit it, taking a deep drag and feeling the familiar sensation of everything slowing down. He took out his Bluetooth speaker, opened Spotify, and selected a playlist perfect for his mood. As the music played, he leaned back and let the stress of the day melt away.

After a few joints, the munchies hit hard. Thankfully, he had five packets of Indomie left in his kitchen. He quickly cooked them up, adding the leftover suya for an extra kick. The meal was satisfying, the perfect end to a long day.


The following morning, Olutola woke up feeling refreshed and ready for new challenges. He decided to take a walk through the bustling streets of Lagos. The city was alive with energy, and he enjoyed the vibrancy of it all.

As he strolled, he noticed a commotion up ahead. A group of police officers had stopped a young man and were harassing him, accusing him of being a yahoo boy. The young man looked terrified, and it was clear he didn't have the money to bribe them.

Olutola's blood boiled at the injustice. He approached the scene, his presence immediately drawing attention. "Is there a problem here?" he asked, his voice calm but commanding.

One of the officers sneered. "Mind your business, hunter. This doesn't concern you."

Olutola raised an eyebrow. "It does now. Let the boy go."

The officer's sneer faltered. "And who do you think you are?"

Olutola stepped closer, his eyes narrowing. "Someone you don't want to mess with."

The officers exchanged uneasy glances. They had heard the rumors about a powerful new hunter in town. Reluctantly, they released the young man and backed off.

"Thank you, sir," the young man stammered, relief flooding his face.

Olutola nodded. "Stay out of trouble."

As he walked away, he felt a surge of satisfaction. He knew he had made the right choice in using his power to help others. But he also knew he had to be careful. The more attention he attracted, the more scrutiny he would face.