
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 29

In the morning, Ji Ziqian got up early. Ji weilanxin personally tidied up his son's clothes and clothes. He also told him: "it's an injustice to let you go to study as a servant this time. But it's difficult to enter the immortal gate. There's no other way. When I see you attacking my brother, I must remember not to contradict him and get on well with him."

"Mom, you've said it more than 20 times." Ji Ziqian proudly replied, "don't worry, I'll handle this."

As the young master of the Ji family, Ji Ziqian has something to be proud of.

Last year, he had asked a spiritual master to open the Jade Gate for him. The four turns of the jade gate are also considered to be middle-class qualifications. The most important thing is that it takes perseverance and perseverance to attack the jade gate. Ji Ziqian's ability to do this is rare among young masters, and he can be proud.

In addition, he is also a man on weekdays, knows books and etiquette, and knows how much better than Wei Tianchong. Therefore, in his view, winning Wei Tianchong is an easy matter.

Under normal circumstances, this is indeed not difficult.

After finishing their clothes, the two of them officially went out and asked the servants to lead them to the meditation garden. Qingyangxuan is far away from Jingxin garden. You have to go through many places along the way. Ji Ziqian hasn't been here for a long time. He occasionally goes to the Wei mansion and is amazed at the style of the Wei mansion. The young man is a smart man. He takes the initiative to talk about all the houses and households all the way to explain the situation of the Wei mansion to Ji Ziqian. Ji Ziqian is a new comer and naturally attaches great importance to these information. He is very grateful to you.

However, the speed is a little slow. On the way, we always meet all kinds of people, including young servants, maids and even stewards. They are all very polite. After seeing each other, they say hello, and the speed is a little slower.

After another walk, we came to the old man's residence. We only saw the old man fighting in the courtyard. Since we saw him, Ji Ziqian couldn't help but go up to greet him.

When the old man saw his grandson coming, he again booed him and asked for help. It took him a long time to let him go.

However, in this way, it has been more than half an hour since we arrived at the meditation garden.

When they arrived at Jingxin garden, they were told that Wei Tianchong was in class and should not be disturbed.

Wei Lan was discontented. "Didn't someone say that he would come to see the young master today, so that Chong'er didn't have to go to school?"

She is Wei Tianchong's aunt. Naturally, she doesn't have to be too polite to Wei Tianchong.

The waiter replied with a smile: "young master did wait. I waited for half an hour. Seeing that I couldn't wait for anyone, I thought you wouldn't come and went to class."

He didn't say that Wei Tianchong had been waiting for half a day. He even smashed a chair. Wei Lanxin and Ji Ziqian didn't notice the problem.

Since he was late, no wonder Wei Tianchong was late.

Fortunately, Shi Mo said, "since you two are here, you always have to say hello to the young master. Why don't I take you to the academy?"

Think about it, too. Ji Ziqian replied politely: "in that case, I'll be in trouble."

Although he was born in a noble family, he also knew that he wanted something this time, so he was kind to the servants here. However, when it comes to learning from Tang robbery, he still disdains it.

"Please follow me, both of you." Shi Meng has taken Wei Lanxin and Ji Ziqian to the Academy.

When we arrived at the Academy, we saw a gentleman teaching in the Academy. There were more than ten people sitting below, all of whom were Wei's children, but we didn't know which was Wei Tianchong.

Shi Meng pointed to Wei Tian, who was sitting there, and said, "that's the young master. It's class time. If you don't want to be disturbed, please say hello here."

He coughed into the room.

When Shi Mo heard this, he looked up and saw three people standing outside. Knowing that Ji Ziqian and others were coming, he poked Wei Tianchong with his arm, and then nuogged outside.

Wei Tianchong looks up and confronts Ji Ziqian.

However, Shi Mo's action was obviously bigger. When the teacher saw it, he grabbed the ruler in his hand and rushed at Wei Tian: "study hard, don't look around!"

This ruler hit Wei Tian's punch, which made him shrink his head and dare not look again.

The ancients did not pay attention to happy teaching and did not punish students.

The chair itself is a job qualified to beat the young master, and the chair of the Wei family is a famous Confucian in the Canglong mansion. It has a high prestige and has taught several famous figures.

Don't say that you are the young master of the Wei family. Even if you are the young master of the Jin family, the zhangjiagu family, or even the Xianjia family, you can still play if you don't listen to the class well.

Therefore, even Wei Tianchong dared not resist this rule, but he hated Ji Ziqian deeply.

Originally, after Wei Tianchong lost his temper yesterday, he thought about whether it was his cousin, and there was no need to worry about it. Therefore, he had already retreated, but now he has been attacked one after another. His image of Ji Ziqian is absolutely bad.

Ji Ziqian was not aware of this failure at first. In his opinion, it is common for him not to listen carefully in class and to be lectured by his husband, so he just smiled and said: "it seems that he really came at a bad time. In that case, let's go back to Jingxin Garden and wait. By the way, when does Mr. Shi Meng usually teach?"

"Well..." Shi Meng looked puzzled. "But it's hard to say. My husband didn't teach on time. Sometimes it was long and sometimes it was short. When he was interested, he taught until night."

"That's it." Ji Ziqian thought for a moment: "in that case, let's go back to Qingyang Xuan first. If the young master finishes class early, please tell me."

"That's nature." Waiter Meng answered with a smile.

Of course, Ji Ziqian didn't get any notice.

Two days after entering the Wei mansion, Ji Ziqian's only achievement was to see Wei Tianchong from afar and hurt him.


It's the third day in the house.

That day, Ji Ziqian got up early and tidied up his clothes, which saved him from another empty trip. Wei Lanxin was about to go with her son, but Rouge came to ask her aunt to meet him instead.

Zheng Shufeng didn't know that Ji Ziqian didn't talk to his son yesterday. She just thought that everyone had met and knew each other well, so it was unnecessary for Wei Lanxin to accompany her every time. With the suggestion of rouge, she called Wei Lanxin to accompany the old lady.

Wei Lanxin heard that Zheng Shufeng asked her to accompany the old lady, but she didn't know how to say it. Fortunately, Ji Ziqian said, "mother will accompany the old lady now, and I will go to see chongdi myself."

Wei Lanxin was worried after all, so she had to say: "in this case, let Chai Si accompany you."

Because Ji Ziqian is not suitable to take a servant with her this time, Wei Lanxin only brought her personal servant girl Ning Cui and a groom Chai Si. At this moment, she can only let Chai Si top her.

This time I was led by yesterday's waiter. Finally, yesterday's incident did not happen again today. I came to Jingxin garden all the way smoothly. Wei Tianchong happened to be enjoying flowers in the garden.

Seeing Wei Tianchong, Ji Ziqian came forward with a smile: "brother Chong, I haven't seen you for two years. How are you recently?"

For Ji Ziqian, it's really just a helpless way for him to come here to study as a servant. It's impossible to treat himself as a servant from the bottom of his heart. This is also his only weakness. But generally, no one dares to take advantage of this weakness.

Therefore, he came here today to close the relationship with Wei Tianchong by recounting his old love. He only talks about love, regardless of responsibility. This is actually the same as the attitude of the Tang Dynasty robbery towards Xu Muyang. There is nothing wrong with it.

It's a pity that Tang Jie had seen his thoughts clearly a long time ago, and it reached Wei Tianchong's ears through Shi Mo a day ago. In addition, Wei Tianchong didn't have a good impression of him because of what happened yesterday. So at this moment, he came, but talked to Shi Mo around him without paying any attention to him. Ji Ziqian reached out half of his hand to hold Wei Tianchong. Seeing that Wei Tianchong didn't respond, he had to feel his head awkwardly and retract.

"... by the way, the wolf hair in the study should also be changed. Remember to..."

"It's changed, young master. It's your favorite silver needle hair from ziyanzhai."

"You're still smart." Wei Tian smiled at Ji Ziqian and said in a very ordinary and normal voice: "Yo, this is not Ziqian's brother. It's been a long time since I saw him. Why did you think of coming to see me today?"

Ji Ziqian said with a smile: "don't you know how to rush your son? The day before yesterday, my mother came to the Wei family and formally asked for a place in the Wei family. There are places in the Wei family every year. The Ji family and the Wei family are so close. It's better to give it to their own people than to outsiders."

What he said was very normal, but it was unfortunate that it was out of time, because "outsiders" were all there.

Don't mention Shi Mo and Shi Meng, even Tang Jie and other servants were there. When they heard this, their hearts were cold.

Wei Tian didn't get angry at this, but said coldly: "no one told me again. Why do I have to know?"

Ji Ziqian was stunned. He heard that this was not right.

The Ji family has been in Weifu for two days. Yesterday, someone informed Wei Tianchong that it was absolutely impossible for Wei Tianchong not to know. What he said can only show one thing, that is, he was dissatisfied with not seeing himself two days ago.

However, it's not a big deal. You can understand it by explaining it. Ji Ziqian said with a smile: "Oh, my cousin misunderstood. We arranged to live in qingyangxuan. It's a little far away, and it's inconvenient to travel. In addition, my mother needs an early rest because she's tired of travelling, so she didn't come that day. She didn't come here yesterday..."

He didn't mention that he was OK yesterday. When he mentioned that Wei Tianchong thought about the ruler yesterday, he felt that his head and melon seeds were still aching. His face sank immediately: "* the city is not close to Canglong mansion. For a place, isn't Ji's family here? Why is Qingyang Xuan of Wei's family far from my meditation garden than * is from Canglong mansion? I didn't know that Wei's family is so big."

A group of boys laughed at the same time.

Ji Ziqian was about to explain again when he heard something wrong, Wei Tianchong has said: "although there is a quota in the Wei family every year, there are also people asking for it every year. All kinds of relationships need to be managed. There are always some people who can't offend, and many relatives take the opportunity to come to the door to ask for opportunities. There is only one quota, but they want more than 100 places every year. So it's not that any cat or dog can take it. I don't know why Ziqian took the quota."

Ji Ziqian was furious when he heard this.

He knew that he had unintentionally offended Wei Tianchong, but he didn't know how much he had offended. His mother Wei Lanxin and Wei Danbo are at least brothers and sisters of the same mother's compatriots. They are cousins. They can't be said to be cats and dogs who don't know where they come from. Wei Tianchong's remarks have demoted him to the level of distant relatives who dislike poverty and love wealth.

At least his Ji family is a famous family in * at the beginning, when Wei Lanxin married his father, the Wei family was not so famous. The two families were very close at that time. How can they become cats and dogs now?

However, he also knew that he could not offend Wei Tianchong now, so he could only bear to reply: "the Ji family did not take the quota for nothing. Ziqian came here this time as a servant."

"So it is." Wei Tian burst out laughing: "then I've wronged you."

Ji Ziqian was delighted when he heard this. He thought it would be all right if the matter was explained clearly. Unexpectedly, Wei Tianchong clapped his hands and said: "since you are a servant, you are here to be a servant? It's better to teach him the rules and let him know how to do things in the future."

"What?" Ji Ziqian stayed on the spot when he was hit by thunder.

Wei Tianchong has turned around and left.

Shi Mo came up with a smile and stood in front of Ji Ziqian and said: "master Ji... Oh, no, it's time to call you Ziqian. There are not many rules in the mansion, but every one is very important. As a servant, you must first understand the inferiority of the elderly and the young. Therefore, the first rule is that when you see the young master in the future, you can't call him Chong younger brother or cousin anymore. Just like us, you should call him young master..."

Ji Ziqian was completely stupid.

Shi Mo's voice continued: "besides, as a servant, you still take a servant with you. What's the matter? The valet behind Zi Qian, I don't know where he came from, is a muddy legged son. He's so untidy. Let him out of the house as soon as possible. Don't dirty the ground of the meditation garden. Our guard can't afford to lose him..."


Wei Tian rushes back into the room and sticks out his tongue and says, "Shi Meng, how was my performance just now?"

But there was no arrogance just now.

"That's natural. The young master's performance is absolutely speechless. Anyone who sees him will say that the young master's words are reasonable and that he has a moderate attitude." Shi Meng took the opportunity to curry favor.

Wei Tian breathed a sigh of relief: "that's good. But do you think we've gone too far? At least he's also my cousin. If I ask him to call me young master, I always think there's something wrong with this."

"You didn't ask him to call you young master. You just asked him to learn the rules. It's normal for him to learn some basic rules when he comes here as a servant. Even if it's a respected guest from outside, you should remind him where to go and where not to go. As for the specific content of the rules, it's taught by Shi mo. what's your relationship with you? Shi Mo thinks he wants him to call you young master..."

"But when he calls me young master, how can I promise him?"

"I'm used to it. I don't care. How can I say it's not the young master? He and Ji Ziqian came here as servants and learned to obey the rules. If they are willing to call you young master, it can't be considered out of line. What can't you stand?"

"Here too." Wei Tian nodded at me: "fortunately, my aunt is not here today. If she wants to be here, I can't speak."

Wei Lanxin is his own aunt. He can't do anything to ask his cousin to call him "young master" in front of his own aunt.

Like the chair, I have the right to beat him.

To all those who are qualified to beat themselves, people will have a kind of innate awe in their psychology!

Waiter Meng smiled happily: "since I'm here to be a servant, it's better for my family not to see me in the future. Rules are rules. If anyone comes here without rules, what should I do with rules? So the young master of the Ji family must abide by the rules, and the wife of the Ji family must also abide by them!"

"Let my aunt behave?" Wei Tian shouted at him: "are you kidding? It's impossible!"

Shi Meng had bowed his head and said, "Auntie doesn't have to abide by the rules of Jingxin garden, but we should always abide by the rules of the Wei mansion."