
The Ways: Path of the Enigma

I tread into the deepest, darkest secrets of the universe. Amidst the storm I listen to the voice of reason. My path is not held down by anything else but myself. For I am my own body, mind and soul. My will shall penetrate all of doubts and fears I face. All life shall know my own name. ----------------------------&&&&---------------------------- Currently on heavy editing. This is my first book and I am really eager to make my story clean, not perfect but acceptable. So please if you have any inputs, insights or advices you are free to do so. Please forgive my grammar too as english is my third language. My vocabulary is limited and I consider writing this as a learning experience. I do research on my words a lot and will use new ones if necessary. Thank you and have a good time reading. Approximately 1500-1800 words per chapter. Story is slow-paced.(maybe) If you guys want to have a discord chat maybe you could strike me up and say it to my face. (I'm lonely so plz...) Also if you aren't lazy to read the Prologue here it is: In the beginning, loud screams and wails echoed throughout the void, supernatural powers spread out the lands and in turn, evolved the surrounding creatures into monstrosities that devoured and prey on the weak. Humans and other intellectual species hid in the dark, fearing what they may become if they stand face to face with the horrors across the lands. Though the time that passed through the lands made the beings impatient and tried to devise a way to kill the horrors. They made tools, crafted plans and waited. They had succeeded and from the corpse of the first horror they brought down brought blessings to the people making them have the morale and ingredients to make artifacts which was made to kill the monsters. They had brought down many monsters with their breakthrough and made a place for themselves in the surface. Humans were the first civilization to fight the horrors whilst the elves cower in the protection of the tree's leaves and the Dwarves hid deep into the crevices. Though scared they also found a way to fight the monstrosities in their own traditional way. Until one day the age of the supernatural came. Powers came to be and their users brought changed to the lands, exiling the horrors into the Forsaken Lands as they claimed the surfaces for their own. The First Emperor of Humanity brought to light the spark of humans, whilst the First Elven King revitalized the lands. The First Dwarven Enchanter crafted legendary artifacts. Finally bringing the Brilliance and Pale Era. These are the Recorded Legends in Grandia Lands, some legends were left untold as the First Rulers suddenly vanished. However people had already forgotten about it only to be told as storytimes for children but there is a prophecy that they would return, and that is the day the whole lands will end.

Abandoned_Destiny · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 12: At the City, Chilling.

Today was our day off from the academy, it was finally time to explore this city. I hope I won't get caught up in random cliches like in stories. Though I doubt that...

Tom tagged along with me to the city, he said that he didn't have anything better to do inside the academy so I just accepted it. Nothing's wrong in having another company.

"So where are we going?" Tom asked, I then looked through the piece of paper I've been holding on to.

"Do you know where the Gringo's Herbs and Trinkets are?"

"Yeah, it's a 15 minute walk from here...If you want I could lead you to it."

"I'd appreciate that."

"Then let's go..." I took my time to sightsee the city, from the shiny stones decorated, the colorful and diverse plants that are organized in a row and also the people running around doing their jobs. Once we were finished, Tom led me to the shop.

Going inside, we noticed all sorts of herbs and trinket chaotically hanged at the walls. The smell inside was like a stinky toe, making me recoil back.

"Customers! Welcome to Gringo's Herbs and Trinkets shop! Anything you would like to buy?" A middle-age man with his belly highlighting his uniqueness. When I say uniqueness I meant he is the first person I've ever met to have a big belly. Even nobles don't have dibs on this guy.

"I would like to buy some herbs, I've got a list on it, here."

"My, my this herbs could cost you quite a bit, you have the belets for it?"

"I've already calculate this based on the current market value so don't fool me."

"Touché, Alright then based on market value it is 9 belets and 80 bels. Is that agreeable?"

"Could you go lower?"

"If I go lower then the quality will suffer too."

"Alright 9 belets and 80 bels it is." I handed 10 belets to him.

"You can keep the change, it's an investment for the future."

"What a bright young child you are, already this intelligent at a young age..."

"Nice try fatty uncle."

"Tsk...It will be delivered to you by parcel, just state your location or academy addressee ID."

"Here it is, thank you."

"Here's your receipt, now get out of here!"

"Don't mind if I do." I left the shop before looking again at the paper.

"10 grams of rabbit foot powder, 15 grams of green mushcaps and 500 milliliters of Lafergera Blood."

"Did you just say Lafergera? Those are scary things." Tom said while sneaking up behind me.

"Oh? What do they look?"

"Well, I've looked into the book of monsters and I saw it. It was a 6 foot long nailed monster that has fur growing on its neck. To be honest I don't want to meet those monster as they are scarily quick and smart."

"Well, their appearance don't matter much, I only needed a little of their blood."

"Blood? You aren't doing alchemy are you?" Tom raised an eyebrow.

"Why something wrong with that?"

"Alchemy is supposed to be handled by the Alchemic Association now, because of an incident in the past..."

"Then relax, I won't be doing alchemy. I just need the ingredients."

"I hope so." Tom doubted me so I scowled at him.

"Alright." Tom nodded.

"Anyways, you got anything to do when your finished?"

"I don't, why?"

"Oh nothing really just wanted you to try out a thing we do here."

"Oh? What is it?"

"It's better if I show it to you later, I don't want to spoil the surprise." I nodded at him, so I hurried my pace to go to the other place Yirene told me about.

"This is the Ludge and Vidge's merchant shop right?" Looking at the shabby and broken building in front of us I started to doubt if what Yirene told me about was outdated. I started to knock the door, waiting for a few seconds there was an unhurried footsteps coming towards the door on the inside.

"Come in." The voice was tired and...weak.

I entered inside the building and instantly I saw the state of the interior of the building. Broken floorings, dusty barrels and webby ceilings. I turned to look at the person who let us inside and instantly the nerves on my body screamed, my blood was boil and my muscles tightened.

"Whoa, easy there boy. Your intent is leaking out." I stared at my hands and was certain that I didn't do it but rather I did it subconsciously.

"You remind me of someone I once knew, you kinda look exactly like her to be frank."

"Are you talking about my mother? Her name is Yirene."

"Yirene..." The moment I said that name the scary old man, closed his eyes and nodded.

"I see, even after her passing away she continues to amaze me."

"You knew my mother?"

"Yes, to be exact we were once a part of a team. Together with Laster, your father."

"Oh...I didn't know they had a team."

"No one told you?"

"Yes, I don't remember my mother pretty well, I only knew her when I talked to the maids and then my father Laster doesn't have enough time for me and also I always get tense in front of him."

"You also say the same things as her." He looked at me with interest as he release a heartfelt laugh.

"Alright, so now that I had my laugh, what services do you need? I have all sorts of materials here ranging from common sugar to the blood of a Digearian. So what would it be?"

I told him the remaining materials I was lacking, he thought for a second and turned around to look for it.

"I have it all here, it's around 25 belets but I'll give it to you for free."

"Thanks then!" I don't turn down free stuffs so I happily accepted it. The old merchant laughed at my antics but I didn't mind.

I was on my way to the door when suddenly the old merchant shouted something to me.

"Catch!" I turned around and saw that he threw something at me, I decided to catch it. It was a bracelet made from silver, it had bright hue design at the center.

"Your mother gave it to me when we were still travelling, I just wanted to give it back."

"What is this? I feel some sort of energy inside."

"Oh that, it's a soul of a rattlebeetle, your mother imbued it inside so you can summon it at your will if you insert Giryotes into it."


"Good luck to you kid, you don't know how much you've help me today." I didn't think much on his words, as I quickly left the shop scampering.

"Hey Tom, I got what I need but I think I'll need to drop it off at my room.

"Sure! I'll just wait at the fountain we passed through okay?"

"I'll be quick."

"I hope so." I scowled at him again and he laughed.

I ran without stopping to the academy, and I saw the same middle age man that check my card days ago.

"Hey there, do you have your card present?"

"Yeah I got it here huff...huff..."

"Also I need to inspect that stuff in your hands."

"Yeah no problem." I handed over my card and my stuffs, he held it with his hands and again like last time there was a click.

"You're clean. But I have to ask, are you doing alchemy?"

"No, even if I did I don't have any tools for that...I just wanted to stockpile." He nodded at my words before I entered.

I quickly ran to my room and brought the bag inside before running around again to the fountain. I didn't know why I was enthusiastic now but I think I would rather enjoy for now than study what I already learned. There's nothing wrong on cherishing this life, So I better make it worth it.

After a few minutes of running I saw Tom at the fountain just waiting around while staring at the town.

"Hey, I've got nothing to do now, so where'd you say that place was? huff...huff..."

"Catch your breath first, no need to rush. we can walk it from here."

"I think I'm just kinda excited...?"

"No need to think that much about it, I mean it is just my home."

"That's even better then!"

"Sure as long as you don't make a mess there, everything's gonna be alright...I guess..."

Walking to Tom's home I've noticed that the place he was located to was just a trip downwards to a building that didn't look to shabby like Ludge and Vidge's shop, it had sign of maintainance and a memorable cleanliness to the place around. It was a small house unlike our mansion it was a 15x15 metre area.

"Well, this is it I hope you like it..."

"It's more than enough and I like how they've handled this place."

"My mother is around to take care of the things around here so-"

"Tomas is that you? Oh you've brought a friend here? Let him come inside, I've got snacks!" Tom's mother was a beautiful lady, prim and proper as she moves in a dress that she was comfortable to move around.

"Coming...Hey Virule, wanna go inside?"

"Yeah, I would love to."

"Remember, don't make a mess. My mother kinda gets scary when she sees something dirty."

"I'm not gonna leave this place with ill will on my back so I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

"I hope so." I scowled for the third time this day, yet he had a smirk on his face this time.

Currently editing the chapters I publish, I decided to bring more depth in their emotion and actions making it seem more alive rather than the literal sentences I used to describe what they are feeling.

Abandoned_Destinycreators' thoughts