
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 5

In front of Xiaohe village, a row of graves were erected.

It was the tomb of all the villagers in Xiaohe village, and only the words "138 people in Xiaohe village were buried here" were written.

There is no name, because Tang Jie is not from Xiaohe village, so he cannot and should not know his name!

Standing in front of the grave, Tang Jie stood facing the grave, expressionless.

No, there is a trace of sympathy and anger. This is the emotion that any normal person will have when facing such a tragedy, but it does not belong to Xiaohe village people.

Tang Jie well disguised his pain with anger.

This made Xu Muyang never find the sadness he expected from Tang Jie's face.

Think of a 12-year-old boy. When he has no such strength to hide his inner feelings, Xu Muyang can only give up his fantasy.

At last he looked at Yaya's tomb. Tang Jie turned his head and said, "let's go."

He said that he had taken the lead to go forward, and while Xu Muyang was still behind him, he could not see him, the tears in Tang Jie's eyes had quietly flowed


It is about 100 li from Xiaohe village to Anyang Prefecture.

At the speed of Xu Muyang, it was easy to reach. However, he is still injured and has the "burden" of Tang robbery, so he can only walk.

Fortunately, Tang Jie found several horses originally belonging to horse thieves in the countryside, and found a flatbed cart from the village. He tied the horses to the cart, and then made a flatbed carriage. The two people can ride along in the cart.

By the way, Tang Jie took several horses and tied them to the back of the car. Some excellent weapons were put on him. It was said that he could sell them to Anyang Prefecture for money.

Although it is said that immortals do not worry about materials, the Tang Dynasty obviously did not intend to rely on xumuyang to eat and drink, but to rely on their own.

Since I have been traveling together, I must have a few words to increase my understanding.

Tang Jia made up a story about himself, saying that he was a villager of Xiangyang Village at the other end of Cuiwei mountain. Because his family was poor, he went to Anyang prefecture to find some work. Although he is only 12 years old, in this world, a 12-year-old boy is half a laborer, and it is not uncommon for him to work alone. As for Xiangyang Village, he had been there before the Tang Dynasty. If Xu Muyang wanted to interrogate him, he could handle it well. However, Xu Muyang didn't cross examine again when he arrived. Obviously, he was completely convinced.

However, Xu Muyang was very secretive about his own life experience. He only said that he was a member of the cultivation of immortals. He had long forgotten the worldly affairs and would not mention them again. As for the name of immortal master, I don't want to mention it again in the future. I just need to match it with a real person.

He didn't want to mention the Tang Dynasty robbery, but he asked all kinds of questions.

"Why can you only call me a real person, not an immortal?"

"Because I'm not an immortal yet. Only when I go to Sendai can I be considered a half immortal."

"What is Sendai?"

"Sendai is the fifth realm of cultivating immortals."

"What is the fifth realm?"

"The five realms of cultivating immortals are Lingtai, taofan, Tianxin, Zifu, and Sendai. Sendai is the last realm. When you reach this realm, your aura will turn into immortal yuan, and you can become an immortal."

"What is the Lingtai, taofan, Tianxin, Zifu? What are the earth immortals?"


The more Xu Muyang answers, the more questions the Tang robber will ask.

When he first met Tang Jie, he only thought that the child was talented and intelligent. Although he was young, he did things well. Now he only thinks that the child is a child, and he is still naive.

Ignorance is true, and innocence is naturally false.

For the first time in Tang Dynasty, I pretended to be cute and foolish. As a minor, I was afraid of who. All kinds of taboo free questions were raised one by one.

Xu Muyang was made helpless by him. At first, he managed to cope with it. Later, he simply pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Rao is so, but also let Tang Jie know a lot.

Originally, the cultivation of immortals is divided into five realms. The first four realms are collectively referred to as monks or immortals. Only the last realm can be regarded as a fairyland and can be called immortal.

And the first Lingtai realm, also known as the apprentice of cultivating immortals, can not even be called a spiritual master, otherwise it would be illegal.

It seems that the world of cultivating immortals is chaotic, but in fact, the rules are strict. The Lingtai realm is a spiritual disciple, and the transcendental realm is a spiritual master. The heaven state of mind can be called a real person, the Zifu realm can be called a true monarch or a God, and only the Xiantai realm can be called an immortal.

People in the world are ignorant. When they see the friars, they call the immortal family. The friars will not care about it, but the friars themselves have to make a clear distinction.

If anyone dares to call himself a real person without reaching heaven's state of mind, he doesn't need to provoke anyone, and someone will find trouble with him.

As for Xu Muyang, he is a real person in heaven.

I was shocked to learn that this tianxinjing real person, who has leveled the whole world and even the mountains, was just a "middle-class" person. If it were Zifu and Xiantai, what kind of ability would it have?

Fortunately, he didn't say this, otherwise Xu Muyang was afraid to beat him hard.

Midstream level?

Do you know how difficult it is to cultivate?

Looking at the Qixia world, the tianxinjing is not only the top but also the top figure.

As for the Zifu realm, it is the existence of the great master level of the Kaizong sect. As for the Xiantai realm, it is a legendary existence. Most of the practitioners who have reached this stage have broken through the vigorous wind of protecting the world and wandered outside.

Therefore, heaven's state of mind can be said to be the backbone of Qixia's immortal cultivation circle.

It is precisely because he is a real person in the heart of heaven that he can use his mind to kill invisibly. It was only because he was seriously injured and even his mind was damaged, that the scope of his attack was greatly reduced.

In addition, Tang Jie also knew that Xu Muyang was not a native of Wenxin.

He is from Mochu.

There are animals in Qixia. They are shaped like tapirs. They are born with three eyes. They run like electricity. They are violent and sound like babies. They kill people.

In the 73rd year of Tianjing, Guangfa Tianzun fought against the three eyed evil tapir on the extreme West Island. On the third day of the war, he killed the evil tapir, transformed the Lingqiu, and connected the island to the land. It was called tapir hill in history, and later called Mochu.

This is the origin of Mochu.

Wen Xin is in the extreme East, Mo Qiu is in the extreme West, and Xu Muyang has traveled all the way from the west to the East. It is absolutely unbelievable to say that you will travel to the mountains and rivers to enjoy the Tang Dynasty. Considering his previous situation, the answer naturally surfaced.

Ya escaped all the way.

To put it simply, this is a fallen immortal.

The immortal in distress is also an immortal. Tang Yaoxin said that I would not dislike you.

It takes more than a hundred miles to get there in a day. During this period, the Tang robber drove the carriage. Xu Muyang didn't need to do anything. He only needed to heal his wounds by doing exercises on the cart. The Tang robber also changed medicine for Xu Muyang once in a while, which made Xu Muyang feel very relieved.

In the evening, they came to Anyang Prefecture.

Xu Muyang had the intention to quickly eliminate the cause and effect and escape. Therefore, he went to the best Phoenix Building in the local area with the Tang robbery.

Although it's cheaper to understand the cause and effect with a good meal, it's better than being a drag.

To put it bluntly, don't do anything that will make you regret or regret. It is impossible for a person to live without regret and regret, but at least it can be reduced and weakened. This little thing is naturally nothing.

With this idea in mind, Xu Muyang only ordered the most expensive, not the best. They had a good time.

It was only when Xu Muyang turned over at the checkout that he remembered that he had no money!

Xu Muyang's belongings were actually destroyed in the last battle. He even lost his storage bag. At that time, he only rescued some of the most important pills and magic weapons, such as the treasure, but he didn't bring any.

In the eyes of the common people, money may be the most important thing, and they will never forget it. However, in the eyes of Xu Muyang and his brothers, the worldly things of Adu are worthless and even not worth thinking about. He usually brings spiritual food with him and has no need for consumption, so he forgot about it for a while.

He used to walk around the world. As long as he showed his identity, where did the rich businessmen, gentry, and government gangs not vie to accept him and even give him gifts?

Even the leader of Wenxin country must be polite to him. As long as he is not looking for trouble, even the moon washing sect of Wenxin country will treat him with courtesy!

Send money? Sending me money is an insult!

But this time it's different. He's being chased and killed. The next step is to keep a low profile. It's just to expose himself in Cuiwei mountain. After leaving Cuiwei mountain, he can't show any more signs.

After his identity could not be revealed, he suddenly found that he had nowhere to find wealth.

Is it difficult for me to learn how to rob thousands of families by being a petty thief?

Or learn to eat bully food?

It's too embarrassing.

Tang Jia saw his expression was ugly and said: "eat, don't worry. I had already agreed with the store when I went out. I'll exchange this meal with a horse I brought."

Xu Muyang blushed: "how do you know that I have no money?"

"Did you forget that I turned over you?" Tang Jie replied.


After dinner, the Tang robber delivered a horse to the shopkeeper.

The horses used by these horse thieves are not good or bad, and they are not all good horses. However, the horses selected by Tang are all the best, and one can be exchanged for almost 40 liang of silver.

The purchasing power of one or two silver coins at that time was about one thousand yuan in this world.

Xu Muyang ate 40000 yuan for a meal, which was really luxurious.

Afterwards, Tang Jie said, "if you eat like this, you will have to spend all your meals after a few meals. You'd better save some money in the future."

Xu Muyang blushed and could only nod.

He is a great monk and a real person. He is a famous person wherever he goes. It is a wonder that he has been taught a lesson by a young man.

Tang Jie brought a total of six horses. After one horse was taken, there were five left. They were all sold to local merchants and returned with 180 taels of silver.

In addition, the money on the horse thieves was also looted by the Tang Dynasty. Unfortunately, the horse thieves are generally poor. Horses and weapons are their greatest wealth. More than 100 horse thieves could not find ten liang of silver. However, with the weapons sold, we have collected 200 liang of silver, which is a huge sum of money.

Since Xu Muyang didn't have any money with him, the money for the accommodation was naturally only robbed by Tang.

Living in the guest room that Tang Jie rented for him, Xu Muyang became more and more sad.

I thought that after arriving at Anyang Prefecture, the Tang Dynasty robber would have to live on his own food and drink, but I didn't expect that things would go in the opposite direction.

It's hard for Xu Muyang to be neutral when he thinks that he is eating, living and using Tang robberies, but he doesn't need to use his own place.

Why is it that the debt of gratitude has not been paid off, but it is owed more?

Thinking of this, Xu Muyang was upset.

He used to meditate and breathe every night to recuperate his injuries.

When I was alone in the room tonight, I just felt uneasy and knew that it was not suitable for practicing martial arts. So I simply walked out of the room and went to the yard to practice the Tibetan elephant Sutra.

The Tibetan elephant sutra was the mental cultivation method he acquired in a great opportunity, and it was precisely because of this opportunity that he was in trouble.

At that moment, when he was practicing his kung fu, he suddenly saw Tang Jie come out of the room. He stood not far from him and watched him practice his kung fu.

The most taboo thing for a monk to practice is to be watched.

Xu Muyang wanted to reprimand him, but he thought he was young and did not understand the rules. He thought that he was taken care of by the Tang robbers all the way. If he was forced to leave, it would be too inhumane. He could not say anything about it. He could only let him see it. He thought that this boy had no foundation and corresponding cultivation methods, and he could not see anything famous even if he saw it.

At this time, he used the great method of self consolation.