
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 4

When Xu Muyang woke up, the sky was full of stars.

There was a bonfire not far from him. In the light of the fire, a young man was sitting beside him.

He was about to sit up when the young man held him down: "don't move. I've just taken medicine."


What kind of medicine?

Xu Muyang was about to ask, but he saw the medicine bottle in the young man's hand.

"White jade powder?" Xu Muyang exclaimed. Looking at the bottle, it was clearly his own medicine.

It was only then that he found that the drug feelings on his body had been collected by the youth, but they were left at his feet.

"Who are you? How dare you touch my things?" Xu Mu Yang is full of Qi.

The items carried by the friar are of great importance to his family and life. You should not touch them lightly.

His storage bag was destroyed in the battle, so his belongings can only be placed with him. Unexpectedly, it was turned upside down by a mortal boy.

At this moment, he sat up and grabbed the air with his right hand. A simple and heavy bronze seal in the distance had flown into his palm. Because of the use of Reiki, the blood in his body surged, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood. However, Xu Muyang recklessly put away the bronze seal first, and then grabbed the jade slips next to him. Only this time, he did not use the method of shooting objects from afar.

The young man replied, "I also know it's not good to go through other people's things, but you and I are both injured and will die without medicine."

Xu Muyang found that his wound had been coated with a thick layer of white jade powder, and the feeling was that the young man had changed his dressing.

Not only he, but also the young man's back. This white jade powder is a rare thing. In fact, it only needs a little. It's a natural thing to use it like that young man.

Xu Muyang's tone eased a lot: "it's true, but you're too brave. Do you know that although the immortal family has a magic medicine, if you don't use it properly, you will not benefit from it, but suffer from it. If you don't use it, you will die. If you use it wrong, you will die!"

"Yes." Unexpectedly, the young man nodded: "I know, so I opened your wound and took a look. I think there should be medicine on your wound. I have repeatedly verified the Baiyu powder you mentioned with the medicine on your wound. It should be correct."

Xu Muyang was completely speechless.

Feeling is the medicine that the boy used after testing his wound. No wonder he chose the right Baiyu powder among so many medicines.

If it hadn't been for the white jade powder, he was afraid that he would not wake up so soon.

Xu Muyang said: "the wound I suffered is external wound on the surface, but actually it is aggressive and interferes with my meridians. Baiyu powder can help me stabilize my aura and repair the meridians. I deliberately didn't let it heal, just to see the blood and make it more effective. However, it's a big material for treating your wound, but it's useless. And the medicine is not right. You should use the bottle of intermittent cream next to it."

"So it is. I wonder why the magic medicine of the immortal family can't even cure a skin injury." The young man suddenly realized that he had already picked up the intermittent plaster and poured some plaster on himself. As expected, he only felt the chill behind him, and even the pain was a little less.

He didn't ask the master what he meant when he took the things. Xu Muyang intended to stop it, but he thought that the other party had saved himself. If he wanted to stop it, he would be stingy, so he had to give up.

The young man sat back beside him and said, "my name is Tang Jie. What about you

In fact, the last time he heard the Jinjia Heavenly God call the other's name, but this moment he did not know.

"... Xu Muyang." Xu Muyang answered reluctantly.

Hearing this answer, Tang Jia smiled.

This answer means that Xu Muyang did not find himself in the last battle.

Of course, it may also be that they didn't care about it. In the eyes of the immortals, such mortals should be like ants.

Who will pay more attention to mole ants?

In that case, the next thing will be much easier.

"Tang robbery?" Xu Muyang chewed the name and frowned: "this name is too murderous and unlucky!"

Tang Jie said with a smile: "when I was born, it was the time when the dark clouds in the middle of the earth changed, and there was the disaster of the golden clouds swallowing the moon. Some fortune tellers said that the heavenly vision was a great omen of evil. They said that I should be born from disaster, and that when I was born, there were three disasters and nine difficulties. When I was born, the disaster was suffered by the common people, the father, the mother, the friend, the wife, all the people close to me, and even the heaven, the earth, and all things. Therefore, I suggest that my parents call me Tang Jie, so that my name should be used first to deal with the disaster, or that it can turn the disaster into good luck."

"Absurd!" Xu Muyang cried: "under the heaven, all things revolve. Even saints and immortals can only look up to them. They can't even measure the heaven's secrets. How dare they say anything against them? The fortune teller is disobedient and speaks out wildly. He should be killed with a random stick!"

"No one was killed with a random stick, but some were beaten with a random stick. Even so, my parents finally named me. Two years ago, my parents died, but I was born after death... Maybe it was the disaster." Tang said casually.

Whether Tang Jie was born after Tang Jie's death, or whether Tang Jie crossed over to Tang Jie, to be honest, Tang Jie himself was somewhat confused.

However, in this life, he is the Tang Dynasty!

After thinking for a while, Xu Muyang asked, "are you from Xiaohe village?"

Tang Jie shook his head: "I just passed by and saw you pass out after killing the thieves."

When he said this, he patted the package already prepared around him, and then took care of the drugs on the ground to hide his inner tension.

He was nervous, not because he lied, but because he lied to an immortal!

This is the first time he has faced an immortal!

But at the first sight, he deceived the immortal, which can be said to be extremely daring.

However, he could not help doing so!

When Tang Jie saw the immortal in white, he knew that the chance of his life had come.

The immortal gate is hard to find, and the road to immortality is remote. How many mortals seek to become immortals, but few people can become immortals. Even if they encounter immortals, it is difficult to find guidance.

Although he had been searching hard before, it did not mean that the immortal would accept him.

However, Tang Jie knew how important it was in the world to embark on the road of cultivating immortals, so even if it was only a chance of one in ten thousand, he had to fight once.

Although he saved Xu Muyang, he also saved him by cutting off the horse thief with Xu Muyang's sword. Speaking of it, Xu Muyang did not owe him. On the contrary, without this battle, Xu Muyang would not have a relapse. After all, he owed the other party more.

Because of this, he could not admit that he was from Xiaohe village.

He wants the immortal to owe him a favor. Only in this way can he get the chance of immortality.

In order to make this possible, he can go after, seek, spare his life, and naturally cheat.

Fortunately, when he came out, Xu Muyang was in a coma, and it was impossible to find him. From what he said just now, Tang Jie also judged that Xu Muyang did not notice himself in the last battle. Then he said that he was passing by, and it was completely feasible.

The only thing he didn't dare to confirm was whether Xu Muyang, as an immortal, could detect his lies.

This is a gamble. Gamblers have ulterior motives. Even immortals may not have the ability to penetrate people's hearts.

At least not everyone has it!

Tang Jie resolutely decided to gamble!

After winning the bet, he let an immortal owe him a favor.

If you lose the bet, it's just a small deception. It's not a capital crime.

Since the immortal killed demons and evil spirits, he would not kill himself for a lie.

Besides, what if they were really beheaded?

If you are not immortal, you will become benevolent!

The experience of the villagers in Xiaohe village has made Tang Jie clearly see how miserable the fate of the lower level ants is. Tang Jie will do anything to change this fate.

Sure enough, at this moment, hearing that Tang Jia said he was not from Xiaohe village, Xu Muyang was shocked: "you are not from Xiaohe village? What's the matter with the injury on your back?"

"The man you beat away drove his horse. I couldn't dodge. He cut me off." Tang Jie answered calmly.

Compared with the first sentence, he was a little flustered. The second reply of Tang Jie was much calmer.

The lie was not exposed at the beginning, which means that Tang Jie has won the most important two key points.

Xu Muyang was stunned and said: "I see. Thank you for saving me."

"The immortal master upholds justice and acts as a knight errant. It's nothing for me to do this."

"After all, it's still one step too late to save the villagers of Xiaohe village."

"I believe they will be grateful if they can avenge them." Tang Jie answered calmly, as if the villagers of Xiaohe village had nothing to do with him.

Seeing this expression, Xu Muyang had no doubt, and could only sigh and wonder how he got involved in this heavy cause and effect.

The immortal family attaches great importance to cause and effect. If there is cause and effect, it will often leave a crack in the bottom of the heart.

This crack may not be much at ordinary times, but there are 14 levels in the five realms of cultivating immortals, one of which is the level of mind demons.

There are gaps in the heart, and the mind demons are born. If there are thousands of cracks, the mind demons will be endless. When the time comes, you will be able to reach the heaven and the earth, and it is also difficult for the immortals to save you. Therefore, it is something that every practitioner should be careful about.

It should be noted that this evil spirit has nothing to do with morality. It does not mean that if you save me, I must repay you. It does not mean that everything has a cause and a result. It is only related to personal character and belief.

If the leader of the Tang robber gang is a demon who worships the law of the jungle and bite the hand that feeds him, then even if the other party immediately gets up and beheads the Tang robber, he will not have any demons, because that is the Tao he believes in.

If he beheads, he is responding to his own way. If he does not behead, he may have a mind demon.

Therefore, there is no difference between good and evil in mind demons. It is only the reaction of consciousness caused by the actions that the practitioners have done in the process of cultivating immortals, which have violated their original heart and belief.

It is also for this reason that monks often have firm faith. Once they believe in a certain idea, behavior and viewpoint, they will not change easily.

If there is a change of belief in the middle of the journey, it is likely to be accompanied by regret for what you have done, and then the time will be when the demons breed.

The original mind is hard to deceive. Even if you have forgotten something, the original mind will still remember it, and the mind demons come into being.

Xu Muyang was born in a noble family. Although he is not a saint, he still has the idea of repaying kindness.

Now that someone has "given me a helping hand", I have to repay it anyway.

At that moment, he took out a bottle of pill and put it into Tang Jia's hand: "this bottle of lingrun pill has the effect of nourishing the soul and strengthening the spirit. Even if it is taken by ordinary people, it can also strengthen the body and cure diseases. If you help me, I will give you this medicine. You can also take the other bottle of intermittent cream."

Cause and effect are necessary, but what happened is a subject of learning.

The life of a monk is long, and there are countless events in his life. Various causes and effects entangle him. If he is serious about everything, he can really do nothing else.

Therefore, the monks have their own methods to solve the problems. The simplest way is to use a bottle of elixir to solve everything as now.

Don't worry about whether it's enough or not. The heart demon is from the heart. As long as you feel that the reward is enough and you have no shame, it's OK.

Therefore, selective disregard, self deception, self consolation and other methods have become the necessary lessons for monks. However, if such methods are discovered and cracked, it is likely that in a few words, the opponent will be stirred up by demons and will be defeated.

In the fight between immortals, every time someone can defeat the enemy with words, this is the key. By the same token, most of the monks are reticent about their own experiences in order to avoid being caught.

Xu Muyang's self deception is obviously not up to the mark. Therefore, he is a good lingrun pill. If you have a thick skin and a black heart, I will give you the white jade powder in return.

Tang Jie is one of the best. He cheated first before he became an immortal. However, he felt no guilt at all. He looked down on this elixir and said, "I don't want it."

He doesn't know about demons, but he knows about human feelings. To some extent, the two are the same thing.

Xu Muyang wants to return the favor with a bottle of pills, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Seeing that he didn't want it, Xu Muyang hurriedly said: "if you think it's not enough, I..."

Tang Jie stood up and said: "help is just a matter of convenience. Immortal master doesn't need to care. By the way, I think you're coming from the East. You must be going to Anyang mansion. I happen to be there too. It's better to go with you all the way. Immortal master is injured. I'm afraid there will be a lot of inconvenience on the way. Maybe I can take care of it."

Of course, Tang Jie doesn't know where Xu Muyang is going, but from here on, it's Anyang mansion. So it's definitely right to say that you want to go to Anyang mansion first.

As long as you stay with this person, Tang Jie is not worried about cultivating immortals.

Long years of official career have made him understand that if you want to hold your thigh, you must first let that thigh like you.

Xu Muyang's side was ready to cry without tears.

You said that you simply said the first few sentences and did it smoothly. You don't need to mind. Xu Muyang had a thick face and probably comforted himself by saying that he didn't want me to repay him. Considering that the other party did not have any damage and pay, the cause and effect can be solved.

I didn't expect him to say, "let's go all the way, but we're in some trouble.".

The other party has just helped him. If he refuses, it is too inhumane and against his heart.

Friars do everything, but don't do anything that goes against their heart!

In fact, it's not impossible for him to leave now. The evil spirit of this little thing may not be able to deal with him.

After all, the mental disaster is accumulated through a lifetime of actions.

It's just a habit that every friar has formed over the years to ignore the cause and effect and act without violating his original intention. This is like opening the door to business. No matter how big or small the business is, every transaction must be done seriously.

At this moment, Xu Muyang thought about going, so he had to accept his colleagues first.

In his opinion, the other party is just a 12-year-old kid. He always needs his own help, and he can settle the cause and effect.

When he learned that Xu Muyang was willing to go with him, Tang Jie smiled happily.

The door of opportunity has been opened. The next thing to do is to grasp it.

Since God sent himself to this world, he didn't give himself a golden finger.

Then create it yourself!