
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 30

In the afternoon, Shi Yue came to the garden and saw that Tang Jie was still busy. She gave a light smile. Ping Ting came over and stood behind Tang Jie. She patted him and cried, "Hello!"

Tang Jie was unmoved and calmly turned around and said, "how are you, sister Shiyue?"

"Is it so hard to scare you once, or have you seen someone else?" Shi Yue watched the Tang robbery with big watery eyes.

"I just heard footsteps." Tang Jie replied, "by the way, why are you free now?"

Shi Yue covered her mouth again and smiled lightly, but gave Tang Zhai a look: "it's not your good deed. Before noon, the young master Ji went to his aunt's side. Did you see that? His eyes were red. It was almost impossible for tears to fall! I said how could you offend him so hard?"

"What does it have to do with me?" Tang Jie "hugged his wrongs" and offered his hand: "it's just that Shi Mo taught him some rules for being a servant. That young Ji can't stand it."

Tang Jie casually told Ji Ziqian about Shi Mo's "training" as a servant. All morning, Shi Mo didn't let Ji Ziqian idle. He was really a servant.

Ji Ziqian can endure it. He can endure it. It's a pity that he is a young master after all. People usually serve him. How can he do those things? Even if he is willing to do them, he can't do them well. So he has been taught by Shi Mo all morning.

Chai Si was sent away, and a group of servants ignored him. He couldn't even find anyone to help.

Rao is that no matter how well cultivated he is, his uncle and aunt can endure this situation. Finally, he found an excuse to run away and went back to his mother to cry.

Hearing the news, Shi Yue finally couldn't help laughing and clapped her hands and said, "OK, OK, well done. These jobs are always done by our servants, and he comes to learn as a servant. Even if he tells his wife, we have a reason."

"I don't think so." Tang Jia sighed: "let me tell you, this is not beautiful, but worse."

"Eh? Why is this?" Shi Yue was puzzled.

Tang Jie replied: "We usually have a goal to pursue when we do things. If it is difficult to achieve the goal, we often need some circuitous means, which can easily lead to forgetting the original goal in the circuitous process. In fact, there are such problems in the way we treat young master Ji this time. Although we said that we taught Ji Ziqian a hard lesson today and gave him a bad breath, is our goal to teach him a lesson?"

As soon as Shi Yue was stunned, Tang Jie's voice became gloomy: "it's to drive him away! All the plans and means should be related to this most direct goal. If you can't achieve this goal, the effect will only be counterproductive."

In order to identify himself, Tang Jie did not come out to drive Ji Ziqian away. He just secretly controlled everything, but he could not participate in the specific plans of Shi Mo and others, and could not give timely advice.

This is also the drawback of behind the scenes remote control. It can only give directions, but it is difficult to intervene in how to implement it. It can only depend on the ability of the executor.

In the morning, Shi Mo actually made the same mistake of lacking purpose as last time. Unfortunately, although Tang Jie saw it, he could not correct it.

It was not until Shi Yue came at this moment that Tang Zhai finally had the opportunity to speak out. He wanted to use Shi Yue's words to correct the mistakes of these little bastards.

At this moment, Shi Yue heard very little and said, "but isn't the young master of the Ji family angry?"

"I was angry today, but I will come back." Tang robbery means a lot.

Shi Yue opened her mouth: "do you mean... They won't really leave?"

"It's impossible to give up so easily." Tang jiayouyou said: "when they come back, it's not that simple."

Now Ji Ziqian is trapped because he didn't expect the Wei family to be so hostile to him, which is equivalent to being beaten first.

It's no wonder that although Ji Ziqian said that he knew books and etiquette, it was only education and had nothing to do with understanding each other.

If he really puts himself in the other side's shoes and thinks about things from the other side's perspective... Let alone being a minor, even if he is a real adult, there may not be many people in the Jianghu who can do this.

However, after this incident, Ji Ziqian will be vigilant, and it will not be easy to trap him in the future.

In any case, he is Wei Tianchong's cousin and has a lot of chances to return.

Therefore, if an opponent like this can't be killed at one stroke, then wait to be bitten back.

That's why the Tang Dynasty robbery was deeply troubling. Unfortunately, he couldn't point it out, and he could only regret that the clever woman had no rice to cook. She had these materials in her hands, and they could not be used openly. Many things could only happen but could not be stopped.

When he heard this, even Shi Yue felt a tingle: "that's troublesome. With my aunt's temper, she's definitely going to be angry. I'm afraid you'll all be in bad luck."

"Angry?" Tang Jiafan was stunned. After thinking for a while, he said, "do you think my aunt will come to Jingxin garden to make trouble?"

"That's for sure!" Shi Yue replied: "this aunt's temper is not good in the Wei family. She often beats and scolds people before she gets married. After she gets married, her temper is only a little restrained, but it's not much better. Although she is polite now, she is begging the Wei family. Once she knows that her son has been humiliated, she will definitely come and make a scene."

"You weren't born when my aunt got married. How could you know so well?"

"That's what the old people in the mansion say, and the servant girl ningcui she brought with her has been very close to me these days."

"Well... Then the stewards should know this?"

"Of course they know."

Looking down for a moment, Tang Jie's face showed a smile.

He Hei hei said: "OK, that's good. I'll tell you how dare those boys are this time and how mindless they are. There's also a major play behind their feelings. They are good at planning for people... They should be the ones who are behind. Hei hei, if ginger is still hot, I'll learn it this time!"

"What do you mean by that?" Shi Yue was puzzled.

"Nothing." Tang Jie replied: "being angry is a good thing. I'm afraid she won't be angry... By the way, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble sister Shiyue for something."

"Look at what you said. Don't call me sister anymore. I'm no older than you. Just call me by my name. If you have anything to say, I'll help you if I can..."


"Wei Tianchong, get out of here, you little rabbit!"

Wei Lanxin dragged her son to Jingxin garden. Before she entered, she pointed at the house and scolded loudly.

Wei Tianchong poked his head out of the window and saw that it was his aunt. His head shrank back in fear.

Seeing that Wei Tian couldn't rush out, Wei Lan was about to go in. The two men, Shi Mo, had stopped him at the same time and shouted: "aunt, this is the young master's study. Without permission..."

"Get out of here!" Wei Lanxin slapped Shi Mo in the face and said, "you bullied my son. I'll settle with you later!"

With these words, I rushed into the house.

As soon as I entered the room, I heard a clatter of broken porcelain. Several vase fragments had appeared at Wei Lanxin's feet. Wei Lan was stunned and didn't think much about how the vase was placed at the door. She rushed straight to Wei Tianchong. Seeing that the form was bad, the young master turned around and ran away. The waiter Meng next to him had stopped her. He was still holding a chair in his hand.

Wei Lan's heart straightened: "I think you dare to fight?"

The waiter Meng shivered for a moment, but didn't dare to start after all, so he had to put down his chair.

Wei Lanxin picked up the chair and threw it at her.

As Shi Meng lowered his head, the chair flew past his head and hit a picture of Haiyan mountains hanging in the middle hall. A big hole was smashed in the picture. The back of the chair wiped Wei Tianchong's head. He cried out in pain, but when he touched his head, blood came out.

Wei Lanxin is still chasing after her. Shi Mo has rushed up behind her, hugged Wei Lanxin's feet and shouted: "young master, run!"

At this time, Wei Tianchong showed his unusual flexibility and jumped out of the window. Wei Lan wanted to catch up with him, but was hugged by Shi mo. seeing that the boy ran away, he was so angry and helpless that he simply sat down and cried: "Wei Tianchong, you have no conscience. How can you treat your cousin like this? How can Wei Lan's heart be so bitter? I've only been away from home for a few years. Now everyone is bullying me!"

Seeing that his aunt didn't catch up with him, Wei Tian finally stopped. Hearing Wei Lan's complaint, she felt a little sorry. She stopped, looked back and murmured: "I... I didn't do anything... I just asked people to teach him some rules..."

"He's your cousin. How can you let him do other people's work!" Wei Lanxin shouted.

"But he came to study as a servant. He is a servant." Wei Tian was angry and shouted.

Wei Lanxin was stunned when she heard this, and then cried loudly: "you... You said such a thing. I brought you up when you were a child! Do you know how kind I was to you when you were a child? At that time, I took you to play every day, and you cried all day to go out with your second sister-in-law. I brought you up with shit and urine. How can you treat me like this? Do you have a conscience..."

Wei Tianchong's face turned red and white after being taught by him. He had no memory of those childhood events and did not know what to say.

At this time, Shi Mo saw that the woman had stopped chasing, and also let go of her hand and ran back quickly to stand with Wei Tianchong.

Wei Lanxin is still complaining, but it is endless. All kinds of care for Wei Tianchong as a child come together, as if Wei Tianchong pointed at her to feed and care for herself.

All the people in the Jingxin garden were startled by her and ran over. They saw that it was Wei's aunt. Nobody dared to persuade her. They just looked on and Wei Lanxin was performing there alone.

Her son Ji Ziqian looked around, feeling extremely ashamed. He tried to persuade her and said, "Mom, forget it."

Wei Lan's heart pushed away her son's hand and shouted, "don't mind!"

Pointing at Wei Tianchong, he continued to scold, but his words were simple, he just repeated those words, and even the content of care was not fresh after he said it several times.

Tang Jia watched and laughed in his heart. After she scolded for a while, he finally saw Shi Yue appear from afar and nodded to himself.

Tang Jie went to Wei Tianchong and said, "young master, this matter needs to be solved quickly. I saw Shi Yue just now. I think this has alarmed my wife. I'm rushing here now."

"What?" Wei Tianchong was startled.

But Shi Mo's eyes brightened. He knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for came.

So Lian hurriedly said: "Aunt, you are wrong. When the young master was born, you were married to Ji's family. Where did you come from to take care of the young master every day? You also brought him up with a handful of excrement and urine? The young master of Wei's family doesn't need his wife to serve him personally. Even * has been given by the wet nurse. Otherwise, what do you want us servants to do? I guess you come to Wei's house once in a while and give him a few sweets. Won't you really take them It's a great favor, isn't it? "

As soon as he said this, everyone laughed. We just thought that Wei Lanxin's words were really outrageous.

"You!" Wei Lan sat up from the ground angrily: "yes, this is really wrong! Are all the servants of the Wei family such a scoundrel? Are there any rules? Are they cultured? They are such a group of heartless people. Zheng Shufeng can't even teach her son and servants well. How can she manage the Wei family? It's really wrong. There is no good one in the Wei family from top to bottom. They are all filthy and picky goods!"

She scolded happily here, but a voice sounded in the distance: "ouch, that's right. How did Shufeng offend my sister? Do you want to arrange me like this behind her back?"

Wei Lan was startled. Looking back, she saw Zheng Shufeng coming from a distance, accompanied by two people. Unexpectedly, they were the old man and the old lady of the Wei family.

Wei Lanxin was shocked. She saw the old man give her a tap and turn. She snorted and said, "crying, chasing, beating, tearing, scolding, throwing abuse at women, speaking shamelessly, slandering yourself. What's the decency? You'll lose your face!"

The old lady nearby also sighed: "dirty pickle... Lan Xin, you are also the daughter of the Wei family. How can you say such things?"

Wei Lan was worried: "Dad, mom, I'm not talking about you... Just now that was a hasty slip of the tongue..."

Zheng Shufeng sneered: "my sister was in a hurry for a moment and said something wrong. We are all a family, and we won't care. But what's the matter of going to this meditation garden and smashing it?"

"I just came to talk to Chong'er..."

"Does argumentation need to smash the pine plum bottle I bought for Chong'er? Does argumentation need to destroy our Castle Peak map? Does argumentation need to hurt my son's head?"

Although Zheng Shufeng has just arrived, she can only see at a glance what the meditation garden has been destroyed by Wei Lan's heart.

This is really a horse thief entering the village!

Everything in her son's room was personally selected by Zheng Shufeng for her son. Everything was exquisite. The layout should be elegant and refined. What she paid attention to was a high-end atmosphere and a high grade. Now what has Wei Lanxin made of it?

Zheng Shufeng's heart ached at the sight.

As an affordable woman, this heartache is stronger than the avantgarde Lanxin scolding her.

His heart was angry. Although his voice was not loud, his tone was as cold as a knife. In particular, her son was injured, which made her angry.

Wei Lan was still unconvinced. "Your son bullied my son first!"

Zheng Shufeng held back her anger, Just said: "We all know what happened. Although Chong'er sent him to work, he didn't have any problems with reason. Moreover, many people have appealed to us these days, saying that Zi Qian came to study as a servant, but he didn't work hard. After he entered school, he would be a servant and two masters, and it would be difficult to take care of him. Not to mention that he didn't take good care of him. Even the only servant would be difficult to cultivate. No matter whether he achieved anything in the future, I'm afraid he would feel resentful and the Wei family would pay for nothing But they may not get the expected return... "

Speaking of this, Zheng Shufeng sighed: "even the immortal family, in order to get along well with ordinary people, will open a college to facilitate ordinary people in the world. How can we ignore the wishes of our servants easily? Therefore, we also agree to let Ziqian learn some rules and share some work. It's a pity..."

She shook her head.

First, she paid a very low price, and now she is unwilling to do any work, let alone Zheng Shufeng. Even the old man and the old lady can't stand it.

The old man over there has said: "it's not suitable. It's not suitable after all. I think it's better to forget it."

This sentence hit Wei Lan like a thunderbolt, and finally cleared her hot head.

Wei Lan looked at the old man imploring for mercy: "Dad, in any case, Ziqian is also your grandson. You can't help but give him this opportunity!"

The old lady already snorted: "Ziqian is naturally a grandson, but Chong'er is his own grandson. Since they can't get along well, we can only choose one. Can't the family with the surname of Wei want the one with a foreign name instead? Besides, the Wei family can't teach a good child. This grandson, please take it back and teach it yourself!"

The old lady was small-minded, but she didn't intend to forgive the avantgarde Lan Xin for what she said.

Hearing this, Wei Lan sat down on the ground with a paralyzed heart.