
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 40

After a rain at the end of autumn, the weather suddenly cooled down.

The night began to become long, and the sun was no longer as bright as it used to be.

Winter is the most leisure day for gardeners. In the days when everything withers, the spare time of the Tang Dynasty robbery also becomes more.

Today, steward Qin suddenly came. The two of them drank a little wine at the table, chatted casually, and drank. Snowflakes were already floating in the sky.

Tang Jie opens the window, and a gust of wind brings snow into the house. Snowflakes fall on Tang Jie's shoulders, hands and hearts, and gradually melt into invisibility.

"Another year has passed." Tang Jie said softly.

Inexplicable sentimentality.

"Yes, it's another snowy day. It reminds me of the heavy snow more than 20 years ago." Manager Qin also looked at the snowflakes outside the window and said leisurely: "if there were no Wu family elders, there would be no Qin yuan today... Now I have to add you."

Tang Jie just smiled.

"By the way, have you seen them these days?" Asked administrator Qin.

"Well, I went there only yesterday. The two elders are still in good health. They just miss their son a little and are not in good spirits. It's useless for me to persuade them."

Manager Qin frowned and said, "Wu Xing is too disgraceful. He has been to the college for so long. He only writes once a year. Even the eldest and youngest write letters more frequently than him."

"That's it. I want money by letter." Tang Jia said with a smile.

Manager Qin thought he spoke directly and glared at him, but he laughed when he thought that Tang Jie was right.

After a sip of old wine, the warmth from his body dispelled the cold. Administrator Qin suddenly said, "young master, I'm going to open the door."

"Well?" Tang jialeng said, "when?"

"Just these two days." Administrator Qin replied: "I will start school next summer. Now it's time to open the door and have my pulse washed. I can't wait any longer."

Because the process of opening the jade gate is painful, families generally do not require their children to open the gate too early, and try to do so after their minds are mature. Those who opened the door as early as Xu Muyang were either gifted or beaten more, and their anti pain ability was trained.

After the new year, the young master will start school. Now is the best time to open the door. If the young master wants to open the door, the servants and students will naturally be fast.

Sure enough, then manager Qin said, "your business is almost settled. In recent days, all kinds of ghosts and snakes have been circling around my wife, courting her, hoping to get a chance."

"Oh." But Tang Jie just gave a sound.

"Are you in no hurry?" Manager Qin was surprised.

"If it's useful to be in a hurry, I'll be in a hurry. I'll show uncle Qin what I'm doing." Tang Jia said with a smile.

"You're so confident that you can do it, you stinky boy, and you're so talkative?" Qin yuan also laughed.

"It's not self-confidence. I just feel that everything that should be contested has been contested. At this stage, it's no longer the time to continue to compete. Just wait quietly." Tang Jie answered.

For Tang Jia, the result of servant study is like the graduation examination of students. The foundation is laid during the study period, not by cramming before the examination.

As for the Lords and wives of the Wei family, they should have made up their minds at this time. Therefore, the real result is doomed long before the last moment.

"Having said that, you must have a calm mind to do it. I didn't expect that I, an old man, would be as determined as you in this matter." Manager Qin shook his head.

"That's uncle Qin's concern. He's so heartless." Tang Jia said with a smile.

"You're sweet mouthed!" Supervisor Qin snorted angrily and stood up: "well, I've notified everything that should be notified. I have to do what I should do, old man... You're not in a hurry, but I'm always worried about something. I have to help you run and ask."

"Uncle Qin is bothering." Tang Jie bowed himself to the administrator of Qin.

After seeing manager Qin off, Tang Jie glanced at the table. The little white flower in the pot had turned into Yi Yi.

"Dad! I want to play hide and seek!" Yiyi screamed and picked it up on Tang Jie's shoulder, holding his ear and laughing.

"How many times have I told you to call me brother!" Tang Jia twisted Yiyi's face and said, "I'm too big to get through your hole..."

Well, why does this sound so unpleasant?

"Use magic array, use magic array!" The little guy clapped his hands and shouted. With a wave of hands, a magic array appeared in the room.

Unlike the Tang Dynasty robbery, this little thing's magic array doesn't even use cloth. She comes with her hands up. To put it bluntly, the magic array is not a array but a magic skill.

This is also the game she often plays with Tang Jia since she can speak.

"Next time, my brother will be busy these two days. You're good. Don't run around."

Little Yiyi's face immediately drooped, and she shouted to Tang Jia: "disgusting!"

As soon as he turned around, he turned back into a flower and returned to the flowerpot, ignoring Tang Jie.

Tang Jia shook his head with a smile and sat back at the table.

Opening the drawer, Tang Jie took out a letter from the drawer.

Looking at the beautiful handwriting on the letter, Tang Jie's eyes showed a smile.


It's time to go to the examination room.

On this day, the servants of Jingxin garden gathered in front of the wife's hall, waiting for the arrival of fate.

Before that, first of all, the young master opened the door.

Maybe it's because I don't want to lose face in front of people. The young master's opening was not displayed in front of people, but in the cabin behind the hall.

Even so, the shrill cry of killing a pig from afar was still clearly heard by everyone. The roar was so soul-stirring. Occasionally, it was mixed with the wife's concern: "don't shout, hold your breath, try hard! My son, you must hold on, open... It's open, you can do it..."

It sounds like giving birth in the delivery room.

Tang Jia couldn't help smiling.

This smile was seen by other young servants, who mistakenly thought that he was a man with a good chest. Shi Mo glared at him fiercely and made several mouth movements. Tang Jie saw clearly that "don't think you will win."

He chuckled and didn't respond.

The scream gradually subsided. Tang Jie knew that the attack was about to be completed.

A moment later, the Master Lu Ling came out with the master and wife. As he walked along, he said, "Congratulations, master and wife. The door opened four times. The young master's talent is still good."

Talent is good, but the will is too low.

Tang Jie said in his heart that Wei Tianchong's earth shaking cry could have imagined that he could not really give full play to all his talents. Otherwise, at least the door would have opened five times. If he had been stronger, it would have been possible to turn six times.

"In the end, it is also a medium quality qualification, much better than Tianzhi... Unfortunately, the men of the Wei family do not have the spirit of their daughters after all." Zheng Shufeng automatically ignored the word "inferior" in "inferior" and instead regretted that men in the Wei family were inferior to women.

Her daughter, Wei qinger, opened the gate six times, but was born with seven emotions. She is very suitable for practicing the martial arts of the thousand emotions Pavilion. Her future is the greatest. Wei Qingsong's daughter, Wei Diemen, opened the gate five times, and her future is also bright. On the contrary, Wei Tianzhi, the eldest young master, only made two turns. Although he entered the moon washing college, he has made little progress. He is still working hard to enter the Linghai rank. If his luck is not enough, the Linghai rank may be the peak of his life.

Wei Qingsong's son, Wei Mingmen, opened the door three times and put pressure on Wei Tianzhi, which has always made Zheng Shufeng unhappy.

Now the younger son's door has opened four times and he has entered the middle class. As long as he manages enough resources, it is theoretically no problem to reach the peak of the spiritual master. As long as there is a good opportunity, it is not impossible to enter the state of mind of heaven.

After all, the family is supported by men. With this four turn Jade Gate, Zheng Shufeng is also relieved.

At this moment, Zheng Shufeng said to the servants below: "young master, you have successfully opened the door. The door turns four times!"

All the servants answered in a loud voice: "Congratulations, young master, congratulations to the master and wife. I wish the young master can become an immortal and improve his family's reputation as soon as possible!"

Zheng Shufeng nodded with satisfaction: "young master, you are the next one. I think some of you have been waiting for this day for a long time."

Hearing this, everyone became nervous.

Tang Jiadao secretly praised Zheng Shufeng's skill.

Young master Wei Tianchong just opened the Jade Gate at this time. It's a time when he needs a rest because of his great vitality. It's estimated that everyone has passed out by now.

At this time, I decided to study as a servant, so he could not interfere.

Although Zheng Shufeng is his mother, even if he wants to intervene, it is useless, but it is also good to have less dissenting voices and less people who refute his face - if her choice is opposed by her husband and son at the same time, it will be difficult for her to do it.

Now that there is less possible opposition, and her husband is not easily able to refute her in domestic affairs, Zheng Shufeng has virtually grasped all power in her own hands.

In this respect, Zheng Shufeng's attitude towards Shi Mo is more obvious - she will never give her son to Shi mo.

By this time, Wei Danbai and Zheng Shufeng had already sat down, Zheng Shufeng Shi Shiran said: "in that case, I don't need to say anything extra. Everyone knows how difficult it is to get a place in the moon washing college. Although the Wei family has a big family and a big career, they can't just throw it on useless people for nothing. After all, it depends on your performance. Now I give you a last chance. If you have anything to say, let's say it one by one. Serving dreams starts with you."

Although Zheng Shufeng's words are implicit, there is no doubt that what he meant was that he wanted everyone to make a devil's wish. Of course, it would be too much to be frank. He always wanted the other party to show his willingness and couldn't wait. The host had to be polite and accept it "reluctantly".

Shi Meng came forward and said in a loud voice: "Shi Meng has been a bodyguard since he was a child, and has been taken care of by his master and wife..."

After saying a lot of grateful nonsense, Shi Meng finally said: "... If you can get the kindness of your master and wife and enter the college, Shi Meng will swear by his evil heart that his heart will always be remembered. From then on, he will be loyal to the Wei family, belong to the Wei family, serve the Wei family wholeheartedly, and shine on our family."

Shi Meng's demonic wish can be said to be moderate. It means loyalty, belonging and service. To put it bluntly, it means that he will be a member of the Wei family in the future, but after becoming a spiritual master, he should also have the treatment.

This is also very normal. People fight for the future, after all, for life change. If they become immortals and have to be servants all their lives, who still has nothing to do to cultivate immortals when they are full?

"Yes." Wei Danbai and Zheng Shufeng only nodded.

After Shi Meng, Shi Mo was supposed to be Shi Mo, but Shi Mo bowed his head and didn't go forward. He pushed another young waiter around him.

The young boy was pushed out by him, but he had no choice but to make a wish on the spot.

He knew that he didn't have much chance. In fact, by this time, everyone knew that it was just a formality. If there was no accident, the only people his wife would choose would be Shi Meng and Tang Jie. That's why the young man made his wishes feebly and listlessly.

One by one, the lads went on the stage until only Tang Jie and Shi Mo were left in the end.

Tang Zhai knew that Shi Mo was going to be the last one on purpose. In this way, no one would follow his example when he made a great wish to become a demon. With a light smile, he walked forward and said, "if you can get the chance to cultivate an immortal under the protection of the Wei family, Tang Zhai will do his best to serve the young master. I'm here to make a wish with my heart demon. The young master will not get rid of the world, the young master will not get rid of his servant, the young master will not get rid of the heaven '

Hearing this, Wei Danbai and Zheng Shufeng were moved at the same time.

Different from the wishes of the young fellows before, Tang Jie's evil wish is very specific.

Young master does not get rid of the ordinary, and Tang Jie does not get rid of his servant. That is to say, the young master Wei Tianchong does not enter the realm of escaping the ordinary for one day, and he will remain a servant for one day in Tang Jie, and will not change his identity. Even if the young master has entered the realm of escape, as long as he has not entered the realm of heaven, then Tang Jie will not escape, that is, he will always appear as the Wei family, of course, he will no longer be a servant.

This is a very solemn commitment, which not only limits himself, but also indicates that the future return to the young master includes not only the service in life but also the care in practice. If he is not sure, he dare not say this.

But at the same time, this is another statement of position, that is, if the young master Wei Tianchong enters the state of mind of heaven one day, he will officially no longer belong to the Wei family and recover his freedom. Of course, as the price of recovering his freedom, he will leave behind immortal Dharma for the Wei family.

Most of the young fellows' vows are illusory and do not refer to real objects. This is to give themselves a chance to turn around in the future. In the case of seeking opportunities, no one will say that they will leave if they succeed in training in the future, although everyone can't help but think so.

Tang Jie was probably the first servant of the Wei family who proposed to leave in the future in his demon wish, but at the same time he also proposed the conditions for leaving the Wei family.

This is what moves Wei Danbai and Zheng Shufeng. The difference is that their performances are completely different.

Wei Danbo snorted, obviously dissatisfied.

Zheng Shufeng showed a smile on her face.

To be able to create an immortal Dharma by oneself, it must at least be the state of mind of heaven. That is to say, Tang Jie must have absolute confidence in himself before he can say this.

To be honest, such promises are actually far more powerful than those of the previous young boys. It is only because of the intention to leave that people do not like them very much. But for a practical woman like Zheng Shufeng, it is more acceptable for her to make such promises with clear goals and returns.

In any case, it is true that defending Tianchong can enter the mind of heaven and that defending the family has the inheritance of immortality. These two points alone are worth all the investment in Tangjie. From this point of view, Tangjie may not be loyal enough, but the return it gives is definitely the richest. At least it is much more beneficial than "serving the Wei family" - living in the Wei family every day and eating without working is also called service. Isn't that what the spirit masters of the Wei family are now? The number of times we really need to use them is actually very few.

In addition, Tang Jie's departure and Wei Tianchong's are bound together, which means that if Tang Jie wants to be free in the future, he must do his best to help Wei Tianchong. From this point of view, he is more motivated than any servant to take care of Wei Tianchong, because it is also for his own good.

Finally, Zheng Shufeng doesn't believe in demonic wishes. She prefers to believe in human nature. In her eyes, if there is a servant school who can reach the state of heaven in the future, it is not beyond the control of a small Wei family. It is better to let him go and make a good marriage. Even if the other party is really free, as long as the relationship is good, he may not help the Wei family in the future. Sometimes, feelings are more important than contracts.

Therefore, she likes Tang Jia's demonic wish very much.

The couple showed different attitudes towards the same wish. For Shi Mo, this was just an opportunity.

At the next moment, he had stepped forward and suddenly knelt down in front of Zheng Shufeng and his wife, Cried: "Under the care of the master and wife, Shi Mo can enter the Wei family, follow the young master to read and write, and live a carefree life. For such a great kindness, Shi Mo can only repay it with powder! Shi Mo knows that he was young and made a big mistake, but now Shi Mo knows that he regrets and is willing to mend his ways. I'd like to make a great wish here. If the master and wife don't mind it and can give Shi Mo another chance, Shi Mo will be loyal to the Wei family from now on. Only the Wei family is the master of his life, and he will never complain, I will never change my mind! "

Great wish!

It is not only a great wish, but also a willing ox and horse who takes the Wei family as the head of his life.

Shi Mo, you are really cruel. In order to cultivate immortality, you don't even take off your humble books. It seems that you have put all your eggs on the table. Tang Jie sneered.

He knows what Shi Mo intends to do. As long as he can become a spiritual master in the future, even if he doesn't want to be a servant, the Wei family can't really use him as a servant. Only he will have the lowest status among all spiritual masters, and even worse than the administrator of Qin!

Hearing Shi Mo's ambition, Zheng Shufeng and his wife were also obviously stunned.

The two of them looked at the Master Lu Lingshi sitting next to them and saw the other side nodding, which confirmed that the other side's wish was from the original heart and could count.

There are no rules for the heart demon to make an oath. The key lies in the heart. The role of master Lv is to confirm whether the heart demon wishes of all servants are sincere.

Wei Danbo asked in a deep voice, "Shi Mo, do you know what you are talking about?"

Shi Mo answered loudly: "the little ones know, the little ones say everything from the bottom of their hearts, and there is no falsehood!"

"In that case, Shufeng, look..." Wei Danbai pondered for a moment and looked at his wife.

Although he had previously discussed with his wife to serve Meng Tang and Zhai, he could not help but be moved by Shi Mo's great ambition. At this moment, he hoped his wife would change her mind.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Shufeng shook her head slightly with a gloomy face.

This move shocked Shi Mo, and even Wei Danbai was dissatisfied: "Shufeng, are you too prejudiced against Shi Mo?"

Zheng Shufeng snorted: "It's not prejudice, but understanding. If it's not suitable, it's not suitable. Even if it's making a great wish, it's meaningless. I, Zheng Shufeng, don't know how to cultivate immortality, but I know how to deal with the world. But I've never heard of anyone who can grow up after making a wish. Besides, there are thousands of people in Wenxin country, and I've never heard of anyone who dares to use a cultivator as a servant. My little Wei family dare not take the lead. Some promises, he dares We dare not accept it... I think it's better to be practical after all. No matter how beautiful a promise is, it's only a promise. It's better to retreat and form a net than to envy fish in the deep. "

This made Wei Danbai speechless. Master Lu smiled and nodded. The ink was like falling into an ice cave. Even Tang Jie was shocked.

He had no idea that Zheng Shufeng was not at all impressed by Shi Mo's evil wish, which greatly exceeded his expectations.

Zheng Shufeng added: "although the Tang Dynasty robbery aims at the long term, it is not illusory and empty. The state of mind of heaven is still far away from the Wei family. If you really exchange a quota for a state of mind of heaven, this business can be greatly done..."

Wei Danbo also smiled, and one place for another day's mood, which is naturally a return of huge profits. Thousands of people enter the Fairy school every year, but on average, they may not be able to get one day's mood a year. The promise of Tang robbery is indeed extremely valuable. Listening to what his wife said was reasonable, he also nodded yes.

Shi Mo shouted: "I don't agree with you! Madam, what's his robbery? Why can he help the young master into heaven? He's just talking like a lamb..."

"Is it enough for me to turn the Jade Gate five times?" Tang robbed youyou.

When he said this, everyone was shocked.