

Minato Uzumaki makes the ultimate sacrifice of a father. He gave up his own son Naruto Uzumaki, knowing nothing of his past having nothing to go with but his own last name, a samurai in the shinobi world with one goal in mind, To find out about his clan and the legacy they left behind. in his journey he'll live by the samurai code even if it kills him

xlr8gh24 · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Ch - 8

Naruto landed with butterflies flying around him as he smiled at them and nodded, Naruto walked inside the house and made a straight line to where he's been sleeping since he got there. Naruto snapped his fingers making a small fire to appear in between his them, he turned on some candles and started praying to Damuncheonwang the god of war*

Tazuna:so you're back, how was iron country?

Naruto:a paradise in this cursed world. The closest thing to Nirvana the physical world will ever achieve.

Naruto said with his eyes still closed finishing his prayer for victory. He got up and turned around looking at tazuna with a neutral expression but a fire of determination behind his eyes. Tazuna looked a bit uncomfortable as he rubbed the back of his head*

Tazuna: I'm not one to be all sentimental and all that crap but...thank you for risking your life for an old man's dream

Tazuna said in a soft voice. Naruto's emotionless

expression broke as he cracked a smile as he placed his hand on tazuna's shoulder*

Naruto:it was my absolute pleasure, your will is a once in a generation type of will. And it's up to me to show you're grandchild and the children of this village, that the will of heroes is still very much alive

Tazuna gave Naruto his sword back and Naruto took it bowing to tazuna. Naruto too out multiple scrolls and activated them all. Tazuna saw how in a blink of an eye Naruto changed from his normal clothes to a fully armored samurai with his sword on his hip, bow and spear on his back*

Tazuna:nice mask

Naruto nodded and walked passed him to the kitchen, the sound of his metal clanking as he walked filled the room. He stopped seeing tsunami with her arms crossed and Inari there waiting for him. Inari looked at Naruto and gave a small smile*

Inari:is...is today gonna be the day?

Naruto:yes, today is the day I show you, you're mother and everyone in this village that heroes still exist in this world

Naruto said with a small grin making tsunami scowl. That scowl turned softer as she looked at the young man with sadness and pity*

Tsunami"he's gonna die for this worthless village"

Tsunami thought sadly since Inari gotten attached to Naruto. Tsunami sighed and gave Naruto a small bag with food in them*

Tsunami:I still see you as a naive fool at best, but even a fool shouldn't die hungry

Naruto took the food and gave her a smile that made tsunami flinch, for a moment tsunami saw the face of her late husband on Naruto's body as Naruto gave her the same smile kaiza used to give her*

Naruto:I thank you for the meal, but I promise you it won't be my last, I can't die I have hope on my side. Now let's get you all to safety.

Naruto said without a speck of fear behind his voice, tsunami sighed and followed Naruto out with her family. All 3 eyes widen A little, as the front yard was filled with butterflies at least a 1000*

Naruto: say hello to my summoning, the butterflies they shall take you to iron country in front of my home. There a woman by the name of miss Takeda shall give you shelter until I return in triumph.

The butterflies started to surround the family as Naruto started walking to the village but stopped and turned his head looking at tsunami*

Naruto:Miss tsunami I would ask that you keep your comments to yourself there. Since unlike me who's more open minded miss Takeda won't have such kindness

Naruto waved at them as the 3 disappeared, once gone Naruto opened the bag it had some tea, dangos, and fruit mostly a few old oranges. Naruto sat down a tree and divided it all in 2. Naruto blinked and Haku appeared, both of them took off there masks and started eating not saying a word to the other, both just enjoyed what will be the last meal of one of the two today*

In iron country

Tazuna knocked on the door it only took a few moments for the door to opened revealing a old woman about tazuna's age but still looking much younger then him*

Takeda:ah yes, welcome Naruto explained that you'll be stopping by please come come I'll set you 3 at our guest room please come with me

Takeda turned around and walked away with tazuna and his family following*

Tsunami:so your Naruto's mother?

Takeda; I'm the mother of every child here in a way, but in another sense no. Naruto is an orphan for all i know his family was killed for there lineage

Tsunami stopped for a second but then kept walking with tazuna scratching his chin*

Tazuna:I heard Naruto speak about that once while building, he's looking for anything from his clan correct?

Takeda;if you ask me that's just his excuse to go around the Shinobi nation and help those in need. I'm truly filled with pride that he's the very meaning of a child born from iron, filled with compassion for human life unlike Shinobi scum, that has destroyed this once beautiful land beyond recognition, of the perfection it used to be so very long ago

Tsunami" that explains where Naruto gets his...unique world view..."

Back to Naruto

Naruto and Haku finished there meal and placed there masks back on. Behind the mask Haku looked at Naruto with a sad smile that could be showed in the tone of his voice*

Haku;see you at the battlefield. I'm sad that this weird friendship we build has to come to an end, you're... you're the first real friend I've made N

Naruto took his mask off so Haku could see the sad smile that Haku had, was shared by him as well, he placed his hand on haku's shoulder*

Naruto:I feel the same but just because one of us will not live to see the sunset doesn't mean our friendship will die. No, it shall live on in our memories.

Haku: you're too much of an optimist

Naruto:so I've been told. But please know that I have no regrets in meeting you friend, even if by the end of the day we shall no longer be together. You will continue to shine like gold in my memories, I hope your memories of me shine the same. Till we see again in a few short moments. Good bye Haku

Haku took his own mask off and gave Naruto a rare genuine smile*

Haku:goodbye N.

both places there masks back on and were no longer Naruto and Haku friends, but Mortal enemies Shinobi and samurai. They gave each other a nod as Haku flickered away to the bridge*

Naruto: 'a samurai should always be prepared for death - whether his own or someone else's' the great Stan Sakai

Naruto said in calmly his tone completely changing from before the mask as he placed his hand on the hilt of his blade and made his journey walking away from the neutral ground that was tazuna's home*

Scene change

Naruto was walking In town making his way to the bridge that was 97% done. The town was silent the only noise that could be heard was the metal of his suit rustling as he walked to the bridge. Naruto could feel all the eyes that were on him. He ignored the whispered of him the villagers and bandits would speak, when they thought Naruto wasn't listening. He ignored the bets people were making on how fast Naruto would die*

Naruto"do not judge for they been living in filth for so long they no longer notice the stench. Soon they shall see the light and be cleaned"

Naruto thought to himself as he kept walking. He stopped as a man stood in his way*

Gato:well look at this, that's a mighty nice suit you have on

Naruto looked at Gato his eyes showing nothing but indifference*

Naruto:see that hand is healed up quite nicely

Gato frowned and sneered at Naruto holding his cane tightly*

Gato:yes, thanks to my money I have access to the best medical money can be

Naruto:good for you. Is there a reason you're stopping me from finishing the bridge? It's almost done soon it will be decided who wins, good or evil.

Gato Gave a few chuckles as he looked up at Naruto looking at him the way a father would look a child that needs discipline*

Gato:good and evil? Is this like some kind of fairy tale for you? I'm neither good nor evil, I'm neutral. I'm simply a business man that wants to get this land as cheaply as possible

Naruto:in exchange look how many people has suffered, how many have died and all for what? Money?

Gato;yes and I'll weep for every single one. A regrettable lose but simply colateral damage. Now I'll give you a final chance to join me before Zabuza and Haku kill you where you stand

Naruto walked away from tazuna taking the long way to the bridge*

Naruto:I would rather die then become corrupted by money like you and so many other weak willed fools has been, I'll see you real soon gato, I'll be the last thing you'll ever see. count on it

Naruto said holding his blade tightly, he would love nothing more then do kill this man right here and now, but it wasn't his time just yet. Naruto made it to the bridge and took his blade out quickly slashing a senbon in half

as a mist started to sorround Naruto. Naruto's eyes grew as cold as the mist that was surrounding him*

Naruto:let's do this Shinobi scum...

To be continued

Gracias especiales ah:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe


nT_wolf 0

Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker




William Washington



True V Munoz-Bennett

Shawn sachs

Jamel Collins


Billy protonotarios

Alysha brown

Ashley Coleman

Abbie Jackson

Jordan Mace

Taivon cook

Kyla Evans

Max bell

Darren Belcher

Tyler Gist

Charles Sims
