


Nick walked up to his locker to grab his binder. He opened it in record speed.

"I just don't understand how you do that so fast" said kyle. Kyle and nick lived beside each other. Which ment they walked to school together. Kyle never used his locker so he just walked with nick to his.

"Just muscle memory" said nick. He had said the same thing for the past few months. Kyle had a stupid obsession with how fast he could open his locker. Nick grabbed his binder and went for his history note book but he picked up another one. He looked at it and back at kyle.

"What?" Said kyle confused.

"This is the notebook I left behind after a fell down the steps." Nick explained. Kyle took the notebook out of his hands. Realizing what kyle would see on the first page he tryed to take it back.

"Kyle please give it back" said nick

"Why. Its just a broken notebook" said kyle. With a giggle.

"Y-yeah. So just give it back." Said nick almost begging him. During this whole conversation tayler had walked passed them. Nick had stopped and stared. Kyle just shook his head. He thought what nick could be hiding in the notebook he was holding. He opened it.

"Oh...my.....god" said kyle. Nick looked back at him. Kyle's eyes were wide. Nick just looked down and put his hands in his pockets.

"What?" Asked nick almost knowing what he would say.

"Well there's three things. First. Your art is amazing. The second thing is your art is so good that it makes you look like a perv." Said kyle. Nick just blushed he didn't want anyone to see that picture.

"And last, tayler wrote you a note in here." Said kyle with a wide smile. Nicks head sprung up.

"What?!?!? Said nick. He was surprised and took the notebook out of kyles hand. And opened it.

"Hey nick. You forgot this. Your a good artist by the way." Nick read out. Just then the bell rang.

"This conversation is not over" said kyle walking backwards to his class. Nick went the other way down the hallway. He got half way down and jumped straight up in the air. He walked to class. He sat down in his chair right in the middle of the room. He looked over at mike across the room. Mike was looking at his phone. Nick looked back at the board. This was going to be a good day.

Nick had made it all the way through his Monday at school and was currently waiting for the school bus to come pick him up. Kyle walked up to him and took a seat next to him.

"So... Whatcha doin?" Asked kyle

"Well right now I'm kinda doing a lot of things. I'm breathing,using my voice,trying to figure out what animal im talking to and wandering where the heck is mike at?" Said nick with a smile. Kyle just looked at him with a hurt expression on his face.

"I was kidding. Come on man" said nick.

"Yeah I know. But I ment what are you going to do about tayler?" Asked kyle seriously.

"Well...First were NEVER going to show mike the picture that you so conveniently saw."

"Ok. Well what about tayler?"

"What about her she gave me back my notebook back and gave me a complement." Said nick with a little sadness.

"Maybe your wrong" said kyle trying to cheer up. The bus pulled up to.them and they got on. Mike ran up to them.

"Sorry guys I've kinda been in trouble all day." Said with a smile

"What?!?!" Said kyle and nick said at the same time.

"Well I was in the hallway this morning coming up to you guys and I had a paper ball of my homework from last night-" said mike getting cut off by nick.

"Your homework? Why the heck would you crumble your homework?" Asked nick

"Because I was getting frustrated by it and got angry and crumbled it up." Mike explained. They got on the bus and continued the conversation.

"So I was going to throw it away and I went to shoot it into a trash can I saw on the way to your locker.

"And....." Said kyle waiting for the point. Nick laughed to himself at the comment.

"I shot and missed." Said mike. Kyle just looked at him like he was stupid.

"Mike how DUMB are you?" Asked him.

"Well to find that out we would first need to figure out how stupid he is" said nick making all three laugh.

"No but for real guys. I hit jackson." Kyle and nick looked at him.

"Congratulations mike you just leveled up to retarded." Said nick.