
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 9

In the room, Xu Muyang continued to tell Tang Jia about the cultivation of immortals.

"Cultivation is divided into five realms, and each realm is divided into three levels. Only Sendai realm has two levels, so it is called five realms and 14 levels. Among them, Lingtai realm is divided into Lingquan, Linghu and Linghai, which mainly refers to the amount of Reiki accumulated in the body. Practitioners cultivate Reiki, so this first stage is mainly based on the absorption and application of Reiki. Lingtai realm is to improve the physique and enhance the amount of Reiki contained through the breathing of Reiki. Therefore, Lingtai realm is often called" breathing in " Period or Qi training period. "

"At this time, the immortal cultivators were still mortals physically, and had not yet reached the stage of true transformation. They could learn magic, but they could only use the spirit Qi consumed from their bodies, and their power was limited. Therefore, the immortal cultivators at this stage were generally called spiritual disciples, and the magic they used was generally only called magic, not Dharma. Only after entering the realm of transcendence, they could use the spirit Qi in their bodies to inspire the spirit of heaven and earth, and then they could use the real magic This is called magic. This period is also the stage when the practitioners of immortals really transformed themselves from the mortal body into the spiritual body. Therefore, it is called "escaping from the mortal realm". Because building a spiritual body and getting rid of the mortal body is the foundation for cultivating immortality, it is often said that the foundation building period or the spiritual body period. Do you understand? "

"I have understood what elder brother Xu said about simplicity and clarity. To put it simply, the state is the improvement of quality, and the order is the improvement of quantity, right?" Tang Jie replied.

Xu Muyang smiled and nodded: "this statement is fresh and interesting. It has some truth. Although it is not completely correct, it is not far away."

Although the realm is the same, different cultivation methods bring different effects.

According to Xu Muyang, the human body is composed of meridians, Qi and blood, muscles and bones, five internal organs and so on. Each component has its own unique use and significance. Different cultivation methods and processes will bring different changes to practitioners and make their strengths different. Even the simplest basic spells such as wind blade, frost sword, fireball and electric chain have different performances and powers in the hands of practitioners with different cultivation methods.

Experienced people can generally judge the major direction and origin of the other party by looking at their hands.

Moreover, not every kind of skill can be inclusive. The key is whether there is conflict between them. For example, the fire Scripture on that day, the master of Shaoyang Sanjiao Scripture, whose Qi is scattered in the heart and collaterals, belongs to the liver and gall, the liver belongs to the wood, the main sublimation, the heart belongs to the fire, and the main God. Therefore, the fire is vigorous, and after successful cultivation, it has the power of burning the prairie. However, the condensing water Scripture, which is mainly engaged in the foot Shaoyin kidney meridian, originates from the spleen and belongs to the kidney. The spleen belongs to the earth, mainly transports and changes, and the kidney belongs to the water, mainly stores essence. After successful cultivation, it will become the hero of all rivers.

However, the two are not subordinate to each other and are independent of each other.

This is only mutual independence, and even more contradictory. If we do not understand the reason and practice together, we will get half the result with twice the effort.

Therefore, the cultivation of kungfu is not the more the better, but to return to its source and complement each other.

"That's another reason why I'm not willing to teach you about virtual family inheritance." Xu Muyang said: "Xujia's Dongxu Sutra mainly focuses on the hand sun small intestine Sutra, the pulse of the heavy eye, and focuses on breaking the void and the hole illusion. The moon washing sect mainly focuses on the hand Shaoyin Heart Sutra, the pulse of the center of gravity, and the two sides do not belong to each other. But the heart is the master of the five viscera and the official of the king. From the basic point of view, it is better to first take the Purple Jade Heart method of the moon washing sect and the Shenxiao sword classic as the base."

"That is to say, you may not be able to practice the void Sutra of Xu family after practicing the Purple Jade Heart method of the moon washing sect and the Shenxiao sword classic. But you may not be able to practice the Purple Jade Heart method after practicing the void Sutra. Is that what you mean?" Tang asked.

"Yes, that's what it means. The moon washing sect is a large sect with vast mental skills and strong accommodation. Based on this, there is no problem in learning anything in the future and there is a bright future."

"I see. It's like using the sea to contain the lake, to accept all rivers, to use the lake to contain the sea, and the vast ocean to ravage."

"Yes, that's all." Xu Muyang smiled.

Tang Jie has a clever mind and knows everything. He is also very happy with such a student. Although he did not accept Tang Jie as a disciple, he actually regarded him as a disciple.

"In that case, will it be useless for me to cultivate the Tibetan elephant Sutra again?" Tang Jie asked again.

"The Tibetan elephant Scripture is just a method of flushing the door and also the ability to wash the pulse. It does not focus on cultivating any pulse, so there will be no problem in cultivating it. In any case, the Tibetan elephant Scripture is also a method created by the soldier master. I always think it is not so simple. You can practice it well, and you may have other gains in the future. My muscles and veins are already solid, and this pulse washing is of no use to me." Speaking of this, Xu Muyang shook his head and sighed.

The so-called pulse washing is actually the tempering and expansion of the meridians.

After the jade gate is opened, Qi moves through the meridians. Different ways of qi movement are different skills. Washing the meridians is actually expanding the meridians, so that more Reiki can pass through and the meridians can bear more.

If the human body is compared to a country, then the meridians are the roads, and each acupoint is the site. The more open the road is, the more developed the traffic will be, and the more Aura can be transmitted naturally and the stronger the power will be.

There is an old saying in China that if you want to get rich, you must first build roads.

There is also an old saying in the world of cultivating immortals, that is, if you want to cultivate immortals, you should first wash your veins.

In addition to washing the pulse, novice practitioners also need to open up spiritual eyes, that is, the place where the Reiki is stored. Only by opening up spiritual eyes can the absorbed Reiki be stored and expanded to form the basic energy that can use magic.

However, different cultivation methods have different ways of opening up spiritual eyes, and even their positions are different. Therefore, Xu Muyang did not teach the method of opening up spiritual eyes in the Tang Dynasty. He will join the moon washing sect in the future, where there are better methods to learn than Xu family.

Therefore, pulse washing is to lay a foundation, but if you don't open your eyes, you can't be a formal apprentice of immortality in the Tang Dynasty.

"That is to say, I can't start formal cultivation until I enter the moon washing college?"

"What's the matter? Are you worried?" Xu Muyang asked with a smile.

Tang Jia's face turned red, but he did not sophisticate: "it was just a momentary desire."

"I can understand your feelings." Xu Muyang smiled: "However, cultivation is not a matter of overnight. If the foundation is laid, it can achieve twice the result with half the effort. In fact, for a child of your age, the muscles and bones have not yet grown up, and pulse washing is the most appropriate time. Unfortunately, many people can't resist their yearning for magic power, and some people always try to be happy for a while... For this reason, how many talents of heaven and earth have passed the difficult and painful pass, but failed in this simple pulse washing Yes, this led to limited results later. "

His words were sincere and sincere. Tang Jie was awe inspiring and knew that this was Xu Muyang's advice to himself.

At this moment, he solemnly said: "I understand. No matter where we are, no matter what we do, patience is the key to our success."

"Well said!" Xu Muyang clapped his hand: "you don't have to worry. The expansion of meridians has its limits. The pulse washing can be completed in a year and a half, and then you can be formally cultivated. At that time, I will introduce you to the moon washing sect. With the face of my great array master, there should be no problem."

He didn't say that he had to rely on the face of the real person, but only the face of the great array master. It can be seen how much confidence he had in his array.

From that day on, the Tang Dynasty began to practice the Tibetan elephant Sutra and wash the meridians every day.

Although he was young, his soul was the soul of an adult. He had already passed the stage when young people were out of control and did not know how to control themselves. Therefore, he did not repeat his mistakes after one rush. Xu Muyang was also surprised by his steadiness.

"It's obviously cunning, but it's young and mature. It's really hard to see through." Xu Muyang also has to admit that he may not be the best in cultivation, but he really can't treat the other person as a child when dealing with people and things.

Although he was busy with cultivation, Tang Jie did not neglect the care of Xu Muyang. I still clean the yard carefully every day. During the day, I go out to work to earn some money.

Xu Muyang spent most of his time recuperating from his injuries in the house. No matter how long it was, his recovery was getting better and better. He was ready to go out and walk at any time. Occasionally, he would hit a set of fists to exercise his tired muscles and bones.

Today, he had nothing to do. He was wandering in the yard to watch the scenery. Suddenly, he found that the arrangement of rockeries, pavilions, stone tables and surrounding flowers and plants in the small yard had inadvertently coincided with some principles of heaven and earth. He only thought that if there was a slight change, it might be arranged into an array, and he immediately began to study.

He was naturally fond of the array. In order to study the array, he could not even take the position of the head of the Xu family.

Some time ago, he devoted himself to recuperation and had no time to study. Now that his injury is very good, he naturally has the mind to do what he likes.

At this moment, under his imperial envoy, array lines flew out of his feet and connected to the rockeries, pavilions and other objects in the courtyard, flashing brilliant lights. Only in a moment, a small array had been formed.

Then Xu Muyang pointed at the small array: "hidden!"

The twinkling array pattern has gradually faded and disappeared. If no one reminds us, no one knows that there is an array in the courtyard.

"Not bad! Not bad!" Looking at his new work just completed, Xu Muyang nodded with great satisfaction. This array was just arranged by him, but in the process of arrangement, he only felt that many good ideas had suddenly come into his mind. After being inspired, he did not hesitate to go back to the room and write down all the thoughts and feelings he had just made during the arrangement

By the end of the writing, Xu Muyang's emotions had been released to the fullest extent. He felt that there was no more omission. He looked up at the sky and found that it was already night.

The hole of his empty house is a pulse of his eyes. He sees the night as the day, so he can't notice the arrival of the night.

"It's strange. Why hasn't the boy brought any food yet?" Xu Muyang murmured in surprise.

At this time, Tang Jie should have come back. It's only right to send dinner.

Suddenly aware of something, Xu Muyang patted his head: "it's terrible!"

He hurried out of the house. He saw Tang Jie circling around the courtyard. He was confused. He obviously couldn't figure out the direction. He shouted: "brother Xu!"

However, the voice could not be heard outside the array, so Xu Muyang did not hear it at the beginning.

Looking at him, he has been trapped inside for a long time.

"Hoo! Fortunately, it's just a magic array." Xu Muyang also gave a cold sweat.

If it had been a killing array, Tang Jie would have been a dead man now.