
The War of the Kingdoms

A cast of actors, famous for their roles in the hit show "The War of The Kingdoms" are ready to film the last scene of a very long day, when a sorceress thrusts them into that very same world the show portrays. Now in the world of Noth Mildor, a place they once believed as a land of fiction, they soon realize that this world and the war between the world's Kingdoms are anything but fiction. With the help of a few, they learn the magic and sorcery that energizes the world and all around it, hoping to survive and explore this mystical and beautiful place while being on guard not to be devoured by it.

NKino · Fantasie
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31 Chs

I Feel My Lifespan Decreasing

Lemir stared outside his window. A cold sweat ran down his neck, as he thought of the dangers ahead. A warm hand suddenly appeared on his grizzled shoulder as Valier joined him. They both stared outside the window, as Valier hoped to find what he was searching for out there. "When was the last time you had a good night's sleep?" Valier asked, scared to know the answer.

Lemir sighed heavily, barely gripping his cup. "Years. Flashes of that day still linger every time I close my eyes. Knowing I have to return to that horrible place doesn't make it easier. Why did Jasmin have to go alone?"

"Would you have gone with her if she asked?"

Lemir stood there knowing the answer, but it didn't change how he felt.

"We have to be strong. If we go in there with any doubt, it might cost us all our lives." Hiro laid in bed, overhearing their conversation, now more awake than he had ever been. He turned sideways to face the window, unable to stop the shaking. Hoping every time he woke up, he was back home and away from this crazy world.

Valier and Lemir's conversation continues to go through the walls, scaring everyone that hears it.

"We all lose people that we love, but us living in terror, is not going to bring them back." Valier said as she gripped the necklace she wore. A necklace that glowed even in the darkest of places. A swirling light of limitless color preserved in a small piece of the shard from the Moon of Galaeth.

"It's odd every time I feel uncertain and scared, I hold onto this and suddenly it all goes away."

"I'm not surprised, it is your mother's soul within it."

"Yeah, she split it into three, each one made for her three children." Valier looked upon the necklace with such fondness and sorrow, as she wiped the tears that flowed down her face.

"Come on, finish that tea and try to get some sleep." Valier said as she walked to her room, still wiping her tears. Lemir chugged down his hot tea and returned to his, attempting to get some much needed rest. The moment the door closed, a head popped up in front of Hiro's window. Kalindil quickly sent a spell to cover his mouth before Hiro could scream.

"What are you all still doing in bed? I told you at sunrise."

"I never agreed to this. I'm staying in bed and switching beds with Ito."

"Well, those who want to train, meet me in the same place. The ladies are already out there."

Ito was already up and ready to go, as he checked the mirror one last time. Ito turned around and saw Kenji was finally awake, giving him a huge smile.

"I can't believe this. I'm about to train with Kalindil." Ito said, as he followed up his sentence with something that could only be described as a high pitched shriek.

"Maybe all that playing in the backyard will be of some use." Kenji said to Ito as they walked towards the bedroom door.

"You think so? It'll be nothing compared to your sword skills though. You gotta teach me sometime."

"We have nothing but time."

Kenji and Ito finally made it outside to join the others. Everyone, not sure what to expect, decided to at least stretch to avoid getting a cramp. Kalindil walked towards them while pulling out a danish from his pocket, spilling sugar on his shirt with each bite he took.

"Okay, everyone, we only have a short amount of time, and if I don't see a massive amount of improvement, none of you are coming. As much as I want reinforcements, I don't want you to die when you're not ready. First, we are going to train in hand-to-hand combat and weaponry. Who would like to volunteer?" Sungwoo and Kenji raised their hands, but Kalindil chose Sungwoo due to Kenji's still injured shoulder. Sungwoo joined Kalindil in front, ready to learn.

"Okay, attack." Kalindil stood in front of Sungwoo with his hands behind his back. Sungwoo loaded his right hand and swung his arm, aiming at Kalindil's head. Kalindil pivots to his side, bending down and flipping Sungwoo over his back. Everyone winced as they witnessed Sungwoo slamming against the ground. "Who here thinks they could do better?" Kalindil looked at each of them as they all stared at Sungwoo and then turned in every other direction except Kalindil's.

Kalindil took out his wand from his pocket and whipped it around. The wand glowed red as he created five sparring partners, appearing before all of them. "We are going to start with the basics. Before we move on, you will throw a thousand punches with each hand at these shadows. Kenji, you throw two thousand with your good arm. Concentrate on your accuracy. Aim for the target and slowly, you'll become faster and faster."

Mei Lee and Kenji stepped forward first. Soon, everyone followed. Kalindil looked on, fine-tuning their movements. After the two-thousandth punch, they moved on to kicks. Soon everyone fell to exhaustion, except Mei Lee. Seeking to finish her two thousand kicks, she became unaware of how much time had passed. They overheard Lemir and Valier calling everyone for dinner, but before Kalindil ordered them to stop, he noticed a subtle yellow light emitting from Mei Lee.

The light disappeared as she made her way to the others. The first step they all took towards the house, they all fell, knees wobbling as they made their way to the cottage. They all kept their composure, struggling to not to fall face first in the beef stew while sitting at the table. Finishing their food as quickly as they got them, they thanked Valier and Lemir for the food and went as fast as their legs could take them to their room, falling asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

As they closed their eyes, they were immediately being woken up by Kalindil. The sun was now behind his head. How is it sunrise already? I just closed my eyes. Kenji thought. Barely able to sit up without feeling an overwhelming amount of pain. I feel so weak. I hope it's only from the training.

Kenji walked outside, realizing everyone felt the same way. Ito, having no shame, decided to lie in the fetal position, curled up and rocking back and forth.

"Hey c'mon we have to train."

"I know, this is what I've been dreaming of for so long, but my body is telling me otherwise."

"Listen I have only one good shoulder, if I'm doing it, so are you. Now come one get up." Kenji said as he extended his good arm toward Ito.

"Yeah you're right." Ito said while grabbing his arm and getting back to his feet."

"I know all of you are in severe pain, but unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of a day off. So today, we are going to pick up the pace." The same five shadows appeared again, but they all went into a fighting position as they approached them. "As you might have noticed, they will fight back today."

Everyone stepped back, barely having the energy to throw a punch, let alone defend themselves. Not waiting for them to start, the shadows rushed forward, taking the initiative.

Ito stepped away from his partner, noticing everyone doing the same thing. Kenji blocked the first strike, but not the second or third. He found it almost impossible to defend himself against these shadows, let alone with only one good shoulder.

Sungwoo and Ito both landed a punch, but the shadows rapidly recovered, swinging and landing five attacks, sending them to the ground. Chung fell as the figure connected, kicking her midsection. As she winced in pain, she noticed the figure winding up his arm and clenching his fist. The shadow was aiming for a knockout blow to her head. Mei looked over, and dived in front of Chung, trying to protect her from the figure.


Mei Lee opened her eyes and noticed all the shadows were gone. Everyone ran to her in astonishment.

"Mei Lee, that was the coolest thing I've ever seen." Chung said and shook Mei Lee with excitement. As Mei Lee attempted to grab Chung's shoulders to calm her down, she noticed a bright yellow glow around her hands. Mei Lee stared at her hands in shock. Kalindil walked over like a proud father. "Wow! Yellow already?"

"Yeah! It was just like the show. How did you become so strong? Ito asked, his eyes filled with excitement.

"I don't know, it just kind of happened."

"Quick Mei Lee, teach me how." Chung said while trying to pick up Mei Lee back to her feet.

"I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew, all the shadows were gone."

"Hurry, do it again." Chung said.