
The watcher in Warhammer 40k

a emotionless man who was the most powerful killing machine until they had no use for him is put in the 40k universe with the ultimate choice, let's see what fate Markus has set for his new world

multiverse_theory · Andere
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4 Chs


" looks like I really reincarnated into Warhammer huh " Markus said as he stood up from the wreck of rusty parts and skeletons, than deciding to test his power by bringing out his phsyker powers and jumped 10 meters into the air as he landed on a platform above the pit he was dumped in.

he looked at his hand while internally impressed he muttered" guess training is necessary for a reason " Markus could feel the overflowing warp energy within him but he only drew out a slither of it to permanently enhance his physical attributes, than Markus noticed a small group of guys ahead laughing about something and he decided to try out his mind reading powers.

' man killing that guardsman was real pain ' one of them though ' and to think that lord khorne directly ordered us to kill him so the zonbies can create enough death and bloodshed to summon a greater demon ' another thought, but suddenly they were frozen in place as shock and panick flowed into them as they heard a emotionless voice they knew was dead spoke " so you heretics think you can just kill me and sacrifice this hive city without consequence? some interesting fools you are "

MC finna flex on em

give me power stones