
Chapter 16: Propaganda

Rivet City Lower District

NCR Ranger Camp


The mercenary sits beside an ammo box as she observes the activity around the camp.

"I always thought the NCR were a bunch of heartless bastards…" she quietly muttered as she remembers something Red told her some time ago "…Not everyone associated with the NCR is as evil as the goons who started all this…"

She notices several things that she would never expect from a NCR soldier. Some were distributing food to the locals, others were providing medical care to injured or sick wastelanders and a few were having fun conversations with some of the locals.

"… Did I do the right thing…?" she wonders as she contemplates the decisions she has made so far

For a few minutes, the mercenary was in her own world, trying to make sense of what she has just witnessed. For most of her life, this young mercenary has seen nothing but the evils done by the New California Republic. Now, she bares witness to another side to this 'evil' government…

As Ellie's thoughts wander, Rufus walks up to the mercenary, holding two bottles of Nuka-Cola.

"Hey" he said as the mercenary snaps back into reality "Thanks for helping out"

"N-No problem…" the mercenary said as she accepts the Nuka-Cola "How long have you been a Ranger?"

"3 years" the wastelander replied "Joined the army in 2298"

"2 years before the invasion…" the mercenary muttered "Why did you join the NCR?"

"Let's just leave it as I believe that the NCR will change the Capital Wasteland for the better" the wastelander said after pondering for some time

There was silence for a while as the mercenary tries to digest the information. Just then, like a writer suddenly finding his inspiration, the mercenary realized something…

"Why are supplies low again…?" she asked

"Because Evergreen Mills was taken" Rufus answered

"Then why is the Upper District faring better than the Lower District…?"

"That I don't know" the wastelander responded

"Isn't it weird that the Lower District is suffering while the Upper District is still enjoying their lives" the mercenary stated

"Look" the wastelander whispered, after looking both ways "Best you don't think too much about this… A little too much curiosity can kill you"

Taken aback, the mercenary responds "What do you mean…?"

"Just giving some life saving advice" the wastelander answered

Despite the wastelander's advice, Ellie couldn't help but feel curious…

An hour later:

Lower District Entrance:

The gigantic steel doors open as Ellie prepares to leave for Anacosta Crossing Station.

"You be careful out there" the wastelander said

"I will…"

As the gates close, the mercenary walks towards her destination, but it was not the subway station. Instead, she heads north, towards the Purifier. Reaching a shore, away from the eyes of the NCR soldiers guarding the gates, the mercenary proceeds to swim towards the aircraft carrier.

Upon reaching a certain part of the ship, the mercenary skillfully climbs the vessel, thanks to an array of twisted metal, missing parts and many more. Within 10 minutes, the mercenary's feet touch the ship's deck. She then proceeds to enter the city through one of the doors.

Inside, the mercenary begins her search for the records room. It was almost too easy as she simply walked around the corridors, with the guards never showing an ounce of suspicion.

She then comes across a room filled with holoprojectors, 4 of which were projecting images of several NCR soldiers. Looking carefully, the mercenary notices that under each picture is a date of birth and a date of death.

"A memorial…" the mercenary muttered

A common trend among the montage of pictures was the date, May 8, 2307.

"The day we attacked Evergreen Mills…" she muttered

As the mercenary stares at projections of fallen NCR soldiers, the sounds of chit chat began to echo in the corridor behind her. Acting quickly, the mercenary hides behind inside a locker. Using a hole in the door, the mercenary observes the room as two NCR soldiers arrive.

"So this is your brother?" one of the soldiers said as the holoprojector changes the picture

"Yep…" the other soldier responded "He was a good man… Had his throat slit, while he was sleeping, a couple of months ago… Couldn't even fight back… Mom took it really hard and nearly died of a heart attack…"

"I'm sorry man…"

"Don't be… Those damn rebels are to blame… I swear when I find the bitch that did it, I'm gonna make him wish he was never born…"

Minutes go by as the two soldiers stare at the numerous projections of fallen troops. All the while, Ellie felt a bit of guilt over what she had just overheard… She remembers doing the exact same thing to someone a few months before… As she ponders to herself, the two troopers decide to leave the room. With the soldiers gone, the mercenary exits the locker and proceeds with her mission.

A few minutes later, the mercenary comes across a corridor leading to a steel door, guarded by two NCR Rangers. There was no other way through them.

The mercenary stares at her hidden blades as she ponders on the best solution to her situation…

It did not take long for her to make her decision. She surveys the area, checking to see if those two rangers were the only one there… With the coast clear, the mercenary takes a deep breath and reveals herself to the rangers and slowly walks towards them.

"This is a restricted area" one of the rangers said "Turn around now"

But the ranger's words land on deaf ears.

"Hey! Did you hear what I said!?" the same ranger said as he attempts to grab Ellie's shoulder.

Upon touching her shoulder, the mercenary punches the ranger's stomach. The other ranger then attempts to raise his Assault Carbine but the mercenary was too fast for him as she quickly wrests control of the weapon from the ranger. Ellie then uses the rifle's buttstock and hits the ranger in the head, knocking him unconscious.

The 1st ranger, having recovered from Ellie's initial attack, attempts to shoot her with his pistol but the mercenary grabs his right arm and applies great force upon the elbow, breaking his arm. As he writhes I pain, the mercenary sucker punches him in the face, knocking him out. With the guards neutralized, the mercenary positions their bodies to make it look like they are simply sleeping and promptly opens the steel door.

Rivet City Laboratory:

Upon entering the lab, the mercenary notices that the surroundings looked like something she saw in her visions. The tubes, the computers… They were exactly where they were in her dreams and visions…

"But… I've never been here before…" the mercenary muttered

As she makes her way deeper into the lab, the mercenary hears someone calling to her.

"Hey" a person said

Looking to her right, the mercenary finds a lone scientist

"Who are you?" the scientist said "You shouldn't be here"

With her cover blown, the mercenary draws her 9mm pistol and aims it at the scientist.

"Say one more word and I'll blow your head off" she said as the scientist raises his arms and surrenders.

The mercenary commands her captive to sit in one of the rooms, located at the corner of the lab, as she ties his arms and legs with some wires and rope she found lying around. She then covers the man's mouth with a few pieces of cloth she found in the same lab. With her captive secured, the mercenary notices a terminal. Although it was protected by a password, the mercenary managed to hack into the device, albeit encountering some difficulties. Inside the terminal was what she was looking for. Records of Rivet City's transactions, the council's plans, the positions of NCR camps around the city and many more.

"I just struck gold…" she muttered as she begins to download the data into her Pip-Boy.

As the download commences, a certain file caught her eye. It was entitled 'Operation Overseer'.

"Son of a bitch…" the mercenary muttered as she looks through the file.

The file reveals that Rivet City still had an ample amount of supplies and still maintains a supply route, thanks to some independent merchants. Most of the supplies were given to the residents of the Upper District, since they were the 'original' residents of Rivet City while the Lower District was given smaller portions of the supplies. Rivet City's council and Colonel Jao Sanders, an NCR commander, decided to use the fall of Evergreen Mills as an excuse to ration the supplies given to the refugees to incite Anti-Rebel sentiment among the refugees and, as a 'bonus', have them enlist in the NCR army.

"It was one big lie…" the mercenary muttered as she turns to the scientist

Removing the cloth, the mercenary was clearly upset as she says "Why the fuck are you people making those refugees suffer!?"

"They're not even from Rivet City" the scientist explained "They should be grateful that we're even helping them besides if they're going to stay in our territory, might as well make them useful right?"

"Bitch" the mercenary said as she plunges one of her hidden blades into the man's face.

As Ellie prepares to leave, a familiar voice calls to her

"My, my" a familiar voice said "Pretty violent there, Ellie"

"Rufus…" the mercenary mutters "…You knew about this?"

The wastelander didn't utter a word

"I thought you were fighting to make the Capital Wasteland a better place to live!?"

"I am" the wastelander replied

"Under the foundation of lies and suffering!?" the mercenary shouted

"Oh please" Rufus responded "As if you rebels haven't done your own share of the killing and propaganda"

Taken aback, the mercenary could only utter "What!?"

"Surprised?" the watelander said "I knew from the beginning that you're part of that rebel group. The emblem was at the back of your old armor, although it was a bit torn, but it doesn't really take a genius to take two-and-two together"

"Then why did you help me?" the mercenary asked

"I thought maybe I can open your eyes a bit" he replied "But it looks like even after seeing the truth, you still persist with your little ideas of rebellion"

"Truth!?" The mercenary shouted "You call this shit truth!?"

"I guess you couldn't see the light…" the wastelander muttered as a squad of NCR rangers flood the room "I'm gonna have to place you under arrest"

"You think your little cowboy battalion is enough to take me?" the mercenary said with a smirk

"Let's see…" the wastelander said "You just killed your only hostage and we're all in a room with only one way out and me & my boys have it locked down"

The mercenary gives a confident smile as she puts her left arm down, prompting a hidden object to drop down to her left hand. Acting quickly, the mercenary throws it into the ground and a thick blanket of smoke fills the room, disorienting the NCR soldiers enabling her to make a break for the door.

"Stop her!" Rufus shouts as the NCR soldiers begin to open fire upon the mercenary.

The mercenary bursts through the steel door as squads of NCR troops converge and open fire upon her. The mercenary managed to take a few down with well-aimed shots to their hands and knees, followed by a few melee jabs to knock them unconscious.

Reaching the stairwell, the mercenary climbs the stairs to the 3rd floor. As she opens the steel door leading into the 3rd floor hallway, two NCR rangers were waiting for her. Acting fast, the mercenary takes cover behind the opened door as NCR soldiers burst through the 2nd floor door.

"She's in the 3rd floor!" the soldiers shouted

"Ah shit…" the mercenary muttered as she receives shots from the 2nd floor stairwell and the 3rd floor hallway.

"I think you should surrender, Ellie" Rufus shouted "You can't escape"

"Kiss my ass, bitch!" Ellie responded as she does a banzai charge towards the two rangers. Despite successfully taking down both rangers, non-lethally, the mercenary suffered two gunshot wounds, one on her right leg and one on her left shoulder.

Not allowing her injuries to slow her down, the mercenary resumes her escape attempt as she runs deeper into the ship.

In a matter of a few minutes, the mercenary reaches the ship's bridge and goes head-to-head with a NCR ranger.

The mercenary attempts to punch him in the stomach but the ranger's reflexes proved to be almost as fast as hers, every punch or kick she does is either dodged or blocked.

"I don't have time for this!" the mercenary shouted as the sounds of the other troopers become louder.

The mercenary then pulls out another metallic ball and throws it unto the ground, creating the same thick smoke that allowed her to escape a few minutes before.

Ship Deck:

Bursting through the steel door, the mercenary surveys the area. NCR soldiers are everywhere and jumping to the lower balconies would be suicidal. With no other option, the mercenary proceeds to climb up, reaching the derelict radar dish, all the while ebing shot at by the pursuing NCR soldiers.

Reaching the top of the radar dish, the mercenary prepares herself for one big jump.

"Ellie!" Rufus shouted "Don't do it! Just surrender already!"

"FUCK. YOU!" the mercenary said as she performs a leap of faith and jumps towards the body of water below.

Amazingly, she survives the jump unscathed and proceeds to swim to a nearby shore.

Reaching a shoreline, just below the derelict carrier, the mercenary hides herself using several pieces of debris. A few minutes later, the mercenary sits down and catches her breathe. She was so tired that she did not notice herself doze off…

The sound of an automated alarm awakens the mercenary. But she wasn't in the shoreline. No, her surroundings made it look like she was inside a vault and she was, once again, wearing the same unfamiliar power armor she saw in her other visions.

"Looks like 'they're' here…" the familiar young man said

The mercenary doesn't utter a word and simply cocks her plasma rifle, ready to face whatever foe was attacking.

"Hey" the man said as he grabs the mercenary's arm "You're not a tool. You know that right?"

Once again, the mercenary doesn't utter a word

"No matter what they say" the man said "You must not forget that you're a human being too. Don't ever forget that…"

After letting go of her arm, the mercenary proceeds to the door without even looking back…

The mercenary wakes up after walking through the door.

"Another dream…" she muttered as she undoes the barricade she erected. Checking the time, the mercenary noticed that it was already 8:30pm…

"One hell of a beauty sleep I did…" she muttered as she climbs the cliff.

Looking at her surroundings, the mercenary finds Anacosta Crossing station just in front of her and to her left was Rivet City's Lower District… Just as she was about to move, a squad of NCR troopers, with flashlights, begins to scour the ruins…

"Looks like they're still looking for me…" she muttered as she quickly makes her way towards the station's entrance…

"Gotta make contact with the others fast… They need to know what's happening in Rivet City"

With that, the mercenary opens the station doors and proceeds into the dark subway tunnels, unsure of what dangers she may face inside…