
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 32

This is the devil's wish that every servant must give before entering the College - the family will not be foolish enough to believe you just by one word.

Compared with the promise of red lips and white teeth, the desire for evil is obviously a more restrictive force.

There are big wishes and small wishes. For example, the great wish to destroy the Heaven Temple issued by the Tang Dynasty robbery was a big wish. But Xu Muyang was rescued by the Tang Dynasty. If he wants to solve the cause and effect, he can't even call it a "wish" and can only be called a non wish.

Unwillingness is like opening the door to do business. Success or failure is only the business of one or two guests, which basically has no impact. Trying to maintain it is just a habit.

Small wishes are ordinary wishes, just like contract sales of a company, each one is much more critical. Losing one may not be fatal, but it will inevitably have serious consequences and effects, and we can't be negligent easily.

Big wish is like a big contract involving the survival of the company. Once it is not completed, it may face bank dunning, poor turnover and direct bankruptcy.

Therefore, it is not allowed to make great vows lightly, but making great vows can help practitioners strengthen their heart, erect their heart base, and make their practice more smooth.

This is the nature of wish.

Willingness has both nature and content.

"I have a great ambition. From now on, every meal must have meat!"

This kind of nonsense can also be called a big wish, but it is meaningless. It is to make trouble for yourself, but it will not bring benefits.

As for the wish "I make a great wish, I will destroy the Tianshen Palace", it is a wish to destroy demons. It will not bring any benefits to Tang Jia's cultivation, but it will get additional help when he goes to the Tianshen palace in the future. As for how to embody the help, everyone has his own differences.

"I make a great wish to break the world's all powerful dharmas" is a Dharma breaking wish, which does not mean that he can really break the world's all dharmas, but can provide additional assistance when he breaks the Dharma. However, his great wish magic is incomparable. Not only can he make a temporary wish every time he fights, but also he can modify his great wish. Even after he disobeys his wish, the price he pays is much smaller than that of ordinary people.

As for seeking eternal life and happiness, this is called the fundamental wish, which is the fundamental pursuit of practitioners in their lives. Therefore, the vast majority of grand wishes are fundamental wishes.

The great wish is the form, the wish to destroy the devil is the fundamental wish, and the wish to break the law is the content. It can be made into a big wish or a small wish.

Before entering school, the servants of each big family usually make wishes to the family. This kind of wishes is called requital wishes. As for the specific contents, they are different.

Because it involves Xianji Daoguo, the family generally does not force servants to learn to make big wishes, but small wishes are still necessary, but if someone is willing to make big wishes himself, he will not stop it.

The reason why Tang Jia thought that Shi Mo still had a chance was because of his evil wish.

In the past, Shi Mo thought that he still had a chance, and would definitely not raise his promise to enter school. But this time, Shi Mo was on the cusp of the storm again, which made him realize that it was impossible for him to be selected by his wife, and he would no longer superstitious about his "secretary" status.

When people are in a desperate situation, they often fight at the last ditch.

In order to enter the college, Shi Mo's only way is to improve his commitment to return, and make the highest level of gratitude in the form of a big wish - when you can't borrow money, increase interest. The world will never lack venture capitalists!

Of course, this does not mean that everyone can do this.

You have to be qualified first.

And not all those who are really qualified are willing to make such a choice.

The road to cultivating immortality is dangerous. If you work hard just to be a high-level slave, you might as well spend your life in peace.

But Tang Jie knew that Shi Mo was very likely to do so.

Because he knew Shi Mo, he could see the desire for fame and power in Shi Mo's eyes.

For this, even if he sold it for half his life, he would fight for it.

At this moment, when he heard the four words "heart demon great wish", administrator Qin suddenly woke up and frowned: "if this is the case, it is indeed some trouble. If it is not possible, you can do it."

"It's just a waste. It's like an auction. It depends on who offers the higher price. This pursuit at all costs is not a matter of life and death. It's absolutely unnecessary." Tang Jie shook his head and said: "I trust the Wei family's blessing. If I can go to Xiyue college in the future, I will definitely repay the Wei family. But I haven't planned to sell the rest of my life... Uncle Qin knows that my ambition in life is to be free and carefree. Although I haven't made a vow to lay the foundation, I have remembered my original intention. If I sell the rest of my life for the sake of cultivating immortality, it will be against my original intention. Even if I set foot on the path of immortality, it will be meaningless. So I can take this temporary servant if I listen to it for a while Yes, I can't live forever! "

"No matter how ambitious you are, you must enter the immortal gate. What's the use of not entering?"

"You may not be able to enter. There is the simplest way to break the evil wish of Shi Mo, but I don't want to use it."

"What can I do?"

Tang Jie said with a smile: "in fact, the Wei family is not a Xiuxian family after all. I don't really know about Xinmo wish. I've had the pleasure of contacting immortals, and now I know something about Xinmo wish."

"Have you ever touched a fairy?" Manager Qin was surprised.

"Yes." Tang Jie nodded: "it's just an encounter. We've been together for a short time. I've learned something about the cultivation of immortals since I was instructed by him. As far as I know, the great wish of the devil still has many restrictions. Its role is far less than everyone thinks."

"How do you say that?"

"Uncle Qin, do you know why those who cultivate immortality have evil spirits?"

"I don't know." Qin yuan is just an ordinary steward. He is well-informed if he can know the heart evil robbery. Where can he know why there is heart evil robbery.

Tang Jia smiled, answer: "The five realms of cultivating immortality are Lingtai, tuofan, Tianxin, Zifu and Xiantai. Among them, Lingtai cultivates Qi. It opens up a sea of spirit in the body, absorbs the spirit, and generates various spells through the use of the spirit. However, this kind of magic can only be carried out through its own consumption, and it does not change itself much. To put it bluntly, it only masters a means of using Qi, just like the difference between ordinary people with weapons and those without weapons. When it comes to tuofan, fight After the bridge connecting heaven and earth, the cultivator can use the spirit in his body to mobilize the spirit in heaven and earth to cast spells. At this time, the spirit in his body is only an introduction and a booster. There is a limit to human power, but the power of heaven and earth is unlimited. So at this time, the immortal master really has the ability to go to heaven and earth. In addition, another difference between the transcendental realm and the Lingtai is that you can use the aura to cleanse yourself and transform yourself. Then uncle Qin, do you know what is the cultivation of heaven and mind? "

Manager Qin shook his head in a daze.

"In fact, heaven's state of mind is to further refine on the basis of refining themselves, but at this level, what they want to refine is no longer the body, but..." Tang Jie pointed to his head.

Manager Qin shuddered: "head?"

"To be exact, it's the brain, it's the consciousness. Although the transcendental realm is separated from the mortal body, the head is still the key. The heart can't die if it's damaged, but the brain can't die if it's gone. It's just because it's still ordinary here. The brain is the most precise place of the human body. Even those immortals in the transcendental realm who go from heaven to earth can't be refined at will. They can't go on step by step until the mind of heaven has been completed. Once they have achieved it, they will become spiritual and take another step This is my mind. The so-called spiritual thoughts or divine thoughts are actually our invisible consciousness turned into tangible existence. "

On hearing this, administrator Qin suddenly realized: "do you mean that this is how the evil spirit robbery came about?"

"That's right. The cultivation of spiritual thoughts in the state of mind of heaven turns the invisible into the tangible, accompanied by the mind demons that also turn the invisible into the tangible. The mind demons are those thoughts that we once regretted and regretted. In the process of spiritual thoughts turning into the form, they arise out of nothing. To put it bluntly, they are just the difference between spiritual thoughts and demonic thoughts, just like the two sides of good and evil. Spiritual thoughts are controllable. To practice to the highest level is to move heaven and earth without pinching the Dharma formula This is the purple mansion. Demonic thoughts are uncontrollable, and they will only eat back at themselves. Therefore, the mind demonic disaster is actually a disaster that can only occur when you are in a state of mind. "

"That is to say, if they are just ordinary spiritual masters, they are not afraid of being robbed by evil spirits?"

"I'm afraid of it, but I'm just afraid that I've done too many bad things now, and I'll always get revenge in the future when I enter the state of heaven. But if I make up my mind to stop getting out of the ordinary and not to make progress, then I really don't have to be afraid."

"But the master at home has never said that," said manager Qin

"Why did they say that?" Tang Jie asked back: "they want to make a vow when they enter the Wei mansion. Since they make a vow, the reward will naturally be higher. Who can tell the master that I'm not going to enter heaven's mood in my life? Don't take my demonic wish seriously?"

"Governor Qin was completely speechless.

Tang Jie said with a smile: "in fact, the old Xiuxian family knows this kind of thing, but nobody will say it. After all, it's easy to offend people. You should know that many spiritual masters rely on it to eat. After all, the Wei family has become powerful for a short time, and they don't have their own spiritual masters, so they don't know a lot of things. Moreover, those spiritual masters may not have the intention to cheat, and many spiritual masters may not know that."

"And why?" Qin Yuanda was curious. How could he not even know the spirit Master?

"Because cultivation itself is a very dangerous thing. If you are careless, you will be possessed. If you know the later cultivation way too early, you may have a chance to try it. It may be just a moment of curiosity, but the end is often tragic! For the sake of safety, most teachers will not tell their younger generation these things too early. Even those who know will be warned not to talk about them and not to try lightly."

"How can you..."

"The immortal didn't intend to take me as an apprentice. I still don't know any Fairy Magic, so I just chatted casually. Maybe it's impossible for me to enter the college in my life before he wants to come." Tang Jia answered with a smile.

In fact, the reason why Xu Muyang told him this was that he liked his calm personality and believed that he would not act foolishly. On the other hand, he drank a few more glasses of wine that day and was unprepared for the Tang Dynasty robbery. He said it more often. In this way, he regretted to death afterwards, and repeatedly reminded Tang Jie not to try. Fortunately, Tang Jie doesn't think he is a person who can succeed in everything he tries, and he never neglects anything related to security.

However, supervisor Qin paced several steps repeatedly, shook his head and said, "no, I must tell my wife about this."

"Forget it." Tang Jie advised him: "if you really say it, won't you be hated all your life by those spiritual masters? If you let them remember it... They want to kill you, then you don't know how to die. In fact, those spiritual masters may not have the idea of impacting heaven's mood. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, who is really willing to stop? So it's still meaningful to have evil wishes. Just don't take them too seriously, and you can't rely on them."

Hearing this, Manager Qin can only sigh: "I hope they don't know it. You're right. If I poke it out, whether they know it or not, it's not a good thing. If they accidentally hurt people, it's even worse. My wife is astute and never trusts loyalty in her demonic wishes. She always says that demonic wishes are important, but human nature is equally important. Only by doing both can we ensure the safety of the family."

"That's it." Tang Jia said with a smile, "that really intelligent person never superstitions about things he doesn't understand. His wife is wise!"

"However, since you can't say it, the great wish of Shi Mo can't be stopped, so you can only choose to follow Shi Mo's example. It's better to end your life standing still than not being able to enter the immortal gate."

Unfortunately, Tang Jie was unwilling: "I won't bet all my money on the future. In fact, even if the Wei family really doesn't choose me, I'm confident that I can enter the immortal sect, but it will be a lot of trouble."

On hearing this, administrator Qin was stunned: "do you think you have other ways to enter the immortal gate?"

Tang Jie replied: "of course, there are not only Xiyue sect in Wenxin country. If I can't enter Xiyue academy, can I still go to other sects? But Xiyue academy is an authentic sect and can follow the right path, why do I have to follow the path? If I'm willing to stop, Wenxin country has a lot of sects to choose from. It's easier to enter any sect than Xiyue. Besides..."

He wanted to say that I still had a way to win Shi mo. unexpectedly, before he could finish speaking, administrator Qin seized Tang Jie and said excitedly, "that is to say, you know how to get into another sect? I beg you to help me, Xiao Jie!"

"Uncle Qin, what are you doing?" Tang Jiayi was stunned. He had never seen manager Qin so excited, especially when he used the word "beg" to himself?

Manager Qin said excitedly, "please help Miss fourth! She's going crazy to be an immortal!"


In the dark cabin, Wei die sits nervously in front of Tang Jie. Next to her is the equally nervous administrator Qin.

After rubbing his hands, manager Qin said with some embarrassment: "I'm not afraid of your jokes, Xiao Jie. I've always watched Miss fourth grow up and treated her as my own daughter. Over the years, Miss fourth, as a woman, has no chance to become an immortal. She's very upset. I'm worried..."

"I know that the year Miss fourth was born was also the year Xiao Ru's sister died, right?" Tang Jie said faintly.

Supervisor Qin shuddered for a moment, then bowed his head and sobbed softly.

Manager Qin had a daughter named Qin Ru, who was Qin yuan's only daughter.

The year Wei die was born, Qin Ru was seriously ill and died. It happened that Wei die was just born at that time, and the people in the Wei family were busy. Qin yuan didn't even have time to take a last look at his daughter.

This was a great blow to Qin yuan.

A girl and a girl died. Just after Wei die was born, Qin Yuan found that Wei die and his daughter were somewhat similar, so he involuntarily put all his feelings on the girl. In his heart, he always had an idea that Wei die might be the reincarnation of his daughter. Although Wei die was born earlier than Qin Ru died, Qin yuan ignored this point automatically and regarded it as the reincarnation of his own daughter.

Over the years, his father like love for Wei die has never been a secret. It's just that administrator Qin thought it was a secret. It was only at this moment that Tang Jiake spoke out faintly that administrator Qin lowered his head and wept softly.

After a while, administrator Qin said, "Xiao Jie, if you really have a way, teach miss four how to enter the immortal gate. As long as you help me fulfill this wish, you will not owe me anything in the future..."

"Uncle Qin..."

Wei die and Tang Jie have shouted at the same time.

Wei die is moved. In the matter of cultivating immortality, her biological father Wei Qingsong has never worked so hard, but administrator Qin has really exhausted his mind and never missed a chance.

Tang Zhai was slightly dissatisfied: "Uncle Qin regards me as someone who is his own. What do I owe? I will certainly try my best to deal with the fourth lady's affairs, but whether she can succeed or not depends on herself."

Wei die said hurriedly: "I want to be an immortal. I'm willing to eat whatever it is!"

"If you are willing to endure hardship and can cultivate immortality, then all immortals in the world are poor. Can a rich family endure hardship more than a farmer?" Tang Jie disdained to answer.

Wei die blushed and could only say: "what do you say we should do?"

"If you want to enter the immortal gate, you must first set a goal. Miss, I ask you, why do you want to cultivate immortality..."

Wei die thought seriously for a while before answering: "I want to cultivate immortality because I don't believe it. Why can men and women not? It's unfair, and becoming an immortal and being free is also my pursuit."

"So you cultivate immortality for fairness and freedom?"

"Yes, fair and free!" Wei die said categorically.

"Well, I'll ask you again. What do you think of you? I mean, evaluate your temperament yourself."

"Ah?" Wei die didn't expect that Tang Dynasty would ask this question. She was puzzled for a while and finally murmured: "I think... I should be a good girl..."

Wei die was embarrassed to say this boast. When she said the last few words, her face turned red with shame. She lowered her head and dared not look at the Tang robbery.

Qin yuan hurriedly said: "Dieer is a good child. She is gentle and kind to her servants."

But Tang Jie said faintly, "what you say counts."

"Ah?" This time Qin Yuan made a noise.

Tang Jie replied: "your feelings for Miss fourth will hinder you from making a fair evaluation, so your evaluation can't count. You need to observe and analyze with your eyes and heart what Miss fourth is. It takes time to test. In my opinion, Miss fourth still has a gap from this generous evaluation."

Wei die's face turned red. "Tang Jie, I came to beg you personally today because Uncle Qin said you had a way to help me enter the immortal sect, not to insult me. What does your question have to do with my entering the immortal sect?"

"Of course it's OK. If you can't get into the Xiyue college, you'll have to take the second place. But Wenxin is the only school in the National University, and there are countless small schools. You need to think carefully about which one is better. I know that for you, as long as you can get into the immortal school, but I'm afraid you'll act too hastily. If you don't treat it carefully now, you'll regret it in the future. Miss Si is like a person who is going to starve to death, even if you catch a bite I can't choose Xianmen for my young lady at will. Fourth miss, it's not that simple to cultivate immortality. You must be careful at every step from the foundation. Once you make a mistake, you may lose your opportunity all your life. "

Tang Jie took out a piece of paper from his body. Wei die saw a row of names written on it. It was astonishing that there were all kinds of sects in Wenxin country except Xiyue sect.

Tang Jie put the paper on the table, Say: "In Wenxin Kingdom, there are hundreds of other immortal sects, big and small, except the Xiyue sect, which is the only big sect. But Miss Fang knows that among these hundreds of sects, there are actually very few who can lead to the main road. Some of the skills may have been well practiced at that time, but they deviated from the main road and laid the wrong foundation. No matter how hard they work, their achievements will be limited. The direction of life is very important. If they go the wrong way, they will lead in the opposite direction. So I ask Miss Fang the first question, I just want to know if Miss fourth is interested in the avenue. If Miss fourth's ambition is not here, let's find the easiest one to enter and make do with it. "

"How can that work?" Wei die cried out: "I seek fairness, but not fooling!"

"Well said." Tang Jia shook the paper in his hand again: "there are 22 sects on this one. I specially selected them. I think they have a future in cultivation. Since Miss Si wants to have a good way, I have to start from these 22 sects."

"Wait." Manager Qin was confused. "How do you know that these 22 schools can build a road, but others can't?"

Tang Jie replied, "look at history."

"Look at history?"

They were confused by Tang Jie's answer.

"Yes, look at history! The sky is unpredictable and the future cannot be pushed, but the future is always repeating history. So if you can understand history, you can understand the future!"