

Nick opened the door to his house and walked to his room. He had just got back from the football field. He walked in his room and layed down on his bed. As soon as he layed down his phone buzzed. He grabbed it and read what the text from mike.

"Nick the new zombies game is in stores tomorrow!!!!!" Nick read. He grabbed his laptop and looked it up to make sure he had the right day. He had been waiting for this game for two years. As he suspected mike was right. Nick grabbed his phone and sent the same text to kyle. He heard the front door open. He ran out the door and tripped over his own two feet and ran into the living room and got to his knees and started begging for the game.

"Mom pleaseeeee get me this new game." Nick said.

"Nick stand up" his mother said while laughing.

"Now honey what is the game you want?" Asked nicks mother. Nick knew if he said it she wouldn't let him have it. But he took his chance.

"Its called: zombie killer gang" he said with a cring knowing what she would say. His mother turned around and looked at him.


"But, why mom." Asked nick.

"I said no nick." She said.

"But kyle and mike are getting it and I wont be able to play. Mom pleaseeeee" nick begged. His mother looked at him but then thought of an idea.

"Ok. You can get it." She said. Nick couldn't believe his ears.

"But I'm only paying for half of the game. You need to do some work and EARN the other half." Said nicks mom. Nick knew it was too good to be true. He.knew his mother was smart and could make anything happen. He got up and went back to his room. He grabbed his phone and called kyle.

"Hey kyle" said nick

"Hey man you ready were ganna be up all night this weekend."

"I can't man. My mom said she only paying for half." Nick said. He thought of something.

"What can we do to make forty three dollers?" Asked nick.

"I don't know nick but I got to go my dad needs me I'll talk to you tomorrow." Said kyle. Nick decided to go to bed and find out what to do tomorrow.