
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 12

In the days of cultivation, time always passes very quickly.

After a heavy rain at the end of summer, autumn came in silence.

Half a year has passed.

In the past six months, Tang Jie followed Xu Muyang to wash his pulse and practice the array, and his life was enriched.

In the yard today, Tang Jia was fighting.

At the moment, he is playing a set of through arm fists, which Xu Muyang taught him to practice the meridians in conjunction with the Tibetan elephant Sutra.

At that moment, he was fighting like a tiger. From time to time, there was spirit flowing through his body. Every time the spirit flowed through his body, it made him feel extremely comfortable and made his body stronger.

Xu Muyang said that this is a manifestation that his meridians have not expanded to the limit.

After a fist fight, Tang Jie felt the spirit in his body disappear a little, and he was reluctant to part with it.

In principle, he can continue to practice again, but Xu Muyang said that the more you practice, the better. Too strong and aggressive training methods will lead to overdraft of human potential, and may even hurt themselves, leaving hidden dangers. The best combination of work and rest is appropriate.

So he can only stop now, but he can't help sighing and saying, "I don't know when this day will end."

"Why? Can't wait?" Xu Muyang in the pavilion is drawing on paper with a pen, but what he draws are some strange array patterns. At this moment, he heard the story of the Tang Dynasty and said with a smile: "for you, the day of washing the pulse and laying the foundation may be boring, but you know how many practitioners are looking forward to God giving him a chance to start again."

"Brother Xu taught me a lesson." Tang Jie answered hurriedly.

Looking back on the student days, I do not know how many students yearn to run to society early and escape from the prison like days of school. Only when you have been wandering around in society and hit your head and blood will you recall the beauty of school life.

Tang Jie is a person who has experienced a lifetime. Although that lifetime did not bring him any powerful golden fingers, it gave him a rich understanding of life, and made his thinking break away from the shackles of age early, knowing what is the most important. The sigh just now was just a temporary expression of helplessness. If it really made him give up the foundation and practice directly, he would not do it.

Xu Muyang had seen many disciples of cultivating immortals before. He could not bear to be lonely and boring. Even if he was a talented person, he often practiced hard every day because he was eager to cultivate as soon as possible.

In the immortal cultivation world, there are not many practitioners who practice the immortal method without a good foundation. The real number are those who do not care about their bodies and do not hesitate to pull up the seedlings to help them in order to achieve early success.

Therefore, he greatly appreciated the stability of the Tang Dynasty.

At that moment, he smiled and said, "after practicing boxing, let's learn today's array."

Tang Jie couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Like medical skills, array Tao is also a knowledge with knowledge reserves greater than technical reserves. Therefore, it does not need any control.

For the past six months, the Tibetan elephant Sutra of the Tang Dynasty has only been practiced twice a day. The total time is only half an hour. Most of the time is spent learning the array.

Sometimes the Tang robbers wonder whether Xu Muyang intentionally uses this method to transfer his interests?

Compared with the slow progress of pulse washing, Tang Jie made great progress in learning the array.

This is not entirely because he has a good mathematical foundation.

The array itself is all encompassing. It is easy to understand, skill number, geography and meteorology. Considering the existence of some ancient arrays, and even adding history and culture, skill number is only one component of them.

The key is his adult thinking, which makes him learn things much faster than the average 12-year-old. People often say that children have strong learning ability, but children's strong learning ability means that they have been imitating, but they are far inferior to adults in terms of knowledge tolerance.

The content of a primary school student's learning in a year is not as large as the content of a high school student's learning in a month.

Therefore, Tang Jia's study on the array road can be called rapid. The memory ability and skills brought by the examination oriented education have laid a good foundation for him. In only half a year, Tang Jia almost mastered all the basic knowledge required by the array Road, which made Xu Muyang praise.

At this moment, Xu Muyang shook his hand, and the previously painted array patterns and amulets had already flown into the hands of the Tang Robber: "arrange the array according to this picture."

"Spirit measuring array?" Tang Jia took a look at the array chart. Now he can clearly distinguish the function of each array chart. This spirit measuring array is used to test the movement of the spirit around the world. It is convenient for practitioners to find a place where they can cultivate their spirit. It is also one of the simplest arrays.

Usually, practitioners also hope for the skill of Qi, but the array is consistent with heaven and earth, and the effect is much better than the skill of looking at Qi.

"Yes, this time you must arrange a complete and usable spirit measuring array, and the range must reach three li."

"I see." Tang Jie answered with a straight face. With a lift of his hand, a spiritual light had been shot out of his hand. It merged into a spiritual line in the air and landed on the ground.

His jade door has been opened, and he can breathe in the spirit, but the spirit eye has not been opened and cannot be stored. Therefore, as long as he absorbs the spirit and uses it before it dissipates, he can still use it to arrange the spirit array. However, such array arrangement method is extremely incoherent and cannot be completed in one go. The effect is limited and the efficiency is appalling. Its performance is basically like that of children.

At this moment, Xu Muyang observed the arrangement of the Tang Dynasty, and gave him some advice from time to time.

After a whole hour of arrangement, the array was finally painted. Tang Jia input a aura to start it. He saw a wave of strange clouds and fog in the array, rising up and down, and a white column of air curling up.

"Success!" Tang Jiada cried with joy.

The presence of air columns means that the array has been successful. Those air columns represent the aura around. The array pattern has scales, and different scales represent different positions. The air columns have different sizes and colors, which represent different levels of aura.

This was the first time he arranged the array. The range was only three li. If Xu Muyang did it himself, it could be completed in a moment. Not to mention, the range of his spirit measurement was even wider.

At this moment, Tang Jia saw that wisp of air rising in the array. He felt very happy. When he thought that the six months of hard work had finally achieved results, he could not help but thank Xu Muyang from the bottom of his heart. Even the array path which made him feel that it was a waste of time was no longer so eye-catching. Instead, he thought it was quite desirable.

Many things, after all, can only be truly loved after enjoying their achievements.

Xu Muyang was also deeply satisfied with this: "There are still great flaws in the connection of the array pattern. The array pattern is a place where the spirit can pass through. It is not enough to draw the array pattern. You also need to dredge the array pattern so that the spirit can pass through. Look at this array pattern. You have painted it twice before and after, and there are broken marks in the middle. On the surface, they are connected together. In fact, there is only one line through which the spirit can pass. The array is not a drawing, and the pattern is not neat. What really matters is the inner. Look Here, here and here... Of course, there are reasons why your aura is not enough to support the continuous array, but there are also reasons why you are not familiar with the techniques. "

"Well, I understand. That is to say, the road needs to be dredged. No matter how wide the road is, if it is not properly dredged, it will still be blocked. Sometimes a breakpoint will paralyze the whole road."

"Yes. Also, you are too shallow in terms of easy reasoning. The spirit measuring array is an array for observing spiritual Qi. Since it is an observation array, you should strengthen the operation of the dry gate. The dry gate is the heaven. Sit in the center of the square altar and listen to the Qi of all sides. Therefore, the spirit measuring array should focus on the dry gate. What do you do to strengthen the xunman gate?"

Tang Jia scratched his head with embarrassment: "the xunman is a wind, light and flexible, and it is the main change and distance. I think you require that the spirit measuring array can observe three miles away, so..."

"Give up the essentials and seek the end!" Xu Muyang has criticized rudely: "what you need to do is to arrange the spirit measuring array, rather than simply meet my requirements!"

"Yes, I see." Tang Jie replied with a straight face.

Cultivating immortality is not an exam oriented education. Tang Jie benefited from his previous life's experience and was also subject to his previous life's thinking. Fortunately, Xu Muyang pointed out in time and let him understand his mistakes.

At this moment, Xu Muyang continued to explain the shortcomings of this array to him. When he spoke of the rise, he shot a spirit line between his fingers to repair the spirit measuring array for the Tang Dynasty. Under his repair, the spirit measuring array became larger and larger, and the radiation range became wider and wider. Not only the clouds and fog billowed like the sea, but also the mountains and downs were visible. It seemed that the whole world was brought into a while, and everything was under control.

In Xu Muyang's hands, the spirit measuring array turned out to be a reflection of the real world. He was shocked by the Tang Dynasty robbery, but Xu Muyang was not satisfied, But he said: "the arrays are connected. Many times, it may only be a small change, but the array is completely different. When the spirit measuring array is raised to the extreme, it can also reflect the world and become a big thousand array. Even if it is not only the spirit measuring array, other arrays can also be used. The combination, change, improvement, complexity and mystery of this array are endless. You may not be able to study it all in your life. Do you still want to say that you are not interested in it?"

Tang Jia smiled: "I know I'm wrong. I will study hard and make progress every day!"

Xu Muyang laughed at what he said and was about to say something when suddenly the purple light flashed in the array.

Xu Muyang was slightly shocked and looked into the array. He saw that there was a faint flash of light in the array.

"The purple air rises to the sky?" Xu Muyang blurted out and his face changed abruptly.

"The purple air soars into the sky? What is that?" After all, it is still a short time to cultivate immortals in the Tang Dynasty. I do not understand the meaning of it.

Xu Muyang did not speak, but he was lost in meditation.

"What's the matter, brother Xu?" Tang Jie saw Xu Muyang's face was wrong and asked with concern.

Xu Muyang pondered for a while, then suddenly chuckled: "it's nothing. You don't need to ask about this. Oh, yes, you and I have been together for half a year, but it seems that we haven't had a drink together. Your first success today is also a celebration. Let's go out and buy some wine and vegetables. Today, our brothers will sing to the moon and have a drink. Oh, yes, we'll have the sauce duck of old Chen Ji."

"But Chen Ji is in Anyang Prefecture." Tang Jie answered with some embarrassment.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you make a trip." Xu Muyang waved his hand casually to answer.

"It's getting late. It's not appropriate to go to Anyang Prefecture now. Besides, Chen Ji's ducks have always sold very well, and usually they can't be sold until evening."

Xu Muyang's face was stagnant. Tang Jie said: "but there is old wine in the kitchen, which was left by the owner of the house. In addition, there are two chickens in the backyard. If elder brother Xu wants to eat, I will kill him and drink wine for him."

He said that he had hurried to the kitchen without waiting for Xu Muyang to speak.

Xu Muyang frowned. After all, he said nothing more. Looking at the purple glow in the array, he just sighed helplessly.

Tang Jie's hands and feet were very fast. Half an hour later, the dinner was ready.

At this time, the sky is dark and the moon is far away.

Xu Muyang and Tang Jie sat opposite each other in the pavilion, drinking rice wine with the chicken.

The moonlight is very beautiful. Xu Muyang is staring at the sky in a daze. Under the reflection of the golden glow, the moonlight becomes colored light and falls in the courtyard, bringing a golden night.

"The sunset glow... How beautiful!" Xu Muyang suddenly said.

"Well." Seeing Xu Muyang's strange expression, Tang Jia dared not answer the question at will.

Xu Muyang said to himself: "this sunset glow is the shining afterglow of the golden flame and vigorous wind. It protects us from the invasion of foreign enemies, protects the Qixia realm, and makes its spirit run continuously and will not escape. But it is also our shackle, the shackle of Qixia people, and makes it impossible for us to leave this realm easily... Xingluo Daqian realm. I really want to go out and have a look."

Xingluo daqianjie is the general name of the world outside the Qixia realm by those immortals who have gained the Tao and soared. It is said that there are countless large and small worlds outside the Qixia realm.

If Qixia realm is the earth, then Xingluo Daqian realm is undoubtedly the universe.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to leave the Qixia realm. The golden flame and vigorous wind enveloping the sky are like a natural barrier, and even the spirit can not escape. Ordinary practitioners will be burned to ashes even if they approach. Only a real immortal who has set foot in Sendai can fly out of the boundary and enjoy nine days of freedom against the golden flame and vigorous wind.

Some people say that this is a self-protection measure of Qixia. It is precisely because of this golden flame and vigorous wind that most of the immortals are forced to return to the ruins. The spirit stolen from heaven and earth is also returned to heaven and earth, so that it can cycle back and forth.

If there is no golden flame and vigorous wind, those who cultivate immortals will leave at will, and their spirit will be exhausted over time.

Therefore, in the eyes of some extremists, every immortal who flies away is also a sinner who steals Reiki and does not return it.

Fortunately, there are very few people who can fly up, and the Reiki lost by Qixia is just a drop in the bucket.

At this moment, Xu Muyang suddenly mentioned Xingluo daqianjie, and the Tang Dynasty robbery was somewhat unknown.

Xu Muyang has drunk the wine in the toast and filled himself with it, In the way of soliloquy: "When I was young, my father disciplined me very strictly. I learned how to manage the family every day. But I was rebellious by nature and always found every opportunity to sneak out to play. Every time my father caught me, it was a good fight. At that time, I was protected by my second sister. I remember one time I sneaked out to play. I was naughty and even burned half of the small attic in my family. It was my second sister who stood up and said she burned it. Unfortunately, my father was not confused and It's to find me... It hurts when the board falls down. "

Tang Jia listened in silence and did not speak.

Xu Muyang still thought to himself: "so I began to plan to run away and want to escape from the Xu family. Unfortunately, I ran three times and was caught back. One time, I even ran out of Mochu, but my father caught me and beat me again."

Speaking of this, Xu Muyang chuckled: "Later, I learned that I had the blood of the virtual family. When I was born, this blood was recorded in the ancestral hall and left the life lamp. No matter where I go, people of the virtual family can find me through the life lamp, unless I can escape from the Qixia realm and enter the Xingluo realm. So from then on, I imagined that one day I would leave the world. Of course, I was just wishful thinking at that time, and later I knew that I would be successful How difficult it is to attain immortality. As one of the four big families, I can't even get out of the purple mansion. If I want to escape from this world, I can only think of another way. That is, from then on, I began to study the array way... The array way is deep and high, and can be divided into prisons and form a world. The Qixia world is like a cage of heaven and earth, which can be regarded as a grand array of natural wonders of heaven and earth. I am bent on breaking through the array and concentrating on the array path. After a long time, I am completely in love with it. The more I cultivate it, the more I forget my original purpose. "

He looked at Tang Jie: "you said you wanted to be free and comfortable. You know, this dream looks simple, but it's actually very difficult. How can you be truly free in your life. Even if you really succeed in cultivation one day, as long as you are still trapped in the Qixia world and in the cage of heaven and earth, you can't be free and comfortable!"

"So as long as you're still in the Qixia realm, you can't avoid being chased, can you? The purple gas is rising in the sky... Is it the people from the Tianshen palace who are chasing you?" Tang robber said lightly.

Xu Muyang was shocked, and finally shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I knew I couldn't hide it from you."

"Then you asked me to buy Chen Ji's sauce duck just to take the opportunity to support me?"

"Yes." Xu Muyang nodded: "but later I thought about when they would come. I don't know. What if they didn't come when you went, and they bumped into each other again when you came back? So I'll let you go if you don't go. It's better for me to tell you clearly here so that you won't be confused and die."

"Then why don't you run?"

"I can't run... I'm in a maze at Cuiwei mountain. They haven't chased me for half a year, so it's impossible to find me again. Now that they've chased me, they naturally know where I am. It's useless for me to run any more." Xu Muyang shook his head slightly, and his eyes showed deep sadness.

The Tang Dynasty robbed Ju Zhen. He remembered Xu Muyang's words about Xu family's blood, and finally understood them. He blurted out: "your family betrayed you! The purple gas soared into the sky... The purple mansion?"

Tang Jie understood all at once.

Ziqi means a great fluctuation of aura. Ziqi rushes into the sky. It is precisely the presence of people with strong aura. However, the number of Zifu is very small in Qixia realm, and it is almost impossible to meet it in the far place.

At this moment, the purple Qi in the spirit measuring array is still approaching Anyang mansion. It is actually straight here.

If there was a trace of the Zifu real gentleman who passed by before, it is clear that he came straight to xumuyang.

The speed is not fast enough. If the other party is not good at flying, or if he is full of confidence, he is not afraid of escaping. Considering the horror of Zifu Zhenjun, it is probably the latter.

Xu Muyang can't even beat an ordinary heaven state of mind in Tianshen palace. Now that Zifu Zhenjun is here, how can he fight? In Tang Dynasty, Xu Muyang's eyes were full of horror. On the contrary, Xu Muyang was as calm as an ancient well.

"How can they do this to you? You are a member of the virtual family!" Tang Jie stood up and shouted.

He was not angry when he was chased by Tianshen palace, and Xu Muyang would not be afraid. If it was a big deal, he would just run away.

However, the people of the Xu family betrayed Xu Muyang, which was completely incomprehensible to Tang Jie.

Xu Muyang just shook his head: "If you can survive for half a year, you can be considered as the most benevolent and righteous. During the Tang Dynasty, you don't really understand the cruelty of the immortal cultivation world, nor do you understand the position of the six major sects in the Qixia world. In front of the six major sects, all the four major families are just small fish and shrimps... Zifu Zhenjun, one person can sweep the four major families. My virtual family is limited by the cultivation of mental skills. So far, no one can enter the Zifu. And each of the six major sects has at least three or more Zhenjun, Tianzun, and even It has the power of Sendai. Father, he must bow his head! "

Tang Jie was desperate when he heard this: "can you say that you just accept your fate?"

"What if you don't accept your fate?" Xu Muyang smiled and drank the wine again, then continued: "in fact, I knew this day would come. It's lucky to be able to breathe for half a year. This is also the last care of my family. I owe too much to my family. If I can have another life, I can only report it again in the next life. I tell you that you can't hate my family for this matter, and you are not allowed to retaliate against them in the future."

"What... What?" Tang jiayileng, revenge?

Where does this start?

Xu Muyang said quickly: "yes, remember, I was born as a virtual family and died as a ghost of the virtual family. In the future, you will succeed in cultivation. If you can still remember my kindness to you, you can only repay the virtual family, not revenge."

"But why should I..."

"That's it!" Xu Muyang turned his wrist, He has put the xuanbing Jian that he never leaves into the arms of Tang Jie: "The Jiuli xuanbing manual is the key to breaking the array left by the soldier master. The array pattern on it is the jiujue Zhuxian array. It can evolve naturally and is infinitely mysterious. Only by understanding it can we really break the jiujue Zhuxian array. Moreover, when I first understood the military manual, I found that there seemed to be a strange mental skill on it in addition to the array pattern, but I couldn't understand it all the time. Even the heavenly palace didn't know about it. I just thought the military manual was the key. You need more time Understand more and never miss the opportunity. In fact, I have always thought that the original arrangement of the soldier master may not be so simple. Although the nine Jue Zhuxian array is an ancient large array with extraordinary power, it is also for us. I'm afraid it may not be effective for those who can let him fall. Having said that, it is obviously not enough to rely on a large array, and the secret may lie in this military manual. "

Then Xu Muyang sent a thick pamphlet, Give some pills and your sword to Tang Jie: "The book is my array experience from years of hard cultivation of the array path. You should put it away. Before your array path reaches the level of illusion, you'd better not try to understand the military manual easily, otherwise your mind will be restricted and your life will be in danger. As for the green light sword, it is my only magic weapon. Although you can't play its role, it's enough for self-defense. Other things are ordinary and can be sold for money. I'm not aggressive, so I don't have any foreign objects like magic weapons Love, there is really nothing good for you, but as long as you carefully study the true solution of the array I left you and understand the array chart, sooner or later you can break the nine Jue immortal killing array and get the secret treasure. "


"No, but leave here quickly. They haven't seen you and don't know your existence. Even if I die, I won't let them get the Xuan Bing Jian!" Xu Muyang has stopped drinking, and the purple Qi in the array is getting closer and closer.

"No! I won't leave! I don't care about any virtual home. I only care about you!" Tang Jia shouted, "I won't leave you alone!"

At that moment, he suddenly understood that during the past six months, Xu Muyang certainly had feelings for him and regarded him as a brother. Why didn't he treat him as his own brother?

Anyway, he can't watch Xu Muyang die like this!

Xu Muyang smiled and said: "You don't have to be so excited. I'm not going to die for you. If I really want to live, I can still live on the first line as long as I hand over the Bing Jian. But I'm not generous enough. If someone tries to plot against me, I must repay. Instead of gambling on the first line of survival, I'd better revenge! The Bing Jian is handed over to you to retaliate against the Tianshen palace. It brings you danger and trouble, so you can't I must be very touched. In addition, they have not got the military certificate, and my virtual home can be much safer! "

Xu Muyang has already stood up and grasped the Tang robber. Countless spiritual threads have appeared like threads, and wrapped the Tang robber like a cobweb. Then Xu Muyang took out a piece of paper and folded it several times. It turned out to be a paper horse.

Xu Muyang drew several strokes on the paper and threw them on the ground. He heard Herod neigh and a strong white horse appeared.

Xu Muyang plundered Tang onto the horse's back, and the spirit thread automatically entangled the white horse. He slapped the horse's ass again, and the horse had escaped.

"Brother Xu, don't let me go!" Tang Jie shouted desperately on the horse.

Xu Muyang shouted: "go north, don't come back!"

"No!" Tang Jie shouted desperately, but the spirit thread was unbreakable, which bound him to the horse, and the horse ran all the way, without stopping.

Seeing the back of Tang Jie disappear, Xu Muyang finally sat down.

He took up the wine in the pot and filled it up. He whispered: "it's a pity... After all, I didn't have time to send you to the moon washing sect. In the future, you can only go by yourself."

With that, he began to quietly wait for the arrival of fate.