
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Ost
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70 Chs

Chapter 10

"So you just set up a formation and went back to the house to remember what you had learned and forget me?" Inside, Tang Jia glared at Xu Muyang and asked.

Xu Muyang blushed: "I just forgot the time."

He is a real person in heaven and mind. It's interesting that he looks like a child who has made a mistake when confronted with the question of a half grown-up boy.

It's no wonder that Tang Jia is angry. Whoever comes back and is trapped in the array for several hours will not feel better.

At this moment, hearing Xu Muyang's reply, Tang Jie got up and left.

"Where are you going?" Xu Muyang asked in surprise.

"Go and cook. I was trapped when I came back. I haven't cooked yet."


Before long, Tang Jie had already prepared dinner and sent it.

They ate together in the courtyard, but Tang Jie never said a word.

"Why? Still angry with me?" Xu Muyang looked at Tang Jia with a smile: "OK, I admit it's all my fault. I apologize to you, OK?"

The immortal is just like the God to the common people. If he is trapped for a long time, he is really killed. Others dare not say anything. But now Xu Muyang even apologized to Tang Jie. It can only be said that Xu Muyang and Tang Jie have excellent feelings.

Tang Jie shook his head: "I'm not angry. I'm just wondering what the array is and why it's so magical."

Before he was trapped in the array, he only felt like a labyrinth. The yard was clearly the same, but he could not walk out. The hut was near, but far away. At that time, I was still a little flustered and terrified. In retrospect, I only thought that it was mysterious. Therefore, I couldn't help but wonder what principle could make the originally ordinary land into a god like space.

"You found it, too?" Xu Muyang laughed: "yes, the array way is indeed a very magical knowledge. It covers all aspects and contains the world's wisdom. Every plant and tree can form an array. It can be said that it is the first secret in the world. Even if the immortal has spent his whole life, he may not be able to understand one in ten thousand, and the use is even more extensive..."

As soon as he mentioned his favorite things, Xu Muyang immediately gushed, and his mouth was full of praise.

"What is the formation road?" Tang asked.

Xu Muyang replied: "the so-called array way is, in the final analysis, the cultivation of heaven and earth!"

"The cultivation of heaven and earth?"

"That's right!" Xu Muyang answered positively: "If you think of the human body as a world, what we cultivate immortals is our own body. And outside our body, the boundless world is a world. In this world, there are mountains, lakes, lands and oceans. In fact, everything corresponds to our human body. The human body absorbs the spirit and releases the immortal method through application. The heaven and earth have the spirit. Why can't we use it to generate the immortal family method? Heaven and earth have no spirit Consciousness can't use its aura on its own, but practitioners can combine it by various means. This is the array! "

"So it is." Tang Jie understood. This is the physics of a previous life!

The so-called array is like a high-tech precision machine. It is powered by Reiki and uses array patterns instead of veins to run Reiki and achieve the specified effect.

However, the laws of the world are different, and the people who use them are different. Therefore, the phenomena and effects, and even the means of creation, are completely different.

It is precisely because of this that the array road has a very wide coverage in the cultivation world.

The four auxiliaries of the immortal family are the Dan Fu weapon array. Among them, the array is the most widely used. It can not only be used to make a sect guard array such as the mountain guarding array, but also can be used to assist the three auxiliaries of the Dan Fu weapon. The alchemy requires array arrangement, the making of the talisman requires array diagram, and the refining of the weapon also requires array carving. It can be said that the array is omnipresent and has a far-reaching impact. Therefore, the array is also divided into many types.

According to Xu Muyang, the array is generally divided into two types: Dead array and live array. The death array is a fixed and immovable array. For example, the small maze array experienced in the Tang Dynasty is the death array. The living array is generally a battle array. It is usually a combination of immortal practitioners. It can double the power and is also a magic weapon to defeat the strong with the weak.

In addition, it is also divided according to function. For example, the formation is also required when refining Dan Fu tools. Some people call this kind of array auxiliary array, which means auxiliary in auxiliary.

In short, the array has many sects and long origins. In fact, there is no unified standard. Each has its own evaluation methods and even different opinions.

For example, some people think that the array is used as an auxiliary, which is the external expression of the will of the practitioners and serves the practitioners. Therefore, such people despise Xu Muyang's view that the array is the way of heaven and earth.

Ideas guide behavior.

Xu Muyang's concept makes him proficient in the array of heaven and earth. He is good at arranging or breaking some super large-scale arrays. He is not good at battle arrays or small auxiliary arrays.

In terms of the current understanding of large-scale arrays, at least in the Qixia realm, there is no one better than Xu Muyang.

At this moment, Xu Muyang talks incessantly, and he is even more excited when talking about excitement.

Tang Jie never saw him take such initiative. In order to learn from Xu Muyang to cultivate immortality, he did not know how much painstaking work, so that he nearly died and survived. Finally, he only learned the Tibetan elephant Sutra.

Speaking of the excitement, Xu Muyang suddenly said, "why don't you learn the array Tao from me?"

"Ah?" Don robbed me foolishly.

Xu Muyang said: "this array Tao is self-taught by collecting the array books from all over the world. It does not belong to the secret of Xu family. It can be passed on to you. I think you are smart and suitable for learning!"

"But... My heart is on the main road, so it's not suitable for me to be distracted..." Tang Jie hesitated to answer.

Although the array is good, people's energy is limited.

Today, Tang Jie is no longer the chaotic boy who knew nothing about the cultivation of immortals. He already knows how difficult it is to cultivate immortals. Many people may not be able to reach the peak in their lifetime.

Why does the owner of Xu family not want Xu Muyang to learn the array way? It's also because he is afraid that his energy will be scattered and delay the right path. Tang Jia asks himself that he does not have Xu Muyang's ability to oppose the heaven. Even those who opened his door seven times were chased and killed by the Jinjia God. If he is distracted again, he is afraid that his future achievements will be limited.

"I can't say that." Xu Muyang shook his head and said: "the road to cultivation is very difficult. In addition to hard work, we also need to have understanding. The array and cultivation both contain the supreme principles of heaven and earth, and the two may not necessarily complement each other. Moreover, the Tao of the array may not have no effect on the battle. In the battle of Cuiwei mountain, my strength is far less than that of He Chong, but he has not been beaten away with the help of the eight door lock array I arranged in advance."

If you are willing to listen to your father's concentrated cultivation, I'm afraid that he can beat him without using the array. Tang Jie's heart is full of resentment. However, seeing Xu Muyang's jubilant appearance, he can't bear to beat him.

Most of the xumuyang he saw these days were silent and awe inspiring. Only now xumuyang really shows the breath of all people.

I can only say that he really loves Chen Dao.

Xu Muyang continued: "besides, you are only taking pulse now, and you can't practice. You are also idle. I promised to teach you something, and I can't teach you the immortal methods of my family. I will teach you what I have learned in my life, and I will not violate my promise. If you are really not interested in learning in the future, I won't force you. What do you think?"

"All right..." Tang Jie replied weakly.

Xu Muyang, looking at his unwilling appearance, could not help being angry and funny. He patted him on the head: "you kid, you are really cheap and good. Do you know how many people want to learn from me? I won't accept it."

Yes, your father told you not to learn the array Tao, but you have to learn it;

Others want to learn from you, but I don't want to learn from you;

What I want to learn is immortal Dharma, but what you want to teach is array Tao;

You're a donkey. You're against people. Since you know that Xu Muyang can't measure your heart, the abdominal Fei of Tang Jie has become more and more fierce.

But whether he likes it or not, he still has to learn this way.

After dinner, Xu Muyang began to teach Tang Jie.

"The array path is broad and profound, but no matter what array method is, it cannot be separated from the array eye, array pattern, array gate and array source. The so-called array eye is the center of the array, the core is like the human brain, which controls everything. It is the most critical part. Without the array eye, the array can not operate according to your heart. Such an array is the real dead array. The so-called array pattern is the line through which the spirit passes, such as the blood channels of the human body and the way of the world If there is no array pattern on the road, the array will not work. The gate is the gate. You can let people in, you can let people out, and you can defend the enemy outside the door. Life, death, and deprivation are all in it. The array source is the source of launching the large array. People can only cast spells when they have aura. The same is true of the array... "

"I see. The array eye is the brain and the command; the array pattern is the blood, muscles and bones, and the support; the array gate is the place where the power is really exerted, the limbs; the array source is the heart, the source of power, like the engine... Oh no, it's like the spirit eye in our body, isn't it?"

"That's right. Practitioners use the sea of spirit in their bodies as the power to cast their spells, and the source of the array is the spirit stone and other external objects as the power. Of course, practitioners themselves can also help them."

"That's strange. I didn't see any spirit stone in the small maze array you used before."

"That's because I added a small gathering array, which can automatically absorb the spirit. This is called the stack array in the array."

"Doesn't that mean that as long as there is a spirit gathering array, you can automatically absorb the spirit of heaven and earth, and the spirit gathering array is the source of the array? But how does the spirit gathering array start? Self-sufficiency? Perpetual motion machine?" Tang Jie's eyes are almost bulging out.

Xu Muyang has never heard of the word "perpetual motion machine", but he can understand its meaning literally, He laughed: "there's no such good thing. The spirit gathering array itself also needs external force to start. It's only after I input another spirit Qi that it can operate. Even so, the spirit gathering array can only gather nearby spirit Qi. Once the nearby spirit Qi is absorbed, it will have no effect. This small maze array is just my work of a game. Unless supplemented with spirit stones, it will dissipate in three days at most."

"There is still no real perpetual motion machine." Tang Jia sighed: "that is to say, there is no real array that can last forever in the world. In fact, each array needs someone to maintain or have enough Reiki resources to exist?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Muyang replied: "there may not be an eternal array, but an array that has existed for thousands of years still exists."

"Over ten thousand years?" Tang Jie was startled by Xu Muyang's statement.

"Yes, I experienced it myself not long ago." Xu Muyang's expression had become solemn, and his eyes showed infinite respect, as if he remembered something.

After a long time, he sighed and said: "compared with the ancient great power, I'm still too far away. If it wasn't for this, I couldn't just open the first door..."

He didn't say any more, but just changed the subject: "just don't mention it. It's not something you can understand now. Let's go back to the array way. Among the four cores of the array, the array pattern and the array source are the most complex. I'll teach you the basic array pattern first."

As he said this, he raised his hand and made a few imaginary strokes in the void. The air then sparkled with strange lines, which faded and disappeared a moment later.

"Draw the array pattern I just drew. Remember, it should be done in the order I drew. There should be no error in each stroke." Xu Muyang said faintly.

Drawing array pattern is the basic skill of array master, and it is often an entry-level assessment. Although Xu Muyang has the intention to teach Tang Jie, he also wants to see if Tang Jie has the talent in this respect. If he really has no talent in this respect, he will not force it.

At the next moment, Tang Jie had already picked up a branch and began to draw lines on the ground. Without the clever light that Xu Muyang had picked up, he could only work honestly on paper. However, this painting was extremely neat.

At first, Xu Muyang didn't care about it, but he was surprised when he saw the line drawn by the Tang robbery.

Because Tang Jie almost perfectly reproduced the array patterns he had drawn before. After Tang Jie finished painting, Xu Muyang found that almost every painting of Tang Jie was correct.

"You... How did you do it?" Xu Muyang was shocked.

"It's very simple. Isn't it just some combination patterns of virtual and solid lines?" Tang Jie is a little confused. In his eyes, although these array patterns are complex, they are just some geometric figures, which can be remembered with a little care. After all, he was very familiar with these things when he was in school. Since Xu Muyang asked him to draw it, he followed suit.

He didn't know that Xu Muyang had asked him to paint, but he never expected him to paint all of them.

The Qixia world is not without mathematics, but the position of this knowledge in the Qixia world is not high, and the depth is far worse than the earth. Those who understand may not be able to cultivate immortals, and those who cultivate immortals may not need to understand them. Only those who study the array path will study this knowledge.

Therefore, the extremely simple pattern of the Tang Dynasty robbery may be confusing to others.

At this moment, hearing that the Tang robbery was very simple, Xu Muyang busily drew a complex figure on the ground. This time, he did not let the Tang robbery copy it anymore, but pointed to the array pattern on it and said: "take this point as the starting point and this point as the end, and find three lines that are connected but do not cross each other."

Tang Jia only glanced at it and then made a few imaginary copies with a twig: "this... This... And this."

Xu Muyang was shocked. It was not difficult to find three non-interference lines in the complex patterns, but it was not easy to find them with such a fast speed.

Xu Muyang asked another question, but this time it was a problem for him to calculate the size of each line and area.

Tang Jia didn't think that learning the array had become a math test. He didn't know what level he had to achieve to be qualified. He had to be brave enough to follow Xu Muyang's requirements step by step.

Tang Jia is not very interested in mathematics, but his mother is a math teacher. She once whipped him to study hard, saying that he would lose face as a mother if he did not study well. Now, two years after graduation, he has not had time to return what he has learned. In addition, Xu Muyang's problems at this moment are not too difficult. Therefore, Xu Muyang worked out problems all the way, and most of them were solved by him.

Xu Muyang was more and more frightened.

Because he found that there were several solutions used in the Tang Dynasty robbery that even he did not understand.

The Tao of array requires extremely high skill numbers of Yi Li, but very few people are really interested in studying. Those who pursue the Tao of array often pursue the power of the array. They are not interested in the Tao of skill numbers that need to be used to realize it, and they are all extremely painful to learn.

It can be said that Xu Muyang hadn't seen many good mathematicians in his whole life. He didn't realize it until this moment. He was surprised and happy. He suddenly grabbed Tang Jia and shouted: "evil! Genius! You still say you don't want to learn? You are a genius who practices the array Tao!"

Tang Jie was startled by his arrest, and even said what he thought: "but I don't want to learn."

"Nonsense! Such a talent, how can you say you don't love it?" At this moment, Xu Muyang was excited. He was not as graceful as he used to be. Seeing that Tang Jiashi didn't admit that he had the talent of this profession, he was even saddened and said: "you don't know what love is!"

He is an out and out attitude determinist, convinced that only love can achieve great things.

His achievement against the Tao is because he deeply loves the Tao and Yi Li Shu. In his opinion, the talent of Tang Jie is his love for the art of numbers. Otherwise, how could he have such attainments.

Tang Jia had never seen him like this, and was shocked: "brother Xu, I really don't feel anything about this."

"How do you explain your talent?" Xu Muyang still doesn't give up.

Tang Jie replied helplessly: "how do I know... Maybe I don't love the array Taoist priest, but the array Taoist priest loves me!"