
It's a complex journey

Nick woke up to the sound the front door knocking. Hw got up and went to the front door expecting it to be kyle or mike. He decided not to put his shirt on because he would just tell them to go away and go back to sleep. He dragged his feet all the way to the door and opened it. When he did his eye's went wide. Standing in the front door of his house was tayler. He slammed the door shut and ran to his room and put on a shirt. He ran back to the front door and opened it again.

"H-hey tay." Nick was able to say.

"Hey nick." Tayler said with a smile on her face.

"Sorry about slamming the door on you. I just had to do something." He said pointing back to his room. He looked up at tayler. She was smiling.

"Oh. Its ok I just came to ask you if you were going to the football game this Friday?" Tayler said. Nick couldn't believe what he just heard.

"L-like with you? Or with k-kyle and mike?" He asked. Taylers eyes went wide.

"No. Like I ment just in general. I kinda need to know for the seats and stuff." Tayler said. Nicks looked back down and was blushing a lot.

"Oh! Im so sorry. I didn't mean like that. I'm sorry." He said. She just looked at him.

"Tay! Come on babe we don't wanna be late." Said jackson. He was standing on the sidewalk. Nick put two and two together.

"Oh. Ok. Well maybe." Said nick. Tayler looked at him. She could tell he was obviously upset about something.

"You ok nick?" She asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah. I'm good. I think ima just ganna go play some games. It was nice to see you though." Nick Said and gave her the best smile he could come up with.

"Oh. Ok. Well say hi to the boys for me." Tayler said. Nick gave her a nod. The truth was he was on the edge of tears and she would be able to tell that if he answered with his words. He closed the door. As soon as he did he ran to his front window. He looked out it and watched tayler leave. He got up and walked back to his bed. He started crying almost immediately. He fell asleep not to long after.

Kyle decided to hope off his game and go over to mikes house. He only hoped his grandma would let him come inside. He remembered the first time he went over to mikes house. His grandma was all over the place asking them if they wanted anything. They even timed her. He laughed to himself at the thought he got dressed and went outside. He was about to go over to mikes but thought that nick would want to go. He walked up to the door and knocked. No answer. He rang the doorbell. He waited. He saw nick look through the window. He waved sarcastically.

"So we just ganna act like you don't know me?" Kyle smiled and watched nick open the door.

"What was that all about?" Kyle asked. Nick just shrugged.

"I just woke up. Im tired" nick said. Thus was only half a lie. Yeah he just woke up but no,he was wide awake.

"So anyway i was wandering if you wanna go.down to mikes today?" Kyle asked. Nick agreed and got dressed. They walked out the door and went down to mikes house. When they got there they knocked on the door.

"I dont think he's home look" said nick pointing to where mikes grandma's car would normaly be parked.

"Yeah. I think nicks right lets just go without him." Said kyle. Nick agreed and turned around. He stoped and looked back kyle.

"Wait. Where are we even going?" Asked nick. Kyle shrugged his shoulders. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Complex comics!!" They said at the same time. They turned around and started running in that direction.

Half way there both kids were tired of walking.

"We really should of grabbed our bikes." Said nick. He had walked too far for some comics.

"Yeah. But there is no turning back." Said kyle. He grabbed his phone.

"What are you doing?" Asked nick finally catching up to kyle."

"Im trying to find out where mike is. But he isn't answering his phone." Said kyle. Nick shrugged his shoulders. They were coming up on the comic book store.

"Race ya?" Asked nick. Kyle looked at him.

"Dude I cant even breath let alone run." Thay both laughed as they walked up to the front door of complex comic's.