
The Weakest Hunter In Nigeria

In the bustling metropolis of Lagos, Nigeria, Olutola Ojetola is a hunter of modest rank, underestimated and overshadowed by his peers in the guild Iron Fangs. His world changes drastically when a routine dungeon raid goes awry, forcing him to confront a terrifying monster alone. In a moment of desperation, a mysterious system awakens within him, granting unparalleled powers and setting him on a path to greatness. As Olutola navigates the complexities of his newfound abilities, he keeps his system secret from the wary eyes of the government and rival hunters alike. Determined to prove himself and protect his city from encroaching otherworldly threats, he rises through the ranks, earns allies, and faces adversaries who covet his unique powers. With each victory and discovery, Olutola's journey unfolds—a tale of strength, ambition, and the unyielding spirit of a hunter destined to forge his own legacy in a world where danger lurks in every shadow.

DiMonak · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Chapter 15: Hidden Allies

The narrow tunnel walls seemed to press in as Olutola led the group back through the labyrinthine passages of the dungeon. The glowing symbols on the scrolls and the amulet pulsed faintly, casting an eerie light that made the shadows dance.

"Do you think these things are cursed?" Adebayo asked, breaking the tense silence.

Olutola shook his head. "I don't know, but we'll find out soon enough. Let's focus on getting out of here first."

As they approached the exit chamber, the sound of voices echoed through the corridor. Olutola signaled for the group to stop, straining to listen. The voices were rough and agitated, discussing something with urgency.

"Raiders," Olutola whispered, recognizing the tone. "Stay low and follow my lead."

They crept closer, peeking into the chamber. A group of hostile hunters, clearly not part of any official guild, were rifling through the remains of what appeared to be another hunting party. Their faces were hardened, their eyes glinting with greed.

"Looks like we're not the only ones interested in these ruins," Ada murmured.

Olutola's mind raced. They needed to avoid a confrontation if possible, but the raiders stood between them and the exit. As he considered their options, a system notification flashed before his eyes:

New Quest: Evade or Engage

Objective: Escape the dungeon or neutralize the hostile hunters.

Reward: Experience Points and Rare Item Drop

Olutola frowned. The system was pushing him towards a fight, but a direct confrontation could be risky. Then again, the rewards were tempting.

"We don't have time for this," he decided. "Let's try to sneak past them. If they spot us, we'll deal with it then."

The group nodded, moving cautiously along the shadows. The raiders were engrossed in their looting, giving Olutola's team a chance to slip by. Just as they were nearing the exit, a sharp voice rang out.

"Hey! Who goes there?"

One of the raiders had spotted them, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. The group froze, tension crackling in the air.

"Damn it," Adebayo muttered.

Olutola stepped forward, trying to appear non-threatening. "We don't want any trouble. We're just trying to leave."

The leader of the raiders, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, laughed harshly. "Leave? After seeing what we're up to? I don't think so."

The situation quickly escalated as the raiders drew their weapons. Olutola's group braced for a fight, their earlier exhaustion forgotten in the face of this new threat.

"Looks like we're doing this the hard way," Olutola muttered, readying his sword.

The raiders charged, but Olutola's group was ready. Ada and Adebayo moved with practiced precision, their weapons a blur as they engaged the attackers. Olutola focused on the leader, their blades clashing with a metallic ring.

The chamber filled with the sounds of battle, grunts and shouts echoing off the stone walls. Olutola parried a fierce strike from the leader, countering with a swift blow that left a deep gash on the man's arm.

"Is that all you've got?" the leader sneered, blood dripping from his wound.

Olutola didn't reply, his eyes cold and focused. He pressed the attack, his movements swift and relentless. The system highlighted weak points on the leader's body, guiding his strikes with precision.

As the fight raged on, the raiders began to falter. One by one, they fell to the ground, overwhelmed by the combined might of Olutola's team. The leader, now heavily wounded, staggered back, his confidence shattered.

"Enough!" he yelled, dropping his weapon. "We surrender!"

Olutola paused, his sword raised. "Surrender? After you tried to kill us?"

The leader nodded frantically. "Please, we didn't know who we were dealing with. Spare us!"

Olutola glanced at his team, their expressions grim. He lowered his sword but kept it at the ready. "Fine. Get out of here. And if I ever see you again, you won't be so lucky."

The raiders scrambled to their feet and fled, leaving behind their fallen comrades and stolen loot. As the dust settled, Olutola's group took a moment to catch their breath.

"That was close," Ada said, wiping sweat from her brow.

Olutola nodded, his mind already moving on to the next challenge. "Let's get out of here. We've got what we came for."

They exited the dungeon, emerging into the fresh air of the forest. The sky was beginning to lighten, the first hints of dawn breaking over the horizon. As they made their way back to the guild, Olutola couldn't shake the feeling that their adventure was just beginning.

Back at the guild, Ifeoma was waiting for them. Her eyes widened in surprise and concern as she saw the state they were in.

"What happened?" she asked, hurrying over.

"We had a bit of trouble," Olutola said, handing her the scrolls and the amulet. "But we found these. Can you make sense of them?"

Ifeoma examined the items, her brow furrowing in concentration. "These are ancient. Very powerful. I'll need some time to study them."

Olutola nodded. "Take all the time you need. We'll be ready for whatever comes next."

As they settled in to rest and recover, Olutola's thoughts turned to the future. The dungeon had been more challenging than he had anticipated, but it had also revealed new depths to his abilities and potential. He was determined to unlock every secret, to become stronger, and to protect those he cared about.