
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 33

"The easiest and most beneficial way to understand the inside story of a sect is to look at its history. The most important difference between a big sect and a small sect lies in its immortal Dharma. How to know which sect has a good immortal Dharma depends on the past of the other. A sect can wither, and the immortal Dharma always exists. If a sect has a true king of Zifu in history, it means that at least there is no problem with the sect's skill. Zifu Zhenjun is a basic benchmark leading to the avenue. As long as you can reach this point, there will be no problem in basic cultivation. Even if the high-level skills of this sect are lost due to various reasons, at least their low-level skills are not mistaken, and they can change to other ones in the future. But if it's those who have never had a real king... You have to be careful. "

Then Tang Jie took out another piece of paper: "For example, the Nu sword sect recorded above was famous for a time, and produced many talents in succession. All of them were strong in the heaven mind state and swept the world for a time. However, the Nu sword sect has never produced a true prince of the purple mansion. Those talented talents of the nu sword sect finally stopped at the peak of the heaven mind, never took the most critical step, and even died because of it. This shows that there are problems with the sect's skills. If you practice it, you will learn it Yes, even if I change my major in the future, I may not have a chance. Of course, it may also be their bad luck, but it's better to kill the wrong person than let them go. "

In fact, the virtual family is a typical example. The family's immortality is limited. There will be problems when you lay the foundation. If you are talented, you will eventually stop walking.

Fortunately, Tian's mood is mixed enough in Qixia, so Xu's life is still OK. But for those who aspire to the road, there is no hope and no hope, which are completely different things.

You can learn skills like Xujia when you are on your way in the future, but you can't use them to lay a foundation. Of course, Xujia is also thinking of ways to do this.

Unlike Qin Yuanwei die, Tang Jie spent half a year with Xu Muyang, and he has long had a clean mind about many important things in the fairy world. In addition to those formal spiritual masters, even some students may not be as knowledgeable as him in this respect.

For example, Xu Muyang told him a lot about the small and medium-sized sects in Wenxin country, and some of them were the result of careful attention in the past two years of the Tang Dynasty. As for the historical discrimination method, it is his original invention. Although it may not be all Chinese, it can not be said that it is unreasonable. At least the skills of these 22 sects are basically credible.

Qin Yuanwei die was stunned. After a while, Wei die asked, "what's your second question?"

Tang Jie said: "different immortal sects have different means. Even if the same magic is used by different people, there will be different changes. What do you think is the fundamental reason for these changes?"

"Each person's qualifications?" Administrator Qin blurted out.

Tang Jia shook his head, but Wei die was still clever and blessed to the heart. "Is it temperament?"

"Yes, temperament is fundamental!" Tang Jie replied: "Everyone has his own temperament, and a person's fate is often directly related to his temperament. There is a radical combatant who only fights all his life. How can he exert his power if you let him learn the eternal immortal Dharma? How can he be brave if you let him learn the art of courageous and enterprising? Temperament is talent. Although physical quality is also important, temperament quality is more important. I can't find myself Even if you go to the orthodox immortal gate, your future achievements will be limited! "

This is what he realized after being whipped by Wei Tian.

Jiuli soldiers dominate by fighting, so their skills are most suitable for fighting, and even their cultivation needs to be improved through fighting.

"Then why do you have to go to Xiyue college?"

"Xiyue college is magnificent and authentic. All kinds of immortals emerge one after another. It can be said that there are all kinds of immortals suitable for any kind of people. After all, there are so many talents in this school that you can always find your own shadow there, so anyone can go there. Even if there is no suitable one, they can create a suit tailored for you. Of course, whether you are willing to do it or not is another matter."

"So it is..." Wei die understood.

"In addition, temperament not only determines your cultivation achievements, but also determines whether you are suitable for that sect. Different sects, different immortals, often have different cultures... Well, I mean different thoughts. If your outlook on life... If your ideas are different from the mainstream ideas of your sect, you will have a hard time in the future. But if you turn around, it will be much easier to enter this sect."

As he said this, Tang Jie waved the previous piece of paper again: "Miss fourth is a woman. There are many sects on it. Masculinity is too strong and it is not suitable for women to cultivate, so you can cross it out first."

With a wave of his pen, he found that a large number of places had been crossed out, and in a twinkling of an eye, only a few were left.

Then Tang Jiadao said: "I don't know much about Miss Si, but I see that she is not afraid of difficulties in order to cultivate immortality, and she does not miss a chance. It can be seen that she is soft in the outside but strong in the inside. She has her own opinions, and once she makes up her mind, she will not easily be shaken. Such a disposition is most suitable for practicing some simple skills that require thousands of hammers and hundreds of tests of toughness. Although these skills are inconspicuous at first, they often have a long aftereffect. In that case, tianruizong and wushenjiao are absolutely unique The three schools of Qingge are suitable for you. However, tianmiezong is too murderous. Miss Si is not determined to fight in the Jianghu, which is inconsistent with tianmiezong's principle that all things in the world can be killed. Moreover, they have become more and more arrogant in recent years. I think they will be destroyed by the moon washing sect sooner or later. If you go there, you'd better forget it. "

"The five gods cult is mysterious. Although it was once a true ruler of Zifu, it has been too old. Now it has become too scattered to be like anything. I only live by bluffing. Unless there is no way to go, I don't recommend going there. Although we stress history, we can't ignore the present."

"As for the jueyou Pavilion, the leader of the jueyou Pavilion came from the qianqingzong. It is said that she was hurt by men and hated men a little. So she left the qianqingzong and created the jueyou Pavilion. The leader of the jueyou Pavilion is also a talent of heaven. After leaving that year, he made a great wish not to spread the secret of the qianqingzong, but created a set of jueyou mental skills based on the basic mental skills of the qianqingzong, and used it as a basis for transmission. Although the jueyou pavilion has never been released Zifu Zhenjun, but that's because her time to create the sect is too short, and the master of the pavilion created the Kung Fu based on the thousand emotions sect. I believe that on the basis of cultivation, at least she won't take detours. In addition, she can create her own immortality. Not to mention her talent, at least this insight is absolutely first-class. After all, self created immortality has little to do with cultivation talent, and is more closely related to life experience, experience and cognition of immortality. As a teacher, Experienced teachers are always better than gifted ones, so I also list this school as one of the 22 schools that can be selected. "

After speaking for such a long time, Tang Jie drank some water, After a rest, he continued: "The fourth lady wants to be fair and doesn't resent being trampled on by men. In fact, she has something in common with the leader of the pavilion. People always have to speak the same language to be friends. If someone with different temperament becomes a master or apprentice, I'm afraid they won't get along well. On the other hand, if they have the same temperament, things will be much simpler. People in the pavilion have extreme temperament. If you really want to enter the pavilion, be careful not to be brainwashed into seeing men Just hate me. "

"I see." Wei die blushed and replied, "in that case, let's go to the Jedi Pavilion."

"Although the position of the Jedi Pavilion in Wenxin country is not high, and the requirements for apprentices are not outrageous, not everyone can enter it. It needs 500 Lingqian every year."

"Five hundred coins!" Wei die was immediately embarrassed.

Qin yuan also said sadly: "it's not cheap. The Xiyue college only needs 300 Lingqian."

Tang Jia said with a smile: "The reason why the Xiyue academy only needs 300 is that they don't rely on tuition fees to make money. Their main purpose is to select talents, expand their influence and establish a long-term foundation. The temple of the jueying Pavilion is small and can't receive local offerings. They have to pay a fee to the Xiyue sect every year, so they can only calculate the tuition fees. If you really calculate, in fact, these 500 Lingqian are very cheap. The most important thing is that their places are not so rare, and there are not so many follow-up places. If you really include the number of places and subsequent costs, the price of the moon washing college will be 100 times higher than that of the Jedi Pavilion. The second master can't fight for a place for the fourth lady to wash the moon, but in his capacity, the number of people in the jueying Pavilion and 500 coins a year are all right. "

"But I've heard that even if you go to the Academy of the Jedi Pavilion, it doesn't mean you can enter the Jedi Pavilion."

"That's natural. The moon washing academy is not a place where you can enter the moon washing school. After entering the Academy, you still have to perform by yourself. That's why I suggest Miss fourth go there. With Miss fourth's temperament, it should be more suitable for the Jedi Pavilion. You have a better chance of success. Don't look at the temple of the Jedi Pavilion. As long as you choose the right way and get good grades, Miss fourth's future achievements may not be small."

"I'm afraid my father won't agree." Wei die sighs.

Five hundred coins are not cheap, the standard price is equivalent to 500000 yuan, and the black market price will be several times higher. Whether Wei Qingsong is Wei Danbo or not, he may not be so generous.

Tang Jie said with a smile: "even if the second master is not the head of the family, he is also the main member of the Wei family after all. He should still be able to take out 500 Lingqian every year, so the key is not whether the second master has it, but whether he is willing or not."

Tang Jie said this to Wei die. She sighed and replied, "I'm a daughter's house after all..."

"Wrong!" Tang Jie replied with a stern look: "my daughter is not the reason why the second master is unwilling."

"Well?" Wei die and Tang Jie watch Tang Jie in surprise.

Tang Jie said: "parents all over the world, men and women alike, love each other the same. There are many factors that affect their treatment. Of course, there is an important reason for son preference, but there may not be any other reason. Has Miss Si ever thought about what you have done since you were a child to make your parents trust you?"

"Let your parents trust you?"

"Yes!" Tang Jiazheng said: "Now the biggest people in the Wei family are the old man and the old lady, but the old lady is in charge of the whole Wei family. Even the old lady will listen to what she says on weekdays. Why do you think this is because she is the eldest daughter-in-law of the Wei family? No, it is because the wife is smart enough to be worthy of the family. When she is in office, we servants do not disagree with her. Even immortal masters like LV are willing to obey her orders!"

Qin yuan nodded repeatedly when he said this. Zheng Shufeng is a shrewd woman and does things fairly. Even if she beats and scolds people, everyone will not blame him. She is much better than Wei Lan's heart and has always been popular.

Speaking of this, Tang Jie sighed: "I want to prove that I'm better than a man. I don't rely on empty words, but I have to do it. In fact, if fourth miss can really succeed in cultivating immortality, the second master must be happy. Even if fourth Miss wants to marry off in the future, it will be the daughter of the Wei family. If the Wei family really needs it, fourth Miss must be willing to help her mother's family. So even if I discount the price of my daughter in half and then in half, the young master can spend 100000 silver on me Ah, isn't it too much to spend 20000 silver on your daughter? What's more, it's only five hundred Lingqian. "

"So the key is confidence!" Tang Jie said: "if you want the second master to pay this money for you, it's very simple. Let him have confidence in you."

"How does confidence come from?"

"Of course it's made!" Tang Jia said with a smile: "In a few days, the old lady's 70th birthday will be the most important event of the Wei family in the near future. As a rule, the Wei family will put up lanterns and decorations and entertain guests. This is generally the responsibility of the wife. Why don't you go to the wife to ask for an errand and take charge of some of it? As long as you take care of the old lady's birthday, you will have a contribution to it, and everyone will believe in your ability. If you have nothing to do, you should be more filial to them Believe me, even if you marry out in the future, your heart will be in your mother's family... In this case, even if you don't tell me, I believe the second master will have the idea of sending you to school. In fact, parents' expectations of their children are sometimes very simple. A big mistake can be forgiven as a small mistake, and a small achievement is often boasted of as a big achievement. The fourth lady has done her duty to convince people of you. The second master will naturally trust you when he sees you. "

"But... But I'm afraid I can't do it well." Wei Diena answered.

"If you can't, you have to!" Don't rob a guest in the Tang Dynasty: "This kind of thing can't be done well. What immortal do you want? Do you think that as long as you enter the immortal gate, you can study and practice the immortal method every day? Or do you think that if you don't eat the fireworks between people, there will be no pickling in the world? The immortal road is like a mountain road, and thousands of people compete. You have to compete before you enter the immortal gate, but after you enter the immortal gate, and you have to compete more fiercely, more directly, more cruel, more dangerous, and more likely to die! When you step on the immortal Road, you are on the road to compete, At any time, people may be pushed out of the mountain path and fall off the cliff. If you don't fight and don't do it, it's better not to repair it! "

"It's better not to repair than not to argue and do?" Wei die was stunned by this and stared at Tang Jie.

Maybe it was because he knew that his tone was heavy, and Tang Jie relaxed a little. Then he continued: "as the fourth young lady, you have all kinds of advantages. If you can't stand out in your family and let people look up to you, you may not be able to compete with others if you go to the jueying Academy. So let's start here. This is your opportunity to enter the Xianmen, and it is also the training you must have before you enter the Xianmen. I believe you can do it."

Hearing Tang Jiayao's final encouragement, Wei die's eyes finally brightened and she saluted Tang Jiayao: "thank you for your advice. Wei die understands."

Tang Jie smiled: "you're welcome. Remember, don't think too much when doing things. Just concentrate on doing things well. Success is sometimes very simple. It can be summarized in eight words, that is, to be a low-key person and do things with a high profile. Well, I won't say much about others. Everything depends on yourself."

After finishing the conversation, he found that the two looked at themselves strangely. He was slightly surprised: "what's the matter? Did I say something wrong?"

Qin yuan calmed down and said, "it's unexpected that a child can think so much... Are you really only fourteen?"

"..." this time it's Tang Jia's turn to say nothing.

After all, Wei die said with a smile: "anyway, I'd like to thank you for your advice. If Wei die is successful in becoming an immortal in the future, she will never forget what Mr. Tang taught her today. If she needs it in the future, Wei die will not let her down!"

As the fourth young lady, she called a servant of Tang Zhai a young man. It can be seen that she has attached great importance to Tang Zhai.

"It's very kind of you, miss." Tang Jie said with a smile: "but speaking of it, I really need the help of miss four for something when I arrive..."

Tang Jie is a short-lived person who doesn't let go of his overnight debt. He has just helped Miss Si, and the next moment he starts to collect interest.