
"The Dogmas of Faith"

Chapter 15

"The Dogmas of Faith"

"Are we not making any moves?" Wamaro asked angrily.

"Remember, Wamaro, something might happen to us, and we still need to find Baba Matuwa," explained Jrazm.

"I understand you. Think if I were in Ruyil's situation, would you just let me sacrifice?" asked Wamaro.

"That's another story, Brother," she answered.

"There is no one else to help him but us. We are the only ones who have the ability to help save him," said Wamaro.

"As always, vote for who is in favor of helping him," suggested Endang.

"As always!" Harris was in accord with.


On the other hand, the community clergy preacher conducted a ritual and then cleansed Ruyil in the blood of the golden piglet, a type of pig found exclusively in their townlet.

The other males play Damaha (Tyamko and Dholaki Drums) as a symbol of their initiation to awaken their worshipped deity.

The younger girls are engaged in dancing what they call "Unday-Unday Goryomapwa," a sacred dance to welcome the gods that come down to the ground.

This dance is an offering ceremony and a tribute of treasure to him, to make restitution for the sin that their ancestor committed against him.

The old women are preparing food, some of which will be taken with Ruyil to drop in the hole that leads to the grotto. At the very center is their clergy preacher who conducts the prayer, incense burning accompanied by ritualistic chanting in strange verbiage.

"Please, Navab, don't take an action that will annihilate our clan," Le-ah reminded.

"Mërruz, join the children inside our church. Head there," ordered Muñuz.

"Yes, Father," answered Mërruz.

"Father, what should we do? Shall we just wait here?" asked Navab.

"You don't have to do anything. We will obey the usual for the sake of all of us," replied Hajur Buba.

"In the past, they took my best friend Armando, and now it's my nephew," reflected Navab.

The couple, Le-Ah and Muñuz, are acquainted with deep sadness, but they are not the only ones who have undergone the loss of a child.

To all intents and purposes, all their townlets have also relinquished their children to be offered to Deity Goryomapwa.

"Hello and a warm welcome to Afla Church on this beautiful morning of the Lord Goryomapwa Festival! Today is a joyous occasion as we gather to pay special tribute to Him. We hold this festival every year to honor His greatness. So let the celebration begin!" — speech, Reverend.

After invoking Ruyil, he snapped out of his trance and willingly obeyed the instructions of their clergy preacher. Ruyil would descend into the cave on his own.

In addition, the majority of the population is frightened and no one is allowed to go there except for the reverend. He will accompany the offering and has a ritual to perform.


For the first time, their decision was divided into two groups. Wamaro, Endang, and Tatukwe agreed to stay, while Jrazm, Harris, and Ahn-ahn chose to leave the area first.

"What step are you going to take, brother Wamaro?" asked Endang.

"We will still convince them, as they have been doing it since then," suggested Tatukwe.

"We will rescue Ruyil and take him out of this town," said Wamaro.

Wamaro thought of a way of what they should do. Because of Endang's ability, they decided that she would observe inside the church.

"What are they doing?" wondered Endang.

Endang returned from monitoring what was over and done within the church. She is certain of her prognostication that something is erroneous with what is happening in this townlet.

She had a strange feeling of exuberance; this kind of energy was not typical. Not only that, but she also entered the said cave, and she did not sense any monster on that site.

"I have strange feelings in this place!"

"Holy Mother of Earth, what is this?"

"I saw something like this before on the islands."

Instead, there were so many human bones lying around that it was hard to tell whether they were fish scales or large vipers.



And on the other hand, the other three flew across the woodland. As agreed, they would wait at the edge of the forest.

"Did we make the right decision?" reflects Harris.

"Do you want any of us to get hurt, again?" asked Jrazm.

"Our first mission is to find Baba Matuwa's whereabouts," added Ahn-ahn.

After a few distances…

"What's wrong Ahn-ahn?" Jrazm asked, confused.

"Something strange is happening around. It's like we're back here," she answered.

"Indeed!" Harris agreed.

Ahn-Ahn also pointed out that no matter how hard she tried to find the exit of this townlet, they would reappear where they existed. There appears to be no way out. So, they agreed to scrutinize the strange occurrences.



Not far from the celebrating populace, Wamaro and Tatukwe decided to wait by the Acacia tree. They noticed Merruz running out of the church, panting.

"Wamaro, that's the sister of young Ruyil," Tatukwe told him.

"That's her. She's the one Ruyil hugged. Maybe something bad happened to him," Wamaro observed.

"Come on, Tatukwe, let's go in!" he added.

"Wait a minute, let's wait for Endang. And then I thought of a plan. Let's get his sister here," Tatukwe contradicted.

A few minutes passed when the girl Merruz instantaneously came to their place. She was begging Tatukwe for help. Her countenance showed nervousness, and it was obvious that she cared for her brother and didn't want them to be separated.

"Please, help my brother. The monster Goryomapwa will feast on him," cried Mërrus.

"Where are your parents? Won't they do something to prevent this?" asked Wamaro.

"They also pressured my brother to sacrifice himself for the sake of our people," it responded.

"Strange parents! How can they tolerate such devilry?" enunciated Endang.

"Big brother Wamaro, what actions should we take to rescue Ruyil?" asked Tatukwe.

"Just a moment. Uncle Navab will assist you," said Mërrus.

"I thought no one cared to help with his concern?" Tatukwe wondered.

"He's my father's brother. He also can't stop the tradition, and our clan might be even more distraught," she explained.

"In that case, we are his only hope," expressed Endang.

"Alright, Mërrus, listen to what I say and do it, okay?" told Wamaro.

"Noted," Mërrus responded.

Wamaro told him what he could do. He ordered him not to disclose the steps they were going to take, and they had to talk to Nawab about the steps to be taken so that they could save Ruyil.


Tardily, they quickly tracked down the house of worship with Navab's companion. But unfortunately, they couldn't take hold of it because Ruyil fell down the cliff leading to the grotto. Wamaro went after rapidly.

"Wamaro, you'll take care of that, follow him downstairs!"—shouted Endang.

"Yes!" it answered.

"You bastards! You can't stop us from saving Ruyil."—shouted Tatukwe.

"What are you doing, brother?!" asked Muñuz angrily.

"This procession must be stopped! I will not allow anyone to be sacrificed again."—replied Navab.

"Because of what you did, our clan's reputation will be even more emphasized."—scolded Le-ah.

"Get out of there, and I'll hurt those kids who are interrupting our procession," shouted Muñuz's command.

"I'm sorry, brother, these children are more concerned than you as parents. They are worried about Ruyil. So, you will have to pass me first to cross the chin before you stop them," Navab threatened.

"Navab, stop. You're not helping. You're adding to the problem," Le-ah screamed.

The siblings fought. Navab would not let Muñuz trick Ruyil's mind again, so he finally acquiesces. Muñuz thinks about the consequences if the offering does not go ahead, which will be a misfortune for the whole people, and their clan will suffer greatly.

Meanwhile, Navab thinks of the unjust act of wanting to stop this kind of inhumane belief. He had wanted to do this for a long time, and this was his chance.


Even though the people there were having a hard time, they were unable to thwart Wamaro and his siblings from stopping them.

Instead of clasping back, the other men also flattened towards the grotto. Everyone caught a glimpse of the contents of this grotto that you would never visualize under their house of worship.

"So many have been killed here!" said Wamaro while holding the skull.

"R U Y I L‼️"

"R U Y I L, where are you!" shouted Wamaro.

The skeletons of the ethnic group they sacrificed are piled here. In addition to that, it was entirely gold grains shaped like viper poop. The golden color of the viper's scales is also scattered in the environment.

Several decades passed, and even then, each of them sacrificed an innocent child to atone for the sin they committed against the deity they call Goryomapwa.

"Because you meddled, even the Reverend was exterminated!" shouted a man.

"Compatriots, let's leave here, or we might perish!" added one.

"Are you fools? Don't you see the skeletons of the children you sacrificed to this demon?" Wamaro chastised the men present inside the grotto.

"Hey, kid! Your outsiders are new to our town, and you don't know anything about our suffering here," scolded a man with blood on his face.

"You are killing innocents! Children who have dreams. There are so many of you, but not a single one dares to oppose this demon. Look at these skulls. I wish you would have a conscience!" Wamaro wailed.

Wamaro's words halted them. But there is still a trace in their presence of the fear of the significance if the ceremony does not achieve.


The townspeople were upset because they believed that even their clergy preacher had been eaten by a monster due to Wamaro's disturbance. However, needy Ruyil can still be seen tied to a post near the lake.

"Oh Tatukwe, I'm glad you're here," spoke Wamaro.

"We need to leave as early as possible. Endang won't be able to handle it there!" responded Tatukwe.

"Got it!" he replied.

"Something is moving in this lake," Tatukwe said in shock.

"Don't touch the water because I don't think it's safe. That's why I had a hard time retrieving him from the other side," explained Wamaro.

"Holy Saints!" Tatukwe shouted in shock.

Everyone in the cave turned around. Tatukwe immediately went to where it was when the water suddenly swirled in this puny lake. Unexpectedly, the half-human-half-Viper's head popped out and rose exhaustively into the atmosphere.

"Merciful Lord! We are very delighted that you have appeared to us!" a man praised them, and then they prostrated themselves on the ground.

"You kids, also kneel so Lord Goryomapwa doesn't swallow you," calmly ordered a man.

"If you are indeed a God, why do you allow such a thing to happen?" Wamaro yelled.

"Blasphemy! You have no right to criticize our God!" one of the men threatened.

"Your God is a Demon!" shouted Tatukwe.

In an instant...

Most people believe this is the image of the colossus Goryomapwa. The tied Ruyil was about to be consumed when his body suddenly caught Tatukwe's sharp sword. Instantly, the bogey screamed and became more feverish.


"Why did you do that?" shouted a man.

The men there thought that the deity might be even angrier with them, so they helped dissuade the sacrifice to Ruyil. Before they could get close, Wamaro barricaded them!

"There they are!" pointed Endang.

She is joined by Jrazm, Harris, and Ahn-ahn, who are returning from a planned evacuation. Afterwards, they immediately helped the faced deity.

"I will assist Ruyil!" told Ahn-ahn. Then she takes a sharp metal to set him free.

"I won't let you have another victim!" yelled Tatukwe.

"Tak, avoid his venom!" reminded Endang.

Endang and Tatukwe teamed up to confront the bogey. He was frantic because his venom could not withstand Tatukwe's sword, and because of the wind that Endang blew, the poison didn't spread where they were.

Due to a combination of hunger, gluttony, and extreme annoyance, he became even more enraged. He spat violently and threw it all over the grotto, causing the other men to vanish.

Fortunately, the Warriors of Ciboro were immune to his toxin. Ahn-Ahn immediately took Ruyil, Mërruz, and Navab to their spacecraft. No matter what element was thrown at it, the spacecraft remained impervious.

"I have an idea!" Endang exclaimed.

"What is it?" Wamaro responded.

Endang thought of a way. However, the people there still protected the bogey, even after being sprayed with its saliva. Wamaro tried to warn them not to come near, but they were very devoted to this bogey.

"Jrazm, target its eyes," ordered Wamaro.

"Got it!" replied Jrazm.

"Harris, make sure these people are safe. Let them leave the cave!" Wamaro pointed Harris in the right direction.

"I will try my best, bro!" responded Harris.

"Now, Tatukwe and Endang, get into position!" screamed Wamaro.

"OKAY!" they both shouted.

When it spewed poisonous saliva, Endang stopped it by blowing a strong wind. All of its poison returned to it, but the bogey was immune to its venom.

Jrazm's arrow struck the bogey's eye and caused it to go berserk. At the last moment, Tatukwe jumped up and struck the monster with his sword. It shook its head and toppled into a corner! The siblings were exhilarated, meanwhile, the townspeople cried.

"A H H H H ‼️‼️‼️‼️"

"What will happen to us? Why are you doing such things? You are cursed! God will take revenge on us!" screamed Le-ah.

Everyone stopped as the bogey suddenly transformed shape. They were stunned and in disbelief! Even a severed head spoke. He was none other than their clergy preacher!

"Holy Saints!" spoke Tatukwe.


"I can't believe this!"

"We're all deceived!"

They had been deceived for several years by what they had believed to be the preacher. They had even accused Ditya and Goryomapwa's lineage of being behind everything. Even until their extinction, they were still bombarded with heavy accusations.

The anger of the townspeople who witnessed everything made them hate the demonic clergy preacher so much. He had defrauded, tricked, cheated, and exploited their weaknesses. The bogey head was trampled, spat on, and hit, but he didn't care and just chuckled at them.

"I am aware of the extreme anger and anguish you suffered from this treacherous demon. Starting today, you have achieved your freedom!" Wamaro told all the people who witnessed the incident.

"Thank you very much, Warriors of Ciboro, for freeing us. We have endured for numerous decades and believed in this false God," said Nawab.

"I'm sorry, and thank you very much for enlightening us," Muñuz said regretfully.

"Don't apologize to us, but to your son," Tatukwe scolded.

"Sorry, our son," Muñuz and Le-ah said together.

Ruyil just smiled and hugged her sister, Mërruz. Wamaro couldn't stand it and ended it himself. He used his flare and burned it.

"Long live the Warriors of Ciboro!" 🔊

"Long live the Warriors of Ciboro!"🔊

"Long live the Warriors of Ciboro!"🔊

When Wamaro suppressed it, the townspeople cheered. They didn't quite think that Wamaro could survive in the fire. They were genuinely grateful for being acquainted with the truth. For numerous years, they had also followed the theology they inherited from their parents, relying wholly on their ignorance and goodness.

Thereafter, they dragged themselves toward the grotto. Their Captain de Baryo called a session and openly declared what had truly happened. They were finally unburdened; they could leave if they desired to. The barrier was gone, and no one would sacrifice their children. From now on, they could live a customary life.

As a tribute, they made a sculpture of Ditya's family, including her colossal husband and their son, Goryomapwa. They also changed the name of their town to Goryomapwa as compensation for their sins.

It has also been justified that every time there is a deluge, they do not have a good harvest. This is also because of the work of the bogus clergy preacher. He intentionally spits his saliva on the ground, causing damage to the farmers' harvests.

The people of Goryomapwa are very delighted despite all the tragedies that have happened. Now, they can embark on fresh beginnings. They can currently import gold from the grotto and trade it in the town next to it.

Before they leave, the people pay tribute to their heroism and liberation. They dance, sing, and prepare freshly harvested fruits and vegetables.

Just moments before they leave, the couple Le-Ah and Muñuz express gratitude for saving their children Ruyil and Mërruz. They promise that from now on, they will protect them from anything that occurs in the future.

Ruyil hugs everyone and is immensely grateful to Wamaro, who promises him that from now on, he will protect his sister and the townspeople against the invaders.


"Where were you earlier, Harris? We're going to die. Didn't you even help? I thought the townspeople stabbed you," asked Endang.

"I'm hungry. There's a lot of food. You can do that even without me," responded Harris.

"Food? You even contrived to eat in such a state! We thought you were doomed, but you dissolved in the meals there," scolded Wamaro.

Everyone was enraptured. They were getting closer and closer to where Baba Matuwa is. Jrazm also thanked everyone for understanding her decision. However, they left the small town of Goryomapwa with big smiles and satisfaction that even though they were young, they were already helping.


(Two nights later)

While everyone was fast asleep, Mërruz abruptly floated in the air. Its eyes shone as if something had merged with them. An intense aura emanated from its body, causing the entire house to light up.

A few minutes later, she fell asleep again as if nothing out of the ordinary had transpired. Her parents noticed this, and even Ruyil woke up strangely. But when they witnessed her falling asleep again, they simply dismissed it.

To be continued…


End of the era of the child-eating monster that has been bamboozling the remote farming village for decades.

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