
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 23

Yinglong mountain is a famous mountain in Canglong Prefecture. The mountains are continuous and high enough to poke the sky. It is said that a real dragon once descended on the top of this mountain, so it is called Yinglong.

The name of Canglong mansion also comes from this.

Because Yinglong mountain is steep and the mountain road is difficult and dangerous, the Weis did not go to the top of the mountain. Instead, they sat beside the lake at the foot of the mountain, erected shelves, and barbecued around the stove.

Wei Tianchong was also the first time to barbecue meat by himself. At first, he didn't care. But when he saw that the skewer was turned over on the fire rack, dripping with oil stains and smelling fragrant, he couldn't help but have a big appetite. He went to barbecue himself and had some fun. He only thought that the barbecue really had some ideas.

A group of teenagers are eating and drinking by the lake, and Tang Jie is taking care of them.

Fortunately, they chose a good place. The lake is secluded, the mountains are continuous, the green mountains and waters are clear, and the small pavilions and ancient roads are also a place with excellent scenery. It's a pleasure to sit in front of the lakeside stone and have a look at the scenery. Unfortunately, only people who have experienced the modern metropolis in the Tang Dynasty can feel the beauty of the natural scenery. Wei Tianchong and others have no feeling at all.

They came here not to see the scenery, but to steal alcohol. Wei Tianchong stole a whole jar of good wine from the kitchen.

Mrs. Wei's family is very strict with her, and her children are not allowed to drink alcohol when they are minors.

Wei Tianchong may not be interested in drinking, but he is a child after all. He always wants to try anything he hasn't experienced.

After taking a sip of the wine, I only felt that the wine was extremely spicy and tasteless at all. But looking at a group of boys around me and looking at myself, I was ashamed to say that I could not drink. I simply followed the example of Jianghu heroes and shouted: "good wine! Drink!"

Then, a group of boys followed and began to drink crazily.

There are things that can be drunk and things that can't be drunk, but whether they can be drunk or not, they are all happy at this moment.

It is said that drinking freely is fake and drinking forcefully is true. A group of boys, in order to show off their heroes, did not know how to control themselves and soon drank themselves upside down.

Gradually, the sky darkened. Seeing that night was approaching, Tang Jie proposed to go back to his house.

However, Wei Tianchong is having fun and has no intention of returning to his residence. He said that he would continue to stay to enjoy the moon. The Dragon Lake moon view is also unique in Canglong residence.

Maybe he drank too much, and Shi Mo spoke a little louder. He shouted: "young master, you have to climb to the mountain to enjoy the moon. How about going up the mountain together?"

Wen Qing frowned and said, "it's getting late and the mountain road is difficult. If you go up the mountain and then come down, you'll be delayed. I think it's better next time."

I have been eating and drinking during the day, but I didn't expect that there would be a fork in climbing. Now I have to go up, and it will take a long time to toss around. If I go back late, my wife will definitely scold me.

Wei Tianchong was also a little drunk and shook his head and said: "then I'll ride a horse to climb the mountain. Young master, I'm going to ride a horse and kick the whip. My horse is going to step on Longshan!"

"Good!" A group of boys clapped their hands in welcome.

When the young master of Weifu travels, he must have a horse. However, there is only one horse. The young master himself rides it, and others can only follow him on foot.

This date red horse was a gift from master Wei when Wei Tianchong was ten years old. It was intended to let him take this opportunity to exercise his body and bones. Wei Tianchong was determined to be a general, so he also practiced horsemanship. However, he was too young, and he still circled most of the time. He spent more time riding than riding. He only took it out for a walk when he took a stroll in the street.

The jujube red horse is in the charge of the young servant Muchen of Jingxin garden. Now it is grazing beside it.

"Mountaineering on horseback is too dangerous!" Tang Jie is busy.

Yinglong mountain has a winding horse path, but the roads at that time did not have guardrails. Even modern mountain roads do not have guardrails everywhere.

Although the sky is still a little light now, it will all be dark soon. If you are careless on the mountain road and stumble, the young master of the Wei family will disappear.

By what he said, a group of boys woke up. They thought that it was too dangerous and were about to dissuade them. Wei Tianchong pushed Tang Jia away. "Stop talking nonsense. Bring the horse. I'll beat you if you talk too much!"

He is usually constrained by his family and does not act so recklessly. Now his mother is not here, that is, he is the biggest in the world, and his wild side is fully shown.

The lads knew Wei Tianchong well and knew that he meant to be serious when he said this. They dared not dissuade him for a while. Tang Jia looked around and found that none of them spoke. Even Na Wenqing was silent.

Shi Mo and Shi Meng sneered at the Tang robbery.

In fact, at this time, we need to persuade Wei Tianchong together, which may be the case. But Shi Mo and Shi Meng don't speak, and others won't stand out.

Both of them are extremely alert to Tang Dynasty robbery. Now they can't wait for him to contradict Wei Tianchong more. Where can they help him? Coupled with the strength of drinking, they won't consider the consequences.

Shi Mo said to the yin-yang monster directly: "young master wants to climb the mountain. You dare to stop me. I'm really looking for smoke!"

Tang Jie was also angry.

A group of kids who can't tell the importance of the problem. We really want Wei Tian to make a mess. Everyone here can't run away!

They wanted to die, but Tang Jie was unwilling to accompany them. At this moment, he stopped Wei Tianchong and said coldly: "young master, this is not your own garden where you can act willfully and recklessly. Yinglong mountain is high and steep. Now it's dark. Young master, I've had another drink, or..."

"Pa!" Tang Jia has been badly slapped in the face.

Wei Tian slapped Tang Jie in the face and shouted angrily: "presumptuous! Young master, when can I leave it to you?"

Tang Jia's face was burning with pain, but he still stood in front of Wei Tianchong: "young master is not happy, you can beat or scold him if you want, but as long as the youngest is still here, you can't let him go up the mountain. If you don't want to, you can report back to your wife and drive him out of the house. But now, you can't let him go up the mountain!"

"You!" Wei Tianchong was so angry that he shook his whole body. He stamped his feet and shouted, "you are my man. Don't you dare not listen to me!"

Seeing that Tang Jia still blocked him, he shouted angrily: "I don't believe it. I have to go up the mountain today. Please pull him away!"

A group of boys rushed forward one after another, grabbed Tang Jie and pulled aside. Shi Mo and Shi Meng even seized the opportunity to punch Tang Jie.

This time, they took the initiative to steal a drink. Neither the hospital guard nor the mother was there. None of them were really sensible. Therefore, no one dared to bear the anger of the young master!

Seeing that Wei Tian turned over and mounted his horse, he was about to run to the mountain path. Tang Jiajie was also in a hurry, and his arms shook. With his current strength, it was really easy to deal with these boys. He shook everyone away at once.

Tang Jie has conveniently pulled out a long iron stick from the grill and rushed to Wei Tian.

Wei Tianchong had just got on the horse at this time. Seeing Tang Jia coming, he snorted, but ignored it. He rushed forward with his legs sandwiched between his horse's belly.

When he wanted to come, all Tang Jia could do was to block himself from the horse. As long as he was faster, he could get rid of this annoying guy.

But at the same time that the horse was raising its hooves, Tang Jie had already rushed forward, and with a violent wave of the iron swab in his hand, he had mercilessly pierced the left eye of the jujube red horse.

This blow was so powerful that it poked the whole iron stick into the horse's head.

Herod, the horse, gave a long neigh and lifted Wei Tianchong to his horse. He himself fell in a pool of blood with a wail.

"My horse!" Despite the pain, Wei Tian shouted: "you... You killed my horse!"

He never imagined that Tang Jia would do such a thing.

How could he do that?

How dare he do that?

How could he do that?

All the people were dumbfounded and looked at Tang Jie in horror.

With a little blood stains on his body, Tang Jia glanced at the horse still convulsing, turned to Wei Tianchong and said coldly: "young master, this mountain... Can't be climbed."

Wei Tianchong was stunned.

At that moment, his eyes at Tang Jie showed a trace of fear.