
The War of the Last Dragons

After centuries of war, the Dragons were finally 'contained'. No longer would they rule over Ylphasia with impunity and total control. No more would the world have to fear their overlords (or so they saw them as such). In fact, it seemed that with the Humans and Dragons finally gone, real peace was attainable. .....but were they really gone? Legend had said that there were still two fully-blooded Dragons out there to still be caught and entrapped. Thanks to the patience of a secret society, it would only be a matter of time until their protection would wear off, and a new war would begin to reshape the world as everyone knew it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXCERPT: "Now...about this folder..." Adelaide began again and turned to Sattus with a displeased look on her face. "Were you really going to give the keys to the kingdom to him...and before you ever even told her the truth?" The leader nodded towards the silent Destiny, but did not address her. There was a pregnant pause. The Queen sighed in annoyance and sat back into her chair with the contents she held close to her chest. "You really, really were...." She let out brief groan of disappointment. "Well, that's good. That leaves our contract moot. We were very clear about the agreement - no marriages without the knowledge of the council. Did you forget, or did you think they'd just ignore it?" She interrogated Sattus like a mother who caught their son in a lie. Hell, Adelaide was old enough to be the world's mother, and the chiding amused her so much, she had to cover her mouth to stop a pleasant smile. "Why do you think I am so careful with my assignments? Even I fear the Council. An order is an order." Adelaide insisted and crossed her arms with the blue file tightly tucked against her chest. She guarded it like treasure. Whatever was in that folder - that was what Destiny wanted more than anything now. For whatever was in there, held the truth about her entire life - a secret that she hadn't even known was buried in this castle. Was she even Sattus' daughter? Did she have to get married to V'Azlak now? Still stunned by the scene, she had yet to sit down - and finally, Adelaide addressed her, but without acknowledgement.  "Sit down, Destiny. I can't have you going anywhere...." Unsure of whether it was a suggestion, or a threat, she did as Adelaide requested and took a seat as though she had been programed to carry out her orders. It both terrified and confused her on how a woman she barely knew could somehow control her every move - and apparently knew something about her past that she didn't.

Starparticle · Fantasie
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21 Chs

A Fish on A Hook

Hallucinations filled Lanshu's head as the psychedelic tea set in fully through his system.

First, he remembered being small and how he ran through the very same halls as a child where he now walked as an adult. He felt happy, and safe - and his joy rose when he heard the sound of a man's voice call for him.

His father....

A man with black hair and a strong stature who all the others called "Gerald" -- but Lanshu had always known him as 'Dad' - even though biologically, he did not belong to anyone still alive.

Warmth rippled through him as things he must have long forgotten flooded his mind rapidly.

Next, he realized he was in one of the company's labs - sitting across from a young girl who had Destiny's eyes - but looked nothing like her. The young lady had blue hair, and her face was different shape -- but those eyes -- those could not be replicated.

He knew that it was his Princess, even if she looked unrecognizable. His heart throbbed at her smile and giggle. Lanshu even gasped at the sound of her laughter as it rang so familiarly in his ears. Yes, yes - that was her - that was how she used to sound.

What was happening? Were these actual memories - or just some kind of hallucination from the drugged tea? Was this supposed to be a hint, or a punishment to show him how a 'bad trip' felt? Adelaide was always so secretive that it could be either.

For whatever dumb reason, he decided he would trust that this was meant to be helpful. Rather than battle the onslaught of visions, he instead gave into them and embraced each one of his faded memories like old friends.

He remembered when they first met -- it was so very, very long ago - when the humans were still alive, and the world hadn't yet suffered from the war of fools. She had come with her parents to meet the CEO's of the grand Chimora tower; Lanshu's 'Parents' - Gerald and Adelaide.

The moment his red eyes singed into her seas of blue, it had been an instant connection. This was their first life together - the original moment before everything had been wiped away. Two young adults who had entered into a complicated world where everyone was out to destroy them.

Now that the tea steeped more into his brain, he forced himself to drink another gulp to enhance the images so he could re-live them all over again. The nasty ear-wax taste was worth the torture as it coated his tongue and the back of his mouth.

It did have the desired effect at least - and he forgot the smell of leather and cinnamon that he bathed in and instead remembered the first night they sat down to dinner....

"I know it is a lot to ask, Gerald.... I would just greatly appreciate it if you would consider it." Destiny's mother had begged with worry in her voice.

"It is a very dangerous thing to do, Emeryl. You know what they're doing to any children who have a hint of dragon's blood, don't you? We may be powerful - but we cannot defeat an entire society that has outlasted even the most ancient religions. The Enshrined Ones and you Dragons have been fighting this battle since humans understood fire." Gerald had replied evenly, and just as coldly as Adelaide spoke so often.

"Please, Gerald. You must understand -- if something happened to Lanshu, you would be destroyed. Think of what we would feel if we lost Ismyrea. She is the last of of my line, and the last child with golden blood." Emeryl continued and moved her long blue hair behind her ears as she swallowed the wine that had been served with their meal. Lanshu had noted she hadn't even had a bite of food yet.

"I do understand," the shrewd CEO replied and let out a soft sigh.

"Gerald," Adelaide started with a soft smile that hid some danger under it as she slid her hand over his. "My love, we cannot turn a blind eye to our dearest friends, can we? What is one more ward?"

The father Lanshu knew looked over to his wife with a stern look that insisted she not speak any further. Which she did not, but her hand stayed clasped on top of his despite the silent disagreement.

"It would put Lanshu at risk," the male leader asserted and took a long drink from his cup. "We promised his parents - your King and Queen - that we would protect him no matter what. Taking in your daughter would put a target on our backs. Surely you know this..."

Destiny's father spoke this time - his eyes mimicked hers so beautifully, but his hair was white and was coarse and braided. "We are aware. However, what good is one Dragon? What, we would have half-breeds for the end of our days? Isn't that what they're doing with our lost Queen? They call it a political marriage, I call it a prisoner of war. We are immortal, so whatever they have planned for her will be a life-long torture. I don't want that for Ismyrea...."

"Kyion, I understand perfectly what horrors would await such a fate, but the same could be said for my son. Why should the love for your daughter outweigh the love I have for Lanshu?" Gerald challenged and tensed his hands around Adelaide's fingers as they held onto him tightly.

The Queen cleared her throat for a moment and nodded towards both Lanshu and Destiny who had sat silent at the other end of the table. Lanshu didn't remember what kind of expression he had -- but when he looked over to his Princess, she had one of shame and fear.

"How about you show Ismyrea the garden while we have our diplomatic discussions? This isn't something for you two to worry about right now."

The young man did not need another ticket to get out of such an unpleasant atmosphere, and he stood and offered his hand to Destiny with a smile he hoped was as kind as he meant it to be.

It must not have been a grimace, because she reached out and took it just as quickly as Lanshu had offered it, and they both left immediately towards a silver elevator that he directed to take them up towards the top floor.

"...I wouldn't mind being targeted, just to be clear..." He uttered out as smoothly as possible. "I'd be fine hiding and fighting with you at my side. If it were up to me, you'd already be moving in."

When she looked over to him, his heart fluttered and he felt his lips grow wide at her bright eyes as they beamed into his.

"I would rather you be safe, your highness," She replied with a voice so soft, and so gentle it betrayed the air that carried it.

His skin prickled as her tender words sank into his ears, and he refuted her response with a shake of his head, and his own speech. "A life lived alone seems like a worse fate than death, don't you think? It would be more of an honor to die along side someone than to be a coward."

She smiled and covered her face as her cheeks reddened under her fingers. She may have tried to hide them - but he saw her heated flesh plain as day.

"I am sure you say that to all the high-profile girls who come through these doors," she denied his words playfully, and shied away from his eyes.

"Not really... just the one that happens to be the prettiest I've ever seen walk through these doors....and float...and fly...and all other forms of movement." He said playfully and boldly reached over and touched her chin in an attempt to move it back towards his gaze.

It worked, and as soon as she had her held tilted up to look at him, he took the opportunity to lean down and kiss her lips.

He expected a slap in the face, or a curse - or a shout -- but he didn't expect when she leaned into his mouth and brushed her tongue against his.

Even though they were adults, he felt a little weird as they began a make-out session in the car of the elevator - for he knew it was under full surveillance 24/7, so someone had watched the scene unfold....and yet.... he didn't have care at the moment as his hands slid up her back and pulled her closer.

There was an instant attraction, and they had been so busy in their make-out session, that neither of them had noticed the doors slide open to the garden until the panel (or more likely the person who had watched) made an indication to exit for them.

He longed to follow his past self into the greenery with his lost love, but he found it harder and harder to keep grasp of the vivid scene as it faded despite how hard the fought for it to stay.

Reality began to come back to him slowly - and the once hot water turned cold and lost all the bubbles that had accumulated earlier. The tea cup and all of its contents had spilled from his hand, and the cigarette he had still had half to yet smoke, had completely eaten itself as he had laid out cold.

He had to know more - and the only person who he knew could give him answers, would probably ask for many favors in order for him to get the next piece. He loved his 'mother' - he did - but nothing was ever free, and it would be just like her to give him a taste of what he wanted so dearly to tempt him into unthinkable things to get it.