
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
Zu wenig Bewertungen
70 Chs

Chapter 3

With the cheering, a white Xinchang figure appeared in the distance, and quickly swept towards the village.

It was the immortal in white who could not be found by the Tang Dynasty. Unexpectedly, he suddenly appeared at this time.

"It's an immortal. Everyone, get back!" The first time the voice exploded, the thief shouted this sentence.

When he shouted the first word, the white figure had just appeared on the road at the end of the village. The white clothes were floating and the eyebrow raised sword was scabbard. When he shouted the last word, the figure had come to the thief, the sword was falling, the head was flying, and the blood was sprinkled for a long time.

He went straight up against the horse thief like that. The horse thief who had just been arrogant and arrogant suddenly became as frightened as a homeless dog and retreated.

The thief head even shouted: "black sand will be ignorant. I don't know that there is an immortal family here to protect me. I'd like to leave here. Please give me a hand!"

The horse thieves in Yegu valley are always very good. They will never provoke the heaven and the earth, nor will they provoke the place guarded by the immortal gate.

They had inquired about Xiaohe village in advance and had nothing to do with the immortal family, so they dared to do it. Unexpectedly, they still met the immortal.

It seems that the man's momentum is fast and the sword is helpful. At least he is a true spirit Master who has entered the realm of escape from the world and got rid of the mortal identity. Besides, he is decisive in fighting and fierce in swordsmanship. Most of him is a swordsman who majored in killing. This is not something that many people can handle, so he asked for mercy.

The man in white snorted: "the black sand society bandits were killed three days ago. Where is another black sand society? The four seas hall has been harming the neighbors for a long time. It often kills people and slaughters the village. It has done countless evils. How dare you dare to do it

While talking, I have killed three horse thieves. It is easier to kill people than to kill pigs.

The thief named beisihai was exposed by the man in white. He immediately knew that the other party would not let him go, "You immortals occupy the largest land and the most resources. In fact, they take advantage of heaven and earth to enrich themselves, but they do harm to our mortals. Where can we live? There is no need to behave with Laozi orangutans here. Brothers, fight with him. Even if he is a spiritual master, as long as the purple mansion is not opened, he is not immortal!"

As he said, the five great realms of cultivating immortals, not to mention the Zifu realm of the fourth realm. Even the second realm, the extraordinary realm, is not something that horse thieves can fight against with more than 100 people.

On the contrary, the man in white did not refute the North Sea's claim that immortals do not give mortals a way to live, but only slightly frowned and sighed.

The horse thieves are always trying to make a living by raising their heads. Seeing that the other side does not let go of themselves, they are fierce. At this moment, they have rushed up one after another under the call of the north four seas.

Heaven and earth have aura. The immortal can certainly cultivate and improve himself. It is a method that no one can cultivate. His strong points can also strengthen his body.

Although these horse thieves are mortals, they are also influenced by the spirit of heaven and earth. They are strong and strong, and they all have good martial arts. They have fought for many years, and their fighting methods are fierce. Most of the people killed by the Tang robbers are lucky, and the other people underestimate themselves.

Therefore, at this moment, even the man in white couldn't kill him completely. He saw all the swords and shadows in the sky. On the contrary, the North China Sea quietly retreated back at this time. Feelings he shouted others to work hard, but he was ready to run.

He knew very well that the immortal's real terror was not swordsmanship, but magic, so he would never hope for this battle.

At the next moment, the man in white snorted, and the sword in his hand suddenly gave off some light. He soared up and made a circle in the air. Then he saw that the horse thieves had fallen more than ten heads.

"It's Xianjia sword skill!" The horsemen shouted at the same time, their eyes full of fear and despair.

At that moment, the man in white suddenly snorted, his body trembled slightly, and a blood stain appeared on his white clothes.

Seeing this scene, beisihai was stunned at first, and then shouted with joy: "he was injured! He was injured before!"

All the horsemen were in a good mood at the same time, as if the drowning man had caught the life-saving straw and then attacked the white man recklessly.

Sure enough, the man's injury broke out, and the movement was no longer as light as before. Some horse thieves even kept firing at the man in white from afar with their strong bows and crossbows.

"Hum, you little ones!" The man gave a low, angry cry.

These horsemen are really ignorant. They thought that they could deal with the immortal when they were injured. In fact, ordinary injuries could not have a great impact on the monks.

However, just because of ignorance and fearlessness, I can occasionally bump into a big fortune.

The man in white did not suffer from minor injuries. Even if it took a month, he only recovered slightly. However, after he had just used the sword technique, he started the injury. At this moment, he felt that his body was full of spirit, like a river and a sea. He almost burst. He knew that if he did not solve the battle, he was afraid that he would be planted here. It's just that the spirit in his body is running wild now, which is difficult to control. For the time being, he is no longer suitable for any immortal method.

If they flee in fear, and the men in white can kill them all with one sword with their own skills, but now they are surrounded by them, and they can't get away for a while. Seeing that their injuries are getting worse, if they don't solve these sundries, the unlucky ones are afraid of themselves, then they will really capsize in the ditch.

It seems that this is the only way... The man in white thought of looking at the horse thieves who besieged him, and suddenly a ray of magic appeared in his eyes.

"Is this...?" Beisihai, who has been observing carefully, noticed the mistake of the man in white. Seeing the divine light in his eyes, a legendary noun came to mind.


This is a divine idea!

Beisihai is shocked!

The man in front of me is not a state of detachment, but a state of mind!!

At that moment, he had completely given up the idea of killing the immortal, and retreated with all his strength, regardless of everything in the rear.

As the man in white looked, the rest of the horse thieves suddenly held their heads and wailed. Blood flowed out of their eyes, ears, mouths and noses, and fell off the horse.

The original scope of the divine attack is so great that it is impossible for mortals to resist.

But the man in white didn't know why. The scope of the attack was only within ten meters of his body. The North Four Seas fled ahead of time and left the scope of the attack. In addition, the attack was on people but not on horses. The horses were still running, and they took him out alive. However, the aftereffects of the attack made him feel bad. His mind seemed to be pricked by a needle, and he was extremely painful and gave a loud cry.

Just as he was running away, a young man suddenly rushed out of the oblique stab and threw a knife at the back of beisihai.

Hearing the wind behind him, beisihai's head turned sideways, but he dodged the knife. The tip of the knife brushed his head, but he cut off one of his ears.

In a wild howl, the horse with the north four seas has disappeared.

Seeing that he could not catch up again, Tang Jie finally stopped hopelessly.

Looking back at the man in white, the man stood still on the ground after a blow.

On this day, the man who had no place to find finally appeared.

He rode the wind and drove the clouds to meet the bandits who were making a lot of noise and killing people. He sang wildly and killed people wantonly. Everywhere he went, there was a river of blood, and no one could stop his sword.

Those arrogant, arrogant, fierce and fearless horse thieves were killed by the sword of the man in white, and they ran away.

That white figure;

That touch is like an electric sword;

That piece of blood;

It was deeply engraved in the heart of the Tang Dynasty.

Compared with the duel between the two immortals in the sky, the scale of the battle is much smaller, but the impression left in the heart of Tang Jie is more profound.

Even after many years, it is still the most indelible impression in the hearts of Tang Jie. Even if the great magic power of Tianshen palace dominates the world, and the only true self of annihilating Wang is invincible, it can not cover the heroic posture of Xu Muyang sweeping all thieves with a single sword.

Immortals should be like this. They can sweep the tusks with their swords!

However, it was also on this day that Xiaohe village was slaughtered!

Blood flowed all over Xiaohe village, and stained the horizon of Tang robbery!

Tang Jie only thinks that life is full of irony.

On that day, he experienced the ups and downs of his life. He was so happy and so sad that he was almost stupefied. He was so excited that he did not know what to do.

It was hard to turn around and look at the man in white again.

The man in white had spit out a big mouthful of blood. Then he fell down and fainted.

So on the same day, Tang Jie saw an immortal fall.

This made him understand that even a fairy would eventually die.

Perhaps it was precisely this understanding that when he saw the immortal fall down, an unprecedented bold plan came out


Hello, everyone. Starting today, the new book is officially uploaded.

During these years of writing, I have had a lot of feelings. Originally, I had a lot to say, but when it came to the end, I didn't know what to say.

The author, after all, depends on his works.

So I won't say anything superfluous. I just ask you to continue to support and trust fate.