
The War of the Kingdoms

A cast of actors, famous for their roles in the hit show "The War of The Kingdoms" are ready to film the last scene of a very long day, when a sorceress thrusts them into that very same world the show portrays. Now in the world of Noth Mildor, a place they once believed as a land of fiction, they soon realize that this world and the war between the world's Kingdoms are anything but fiction. With the help of a few, they learn the magic and sorcery that energizes the world and all around it, hoping to survive and explore this mystical and beautiful place while being on guard not to be devoured by it.

NKino · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Life Debt

Valier and Kalindil moved towards the rubble, a cottage that once was their home. Kalindil moved straight to where the kitchen used to be, searching for anything salvageable to take with him. Valier went to her room, picking up the planks of wood that covered the floor. She picked up a glossy wooden chest, staring at it fondly while wiping the dust and debris off. Valier opened the chest to find precious memories from her adventures. It was full of trinkets, gems, photos, and souvenirs from a long time ago. Lemir sat down on the only bench still intact, while Jasmin sat beside him, listening to the events of what happened. Lemir fumed every time he thought about Aureim, wanting to do more than punch him.

"Lemir, we don't know the entire story. Maybe something happened?"

"No, this is a recurring thing. He's done it before, and yes, I know in the battle before he was very young, but what is his explanation now?"

"Maybe you should've asked him before you assaulted him."

Lemir tsked, not knowing how to respond to such a valid statement.

"Well, all of you are safe. That's what we should be focused on." Jasmin said.

"You're right. When did you become so noble?" Lemir said, laughing.

"I was always a noble princess."

"Well, noble princess, I'm glad you're back." Lemir said, nudging Jasmin, and quickly catching her before she fell off the bench.

As everyone left the carriage, they gazed at their surroundings, admiring the world around them, appreciating the outside air more than ever. Yama showed the most excitement as he ran and leapt on a nearby tree to hug it, nearly snapping it.

"Wow, we're finally out of there. It's almost surreal to see trees and lakes again. Makes you feel really grateful." Yong said, standing in front of the nearby lake, as he watched the sun reflect on the water, while the birds stood on a branch hanging over the lake. The rest shortly joined him, all closing their eyes and taking a deep breath of fresh air.

"That I must agree with you, Yong." Sora said

"Seeing this really reminds me of how much I miss my family. I don't know how much more I can take." Wataru said as tears flowed down his face and onto the ground below.

"You will see your family again, I promise." Jin said, putting his arm around him. Tomiichi gazed at the lake, still haunted by the images of the dungeon, unable to shake off the eyes of Tazul out of his head. I really envy Jin. How can you stay so confident after all that we saw in there?

Valier and Kalindil gathered their things, making their way towards Lemir and Jasmin.

"I will go with Jasmin to retrieve the scepter and the book. Lemir and Kalindil protect the others and make sure they arrive there safely.

"I will protect them and lead them to the pickup point. But you know, I can't enter the Kingdom."

"I have spoken with Taril and he will make sure everything is okay and goes smoothly. Going there is the only option. Trust me."

Lemir looks at Valier, with countless reasons not to go. He knows all so well that if Valier says it, he can trust it.

"Very well." Lemir said as Valier hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Lemir, your help is immeasurable."

Valier turned to Kalindil, placing a hand on her grandson's cheek, looking at him in disbelief at how much he's grown since the first day he came and lived with her. "Be safe and watch out for each other. We will join soon."

"You better." Lemir said as he grabbed Kalindil and turned and walked towards the carriage.

"Well Jasmin, lead the way."

Aureim lifelessly continued to walk through the Forest of Doloren towards Elk Fenios, carrying a weight heavier than ever before. The look on Valier's face still lingered in his head. "What did they want me to do? They told me it would be a simple rescue mission. If anything, it's their fault. They were the ones that had their shelter found. And because I didn't want to fight an army, now I'm the coward?

"It sounds like it."

Aureim jumped at the sound of another voice, turning around to see a child. The child looked to be only four years old, dressed in clothes that appeared to be handed down from the last twenty generations. His feet were bare, dirty, and scarred from the rocks and bones that layered the forest. His hair was shabby, appearing to be cut with a dull knife.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?"

"Do you even care what my answer will be?" The child stared at him with a brazen expression.

"No, I guess not. Well, thank you for this chat, I guess, but you better run along now."


Aureim continued to walk as he noticed the child continued to walk behind him. He walked faster and faster, almost running, as the child followed right behind him. He paused suddenly, causing the child to collide with him, failing to slow down in time. The child falls down and skids his hands on the sharp rocks.

"What are you doing? Get away."

"Why?" The child said, glared up at Aureim as he winced in pain. Aureim softened his expression, almost sympathizing with the child.

"Because I don't want a snotty kid following me."

"Okay." The child said.

Aureim shook his head furiously while rolling his eyes, looking utterly bewildered. He continued to walk and self loathe, as he heard the child yelling something behind him. Not wanting to get more upset, he pretended to not hear him and walked faster.

Suddenly, he felt a tug on his ankle, as he instantly found himself upside down while staring at a tree. As he hung from a tree, the blood rushed towards his head, making him feel lightheaded. He noticed the same child walking towards him.

"Is this your doing?" Aureim yelled.

The child glanced at Aureim. Aureim's face was red due to the sudden rush of blood. The child glanced down, noticing a sword and a dagger buried under some leaves. He picked it up and walked past Aureim. Aureim looked at his hilt and noticed his sword was no longer there, along with his dagger.

"Hey, that's not yours."

The child continued to ignore him, walking further away.

"Hey! Are you ignoring me?"

The child stopped, not even turning towards Aureim.

"So now you want to talk to me? Did I suddenly become important? You adults are all the same. You treat me like trash until you need something."

"Okay, you're right. I apologize for my rudeness. Now, will you please let me down?"

"No." The child said as he continued to walk forward. Within a few minutes, he disappeared from Aureim's view, and he was now all alone.

Aureim opened his eyes to realize it was now nighttime. His body swayed in the wind with each passing gust. Aureim heard leaves crunch nearby, followed by a light that shined by him. A Jaheira guard from the Kingdom of Vuldrig scanned the forest, scanning for anything out of place. The lines on his fur shined brightly in the dimly lit area. Aureim looked on, as the guard checked the traps one by one, slowly making his way towards him. Panicking, he felt for anything he could use to break the cable off his ankle. With no weapons or anything of use, he tried to gnaw at the cable, but as soon as his teeth met the cable, a shock traveled through his body, causing him to be knocked out.

When Aureim opened his eyes again, he noticed a fire in front of him. He was now in a cave and sitting across from the same child from before. The cave where they dwelled sat right in the middle of the border, a place neither Kingdom ventured often into.

He tried to get up, but found himself bound in yet another cable, but this one was a lot more snug than the previous.

"What happened?" Aureim said, barely opening his eyes as it still was getting used to the light.

"I saved you, so in turn, you owe me your life." The child stared at him with a blank expression, scaring Aureim.

"Just joking. But you owe me."

"And what favor would that be?"

"I don't know yet, but in time, there will be a use for you."

Aureim shook his head, trying his best not to feel offended.

"So you live here on your own?"

"No, I live here with my younger sister. She is sleeping in the corner over there."

Aureim turned his attention to a girl no older than two, sleeping with a thin piece of cloth over her and a pile of leaves below her head.

"Where are your parents?"

"They are dead. It's only me and my sister, and for the time being, you."

"Well, you need to think of a favor fast, because no offense, I don't want to stay here with you two for long."

"I agree. We don't want you here long either."

"Well then, I guess we don't have a problem."

"No, we don't."