
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 24

"Hit, hit, hit me hard!"

In the meditation garden, Wei Tianchong sits on his reclining chair, points to Tang Jie tied to a tree and shouts. His head is still wrapped with gauze. It was caused by his head being broken when he fell from the horse. Now it is still slightly painful, and he is more and more angry with Tang Jie.

Shi Mo sneered and took out a soaked whip and severely whipped Tang Jie. With only one whip, Tang Jie's chest had been torn with blood.

"Pa! PA!" The sound of beating sounded in the meditation garden, and the scars on Tang Zhai's body were also increasing. Shi Mo was angry with his previous performance, and he never showed mercy. Some whips even deliberately hit his face, so the whole face became bloody.

However, Tang Jie never said a word, just looked at Shi Mo coldly.

His eyes were cold, and Shi Mo's heart was also shocked.

But on second thought, he was now tied to a tree. What was he afraid of? He said ferociously: "dare to be brave!"

The whip came down more and more thoughtlessly.

I don't know how many whips he whipped, so Shi Mo lost his strength. He threw the whip into Shi Meng's hand and said: "come here! If you are tired and change people, you dare to kill the young master's horse. Today you must whip him alive!"


Endless pain!

It hurts like death!

Flogging, even in ancient times, was a terrible punishment.

In the process of whipping, people will be beaten to pieces, and their flesh and blood will be blurred. Under the constant beating, their bones and flesh will eventually be separated, and the vicious will even be whipped into white bones. It can be said that it is another form of abuse.

The whips of the Wei family are not so abnormal. They are just ordinary vines, but they still hurt when they are beaten. If they are beaten a lot, they will still tear off flesh and blood.

Children do not know how to be sensible, nor do they know how to be measured.

That seemingly endless whip fell down, completely fainted Tang Jiaxuan, and then woke up again, fainted again, and repeated several times.

When the pain reaches the extreme, it is numbness!

Tang Jie felt numb all over his body and could not feel anywhere in his body any more. The whip hit him like a pile of rotten meat that had nothing to do with him.

This made him think that he would not be killed here by Wei Tianchong, right?

When Wei Tianchong asked someone to bind him, he didn't resist, because he believed that his wife would report the matter to the public.

But he found that he still made a mistake - that is, he underestimated the children's Revenge psychology and ignored their indifference to the consequences!

Wei Tianchong is only 12 years old at the end, and he is spoiled and brought up. He doesn't understand what abstinence is!

In order not to be disturbed, Wei Tianchong even sealed the meditation garden, and no one was allowed to come near!

That is to say, you can't even ask for help!

Little bastards are all like this. They are always careless and perfunctory when they study. When they want to do bad things, they are thoughtful!

If you let the other party fight like this, you will lose your strength to resist and escape.

At the thought of this, Tang Jie was secretly angry. The hidden image Sutra mind method began to work in his body, absorbing Reiki, running hundreds of veins, and wandering all over his body.

This is also his courage to let himself be tied and beaten. In any case, he is a person who has opened the Jade Gate and has training qualifications.

I didn't use it before because I didn't want to be discovered by the other party. But now it seems that these kids don't have a brain at all. If you use it directly in front of them, they may not realize anything.

At this moment, with the movement of the Reiki in the body, the pain was greatly reduced wherever the Reiki went. Under the action of the Reiki, some injuries began to be repaired automatically.

This is not to mention that his strong will to survive made his whole body release its strength at this moment, and the Reiki ran along the blood vessels, but invaded his internal organs and bones.

Refine your internal organs!

Bone refining!

Tang Jia almost exclaimed that he had made a new discovery by accident!

Since washing the pulse to refine blood, Tang Jie has always suspected that the Zang Xiang Jing has the function of refining the viscera and bones. Unfortunately, no matter how he refined it, the subsequent effect has never appeared.

Until this moment, under the beating of the young boys, Tang Jia felt the effect of Reiki washing the viscera and bones, which surprised and delighted him.

It turns out that the Tibetan elephant Sutra can really be achieved, but must it be under such circumstances?

No, no!

The warlord created the hidden image Sutra for no purpose of self torture. He must have failed to understand its meaning.

At this moment, he recalled the pithy formula of the Tibetan elephant Sutra and understood its meaning. In his mind, he recalled all kinds of words said by Xu Muyang. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

"Those who hide inside, those who resemble outside, those who form outside and those who add to the inside... Focus on the mind, focus on the ambition; integrate the body with the road, hide the meaning of the camp... Yes, I understand!"

Tang Jie came to his senses.

This Tibetan elephant Sutra is not only used to rush the door, but also to refine the body!

It has been a body refining skill from the beginning!

To refine one's physique by absorbing Reiki, one should form from the outside and then apply it to the inside. Besides absorbing Reiki from the outside, it also means to first use the body surface and then use magic.

The so-called "Tibetan camp" means "Tibetan" means the five internal organs. To manage the five internal organs is to first manage the most critical parts of the body.

There are many explanations for abandoning meaning, but here, it must mean that we do not practice the art first, and temporarily focus on the table.

This is a skill from the outside to the inside, from the body to the method!

This runs counter to the popular tenet of cultivating immortality.

Most of today's immortals first practice magic, and then use their aura to cleanse their bodies after their aura is full and they enter the realm of transcendence. At this time, after going through the apprenticeship stage of Lingtai, the practitioners of immortality had adapted to the Reiki to a large extent physically, so the security and efficiency of body training were higher.

However, Bing Zhuxian is very human, or he attaches more importance to the improvement of comprehensive strength, and it is estimated that he does not consider safety and comfort at all.

That is to say, the cultivation of the hidden image Scripture should not be confined to the twelve gestures. The twelve gestures are just the assistance of running the Reiki. When you fully master them, you can practice them under any circumstances, especially in heavy physical labor, and the effect is better!

Even Xu Muyang's excessive cultivation will hurt the meridians, which may not be applicable to the Zang Xiang Jing!

If it weren't for being whipped by Wei Tianchong now, Tang Jia would not have discovered this.

At this moment, he was both surprised and happy. He fully operated the Tibetan elephant Sutra. The aura wandered around in his body, constantly running around his body and mind, and some of it remained in the body of Tang robber forever, quietly changing his constitution. Some injuries recovered quickly.

However, it also brought greater pain to Tang Jie... The numbness disappeared, and the pain swept in like a tidal wave, recapturing Tang Jie's body and mind. The more mature new meat was torn apart again before it played its role.

Tang Jie gritted his teeth and began to consciously concentrate his aura on his own skin to change his skin's resistance. So gradually, the boys found that the effect of their whips seemed to be small, and sometimes a few whips could not break each other's skin.

However, they didn't know that this was the result of the Reiki protection in the Tang Dynasty. They only thought that they had been fighting for a long time, tired and weak.

On the contrary, Tang Jie became more and more excited. He found that in this kind of whipping, the effect of Reiki entering the body was particularly good. The Tibetan elephant Scripture itself can absorb Reiki through the skin. When the whole body cracked, even the absorption effect was enhanced. Although it was still not as good as the effect of Yumen, it was excellent in body refining.

It's just that the whipping in these days makes Tang Jie feel better than the effect of his previous months of cultivation, which makes Tang Jie look forward to the whipping.


Hit me hard!

Tang Jie shouted in his heart, and then laughed at himself for being too cheap.

This is really a spur!

Of course, on the surface, the Tang Dynasty robbery was still dying.

Seeing that they had been fighting for more than half an hour, the boys were afraid.

Only then did they realize that the flogging could kill people.

Wenqing goes over to Wei Tian and says, "young master, you can do it. If you fight again, you will die."

Wei Tianchong has never killed people. He is not so violent as to regard human life like a native chicken. When he heard Wen Qing say this, he was also shocked. Only then did he realize that he might have gone too far. Lian hurriedly said: "look at him. Is he still alive?"

A waiter went up and sniffed and replied, "I'm still alive."

Wei Tianchong immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

When a man is alive, he is not afraid.

Since I'm not afraid, I'll be brave again.

At the thought of Tang Jia's daring to kill his horse and his cold eyes, Wei Tianchong was angry and shouted, "don't let him down, just tie him to the tree!"

He said that he went back to the room to sleep. Even now, he is a little tired.

Hearing this, Tang Jie also smiled bitterly. The child really doesn't know how important he is.

Do you know that if you tie people to a tree overnight without whipping, you will also tie the dead?

Unfortunately, he did not intend to use his life to prove Wei Tianchong's mistake. It is estimated that this boy will not understand this truth for a long time.

Without the order of Wei Tianchong, the young boys naturally dared not let Tang Jie leave.

Tang Jie was not in a hurry, and simply continued to run the Reiki to nourish the five internal organs.

In fact, it is most appropriate for him to use Reiki to regulate skin trauma.

However, considering the people in the Weifu, he gave up the opportunity.

As he expected, the effect of nourishing the five internal organs is not as good as that of nourishing the muscles, bones and skin. I think it is due to different physical conditions.

If you want to nourish the five internal organs, you need to consume physical strength, a lot of physical labor, and if you want to forge a copper skin and iron bone, I'm afraid you need to be beaten a lot.

Alas, I can't find someone to beat me in the future, can I?

No, it's a fight!

Tang Jia suddenly woke up.

Jiuli soldiers are the masters of the world. They are powerful in the world. Their skills are naturally prepared for fighting.

Thinking of this, Tang Dynasty robbery is a complete enlightenment, but it's a pity that we can't laugh three times.

To understand a person's skills, you should first understand that person!

How stupid! I didn't think of this for a long time.

Fortunately, there is still time. If you want to learn the skills of predecessors in the future, you must have a good understanding of this talent. Only in this way can you really master the essence of his skills.

After one night's luck, the injuries in the Tang Dynasty robbery were much better, but the skin injuries were still terrible. With blood and broken meat all over the body, it looked terrible.

When it was just dawn, Tang Jie was also sleepy, so he went to sleep.

Not long after, the servant girl Rouge was carrying morning tea to the meditation garden. When she saw the bloody Tang robber tied to a tree, she was so scared that she even dropped her plate.

At this time, Wei Zheng Shufeng had got up and was using her tremella lotus seed porridge when she heard Rouge rush in.

"Madam, what's wrong? Something's wrong?"

"Why are you so flustered?" Wei Zheng Shufeng was born in a big family. She always speaks in a formal way. She dislikes the way servants shout and behave.

"Tang Jie... Tang Jie... He was tied to a tree by the young master and beaten to a bloody pulp. He was not human. I was afraid he would die!"

"What?" Wei Zheng Shufeng stood up, and the bowl of good white fungus lotus seed porridge was knocked over.