
The Way Of Anti-swordman

A swordman of Zhao state weared a rough belt, The blade of Wugou sword was as bright as frost and snow. The silver saddle lighted the white horse, Rustling like a meteor when running.

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2 Chs

Chapter Two:Adopt?

Mr. Yan was just about to head towards the East Capital Office, which oversaw civilian disputes, when he happened upon Neighbor Aunt Wang returning from the market.

Aunt Wang, having been widowed for many years, was born into the Wu family but took her husband's name, Old Wang, after marriage. The neighborhood all referred to her as Aunt Wang. She had three children, all making their living in the East Capital. Her eldest son, Wang Cheng, learned some rudimentary martial arts in his youth, not particularly skilled but enough to keep him fit. Later, to make ends meet, he found a way into a major restaurant in the East Capital as a kitchen hand. Now, he had honed his skills and could cook several excellent dishes. Her second son, Wang Lun, was more promising, having studied since childhood and becoming a scholar. Despite failing multiple times in the exams for a higher rank, he felt somewhat disheartened. Currently, he tutored a few students outside. Her eldest daughter, Elder Sister Wang, was the oldest among the three siblings, unmarried, working as a maid in a household in the capital. Much of the money for her two brothers' martial training and studies came from her earnings. Mr. Yan had become acquainted with Aunt Wang soon after moving here, and the two, finding common ground in their personalities, frequently interacted and helped one another.

Upon seeing Mr. Yan holding an unfamiliar child, Aunt Wang's eyes flashed with surprise before she quickly approached and inquired with concern, "Mr. Yan? What's this? Why do you have a child in your arms? Oh, what a chubby little boy! Where did this little treasure come from?"

Mr. Yan let out a bitter laugh and briefly recounted the story, ending with a sigh, "I was planning to take him to the authorities. The child is indeed pitiful, but I alone am incapable of raising him."

Aunt Wang furrowed her brows upon hearing this, then gazed softly at the child momentarily resting quietly in Mr. Yan's arms, seemingly evaluating and weighing her thoughts. After a moment, she gently patted Mr. Yan's shoulder and spoke earnestly, "Mr. Yan, I see this child as a destined encounter for you. Why don't you keep him? Living alone has its advantages and disadvantages, you know. At thirty-five, you still haven't taken a wife. Given your circumstances, it's hard to say if you'll ever marry. Doesn't that put your family line at risk? Now, a fine boy has fallen into your lap; isn't this your fortune?"

"But…" "I know what you're worried about. Being a bachelor, you're afraid you can't raise a newborn, right?"

"Ai, that's exactly what's on my mind. I do want to carry on the family line, but if I were to try and fail, costing the child his life, wouldn't that be counterproductive?" Mr. Yan sighed in response.

"Well, that's one way to look at it, but aren't I here? I've raised a few children myself; this is nothing to me. If you're willing, I can help with everything the child needs, clothes, a wet nurse, and so on. That way, you won't be completely lost. Who knows you better than I do? You opened up the world of learning for our second son, teaching him with great insight. You have profound knowledge and are a righteous man. In the future, you can teach this child literature and etiquette, sparing him from a future of wandering. It would also be an act of kindness. Besides, having a child around will make your days less lonely."

Mr. Yan's heart trembled at her words. He had never imagined such a change in his life. Aunt Wang's words were like an awakening; he reflected on his generally kind demeanor and popularity among neighbors. With their support, raising a child might not be too difficult.

And Aunt Wang was right; the matter of continuing his lineage needed consideration. Given his current situation, finding a suitable wife through formal channels was unlikely, let alone affording it. He looked down at the sleeping child in his arms, sound asleep. After much contemplation, Mr. Yan finally nodded, a determined gleam in his eyes, "Very well, I'll give it a try. But, I'll need your guidance on how to raise him."

Aunt Wang readily agreed and immediately decided to help Mr. Yan acquire the necessities for the child, even promising to introduce him to experienced wet nurses. Before parting, she meticulously shared her parenting wisdom.

Mr. Yan, carrying the child, followed Aunt Wang to the market to purchase the necessary items. Along the way, Aunt Wang didn't hesitate to share the news with everyone they encountered, leaving Mr. Yan smiling wryly. It wasn't until someone asked what the child's name was that he began to seriously consider this crucial question.

Indeed, what should he name the child?