
The War God Reincarnation

A player who persevered to reach the middle just to be bought down again, In a world where Vr games ruled the world, God's Fantasy Online Made its way to the world Our MC Mark who died because of an accident saving a girl had been bought back to the past. Clenched your fist and steel your heart, this one will bring you to World of Gods. ================================ Im still thinking on what to put here Check out my other Work Emperor of Arts

LordMark · Videospiele
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60 Chs

Hidden Classes

Ryuzaki was again teleported in a white empty hall, but this time he was with the other two, Zthu and Keht, they had thrilled expressions on their face like they can't forget what they had just witnessed.

They saw 3 silhouettes that are coming slowly their appearance became clear to see, they were the ones that they saw when they were watching battles, the carpenter, the hooded man, and old man fire, they all stopped 5 meters away from the trio, and spoke.

"When worlds collide for everything to start anew.

A species on the brink of collapse as the end of the known universe was upon them. They gazed into the abyss, welcoming the unknown.

What every was to happen, they would bravely go through darkness and flame. Accepting their fate, while dreaming of what might one day be.

Through the darkness, awaiting a new tomorrow."

"Now! chosen ones, we bestow you our legacies and continue the unfinished journey, we have high expectations on you"

Like a cocoon blacklight enveloped Zthu, then a Fire pillar arose from Ryuzaki's foot, and then Keht Pure white light enveloped him, he was having their evolution, the three who bestowed them their classes had already left.

Seemingly a long time has passed, the first one to open his eyes is Ryuzaki, his hair color had changed into color red even his eyes turned to red, only his body was still fat, the next to open his eyes was Zthu, his hair turned black and his eyes turned purple, his clothes had also changed, it was the same as the hooded man.

The last was Keht which nothing really changed, his body had just become a little sturdy, but he had a hammer and a blueprint in his hands, everyone looked at each other and smiled, they didn't do anything and just watched something happening in front of them.

This was the power of the Book of Class, it can make an unknown be known, Hidden Classes were known to be hard to find but with the Book of Class it was easy, the trio got teleported out and was back to the Guild Village.

They immediately checked the Hidden Class they got.

[Master Builder](Hidden Class)

A master builder is recognized as such, not only for his ability to rear a magnificent structure after plans prepared by the architect for his guidance but because of his ability to comprehend those plans and to skillfully weave together the crude materials which make up the strength, the harmony, the beauty, the stateliness of the edifice which grow in his hands from a made foundation to a magnificent habitation.

[Shadow Void Assassin](Hidden Class)

The Master of the void, freely traveling in the Dark, the most feared and revered assassin class, they were capable of moving through the dark without getting noticed, kill without getting noticed, and their speed and strengths were nothing to be scoffed at, wielding the Blade of Chaos they can fight like a warrior and move like an assassin, they don't fear anything.

[Lord Inferno](Hidden Class]

Wielder of Fire and the master of it, the flames move by his will and followed all of his commands, Blood hot as the Lava, (A/N: Help, I can't think of anything to put here!)

The trio gasped as they looked at the Hidden Class that they had acquired, they were very excited to try their classes, they immediately contacted Mark to tell that they had finished.

Meanwhile, on Mark's side, he had started looking for the underground dungeons, but there was a problem and he was not facing against hundreds of PK players.

It all started when he was strolling on the forest when suddenly 10 players charged at him, he had already noticed them since early so Mark easily defeated them, he thought that they will leave him, but not only did they not leave him, they even chased him to the level 15 map.

Acewill was surprised that there are many level 10 players, and PK players were most of them, Acewill looked behind him and found that these players were not willing to let him go, so he turned around and took out the Scythe from his God Arsenal.

Mark immediately slashed the player who was closed to him, his pursuers also stopped and then surrounded him.

"Brat, take out your treasures and we the Deadwood will kill you mercilessly!" Roared the bulkiest man in the group.

Mark turned his head and smiled then continued his attack, he knew the Deadwood they were one of the most famous Black guild, which was a guild for PK players, though they were not allowed inside the city, they still can take refugee in the Dark Towns which favored the Red players.

Many more PK players came into him, the reinforcements were also coming, Mark had already killed more than hundreds of them but many were still coming, Mark made the Scythe dance in his hands, harvesting all of the lives that were coming close to him.

"Killing a man is called murder;

"Killing one hundred men will call you king;

"Killing a thousand will call you a God."

Mark said as he continued his slaughter, the ones who heard it had a chill on their hairs, he then raised the Scythe and then slashed.


Like tofu all of the players around him got slashed in half, the burly man saw that Mark turned his body and when he faced them again, he was now holding a Great Sword!


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