
The Way Ahead Of Us

Louis discovers a great invention his parents left him. But was it really so great? Losing, regaining and discovering. Louis will have to deal with a lot of things. But what will he discover. Will he find what killed his parents? Or will he die in the process. Who knows...

RickyVulchanov · Fantasie
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11 Chs

The Ball

Louis was waiting at the entrance to the gymnasium. He was probably waiting for Carlos, his other best friend.

Zane was trying his best not to make any kind of contact with him at all. He wanted a good moment. Because the evening was still long, and Zane didn't want to bother him by getting all sentimental and talking right now.

Unlike Louis, it wasn't easy for him to make friends, so he was kind of alone now.

Even though he wanted him back, he didn't do it for his own sake, but as a genuine apology to Louis. So, to prepare himself for having a good chat later, he went to go and wash up. He thought it would be a good place to do this as there weren't usually many people there. 

After half an hour, he decided to hit the dance floor. After all, dancing was something he was good at. The beat was good, but suddenly his heart started beating faster as he saw Louis approaching him. There was no hint of anger in his expression, but he looked more tired than usual. 'Zane, you wanted a word?' Louis said. His eyebrows raised. 'If you like. After all, it was my fault, so it's your call.' Zane said nervously. 

With a nod, Louis led the way into the hall. He looked at Zane who was twiddling his thumbs. 'I know you have a lot you want to say, but please let me start. 

Clearly what you did was unacceptable. But I know that, as you told me, you did it to protect me. I still don't know the whole story, but maybe this can be a new beginning of our friendship? Hm?' Louis said quietly, knowing that Zane had become very vulnerable recently. He saw the pain he was in. 

Zane took a deep breath and began to speak, his voice trembling as he spoke. 'Louis, I'm so sorry for what I... did. I don't... I don't have a clue why I did it. That wasn't me. I want you to know that what I did was in fact to protect you. They threatened me that they would do something to you if I didn't do it.'

Zane's eyes filled with tears. He began to breathe heavily, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Louis wasn't used to seeing Zane cry. But he decided to comfort him nonetheless.

'Zane, it's all right. I'm not angry with you. But I'm hoping you'll realise where you've gone wrong. And if you're ever in a situation like this again... Just talk to me. Okay?'

'I do... I'm so sorry.' he sobbed. 

Louis saw how guilty Zane was feeling and decided to just ask him about it.

'What if we just try again, not too hastily, and you apologise to Keiko?' 

Zane's eyes were wide with surprise at what Louis had said. He became even more emotional at how quickly Louis forgave him. 'I'll apologise. To her and i'll also pay any costs i gave her or her family.' Zane quickly said. This was what he hoped when entering the school. He hoped that Louis would be able to forgive him and that they would be friends again. It was like a dream come true, like a great weight was lifted from his shoulders. 

The standpoint is usually like a 3rd person perspective but if it really transfers to someone's mind i'll make an intertitle with the standpoint.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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