
The Way He Loves Me

Used to being pushed to the side by her boyfriend Lina meets someone who only has eyes for her. She embarks on an amazing relationship which showed her that she could love so hard and be loved with so much passion. But there’s drama and heartbreak looming over her perfect relationship.

Brokenwingsforever · Fantasie
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32 Chs

Moving day

I finally pack the last of my things, I am really going to miss this place. I stand in the doorway giving my empty room one last look. I have so many memories here, especially with Charlotte. I was sad but I know i'm off to make new memories with Simon. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't scared about moving in with him. I'm still second guessing the whole thing.

Our Relationship is so fresh, I'm worried that living together will ruin it. Usually when people move in together it means they are serious about each other. Does that mean Simon is serious about me? Does he see me in his future? What if he changes his mind and thinks it's all a big mistake? I bite my fingernails just thinking about it.

I agreed to move in with Simon about two months ago. The day after he asked me, I had a serious chat with Charlotte. She wanted me to be careful and move at my own pace. She didn't want to see my heart broken again. I was scared things would be different once I moved in and I didn't want to mess things up with him. Everything was different with Simon, I felt safe and happy. I trusted him and I could feel myself falling for him more and more everyday. I didn't want any of it to go away, it is the first relationship I have had where I feel so happy.

Somehow he knew I would be nervous about moving in, ever since he asked me he has been nothing but supportive and ease my mind.

"Li? Where are you?" Charlotte calls out.

"I'm coming" I shout back grabbing my bag

"Im going to miss you so much" Charlotte hugs me

"Char. I'm seeing you tomorrow for lunch" I laugh

"You'll be okay. I'll miss you too so so much" I say hugging her back

"Car's all packed, I'm ready when you are" Simon says interrupting our embrace

"You better take care of her" Charlotte says to Simon as a warning, I smile.

"Don't worry I plan on taking very good care of her" his eyes meet mine. I couldn't help but blush.

"Argh you guys get a room, come on I'll walk you guys to the car" she laughs

Simon didn't want me to come over to see his place until I moved it. He spent the last two months fixing and redecorating. He wanted it to be a surprise for when I moved in.

And we're off.. After 10 mins drive Simons takes a turn out of town. I look at him confused. I thought his house was in town. We drive a little away from town and take a weird turn down a rural road. I know these roads lead to the farms, just after a few minutes we drive up another tucked away road. With the tall trees and overgrown bushes you'd guessed there was a beautiful house hidden away. We stop and Simon opens my door. I look up in awe, this is not what I was expecting at all.

The only thing I knew about Simon's house was that it was bought before his tour. Charlotte mentioned that it was beautiful but she never gave details. This in front of me was far from what I had in mind. Before me stood a large white house with a porch wrapped around it, beautiful purple wisteria grew on the right side of the house outlining the widows too. The flowers bordering the driveway added the perfect amount of colour too.

"Welcome home" Simon wraps his muscular arms around my shoulder with his chin resting on the top of my head. I place my hands on his forearms still looking up at the house.

"Simon, its beautiful.... yo-you never said.."

"Because I wanted to see your face when you see it for the first time"

"I can't believe I get to live here" I smile

"It's our home" he spins me around and kisses me.

"Come" He leads me to the door, as I am about to walk in he scoops me up in the air and walks inside the house

"Simon" I giggle

"That's a newly wed thing" I laugh, he puts me down his eyes not leaving mine.

"You have a look around, I'll get your things in"

I wander around the house. It's all open plan living; there's a spacious living room with a fire place, kitchen on the far right. All the furniture seemed to be around the same theme Dark oak wood. The walls were a dark emerald green. It was beautiful. There were beautiful plants all around the place.

"What do you think" Simon asks while setting my suitcase on the corner. "It's very nice, I love the decor"

"What made you choose?"

"Char said you are Mrs green thumb and you like green, I like dark colours hence the theme. I wanted something we both would like"

"Thank you Simon, that's sweet of you" erm are you kidding me, I know I said I was falling but I'm eating the floor right now. I am crazy about this man.

He pulls me closer to him, I can smell sweat and perfume. The mix fogged my brain. It was his scent it drove me insane. I bite my bottom lip staring into his eyes, I can see what he wants by just looking into his dark blue eyes. The look on his face was as if he needed me right now and would die if he couldn't have me.

He pushes his nose against mine before kissing me violently. His hand around my throat massaging gently and the other on my hip rocking me against him. Just like that the atmosphere was hot and icky, I want him now. I was desperate to feel his mouth on my body his long fingers on my hot skin.

"One sec..fuck" he whispers pulling away from my mouth. I'm panting looking up at him, wondering why he stopped

"I need..." he breathes in and out sharply

"I have to pop by the center, I told mike.. I would " he hands still on me, his eyes focused. He was torn as to what he was going to do.

"Argh fuck mike" his mouth comes crashing down on mine. We're taking small steps, Simon guiding me while I take off his t-shirt both taking each others clothing off one by one. Before I knew it we had moved into a bedroom. I didn't even have time to look around.

Simon pushes me onto the bed, I push myself up on my elbows as he bends down and kisses me. "You drive me insane sweet girl"

"I've been waiting to have you in our bed all day" that sentence made my heart beat even faster


"You fell asleep" Simon says softly. I rub my eyes

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"No need to apologise"

"I still got so much to unpack and put away" I moan

"I'll help put me to work" he chuckles, his laugh was so cute.

"'Ok, well I need to put my clothes away"

" The walk in wardrobe is right there" he says pointing to an opening on the right

"This is our bedroom by the way, my fault you didn't get a proper first tour" he says stroking my hair.

"That's fine, I think I'd choose this tour over any" I say playing with his chest.

"You hungry baby?" he says softly

"mmhmm hmmm" I nod

"Take away or throw something together?"

"Ugh take away please" I was not in the mood to start cooking.

"I'm exhausted, too exhausted to cook"

"Ok roomie, You get dressed and I'll grab us something"

I get dressed and clean myself up. I look around the bedroom, the bed was a t least a queen size, the duvet covers and fitted sheet were both white silk. No wonder I fell asleep so easily. The walking wardrobe was on the right and the bathroom right next top it.There was a beautiful bird of paradise in the corner by the window. The room looked beautiful. I make my way downstairs."I got us pizza, It's the only thing you can get delivered this far out"

"Oh that's fine, I like pizza" I smile at him

The pizza arrived and we sat in the living room. We talked about my family. Simon wanted to know about me, where I grew up, my first boyfriend. We also talked about my father leaving me in my grandmother's care when I was little.

"I don't understand how he could leave you" he says softly

"I would never leave you" his eyes kind and gentle.

"You shouldn't say that"


"Cause you never know how things will go, things don't always end up the way we want them to" I say sadly

"I know what I want" he places his hand on my cheek

After dinner Simon helped me put away most of my things apart from a suitcase which I couldn't be bothered to sort and we went to sleep. I was absolutely knackered.

"Move, unit move" I open my eyes confused by the shouting. I look over and Simon seems to be moving in his sleep, shouting random things

"Glovenski. All unit" I lean over to my side turning on my lamp before turning back to Simon. He was shivering, he had sweat on his forehead. I reach over and touch him, his body was clammy.

"Simon" I say softly

"NO-no" he shouts again

"Simon, please wake up" I gently nudge him, after a few seconds he seems to come and slowly opens his eyes.

"Li? Sorry was I tossing too much" he says frowning at me

"No, you were talking, you're shivering. Are you okay?" I stroke his cheek

"I'm fine" he takes my hand and kisses it.

"Come here baby, come put your head on my chest" I pull myself closer to him and lean my head against his damp skin.

"I'm sorry I woke you up, the nightmares are just part of the job. They come and go" his voice low. I bring my head up to meet his face. Rubbing my nose against his and leave a peck on his lips

"How do I make them go away?" I kiss him. His hands find the back of my neck rubbing upwards until my hair was in a bunch in his hand. Using his hand he pushes my head towards him and devours my mouth.

"Just like this" he pulls up my nightie leaving me in my black silk panties. He pulls me onto him, massaging my cheeks with his large large. I kiss him fiercely desperate to make him forget whatever he was dreaming about. I could feel him under me solid as a rock.

"I want you now Simon" I moan, he rolls me over and kisses me then trailing kissing all down my boobs and tummy. The feeling of his mouth kissing me hot skin erupt shivers inside me. He slowly pulls my panties down and places himself between my legs.

"Simon" I moan, he pushes in and grunts as he does so

"Fuck yes....oh my, you are soaked baby"

After our passionate love making I could feel myself falling asleep, my head was resting on his hair chest, listening to his steady heart beat. His hand caressing my side.

"I'm so happy you're going to be living with me" He says still caressing. It lulled me, I could feel myself drifting

"G-Good, cause I-I love you"