
The Wandering Heathen Death

“You really should enjoy the peace because one shot, and it's all gone.” — Legendary Heathen A soul detached from his home ends up in a world where calamities walk freely, he has become one as well, and a worldwide organization is a trap for those with power. He, however, has his companions of a Honedge Sniper, Zamazenta, and Golurk to travel with him through hell and back.

BiazarKaiser · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs


A Team Rocket grunt guarding an abandoned house that housed a hidden tunnel into a Team Rocket research lab felt a chill in the air. Thinking it was just the temperature dropping, they didn't realize the nature of the chill was a Ghost type locking onto his life force signature. A glint from a sniper scope that had a rather uncharacteristic look to it squinted slightly, the rifle repositioning slightly before stopping as the dot in the center shrinks slightly before a silenced shot rang out. An ethereal blue finger belonging to a hand resembling the tassel of a Honedge pulled the rifle's trigger, the Rocket Grunt dropping as their brains and blood painted the wall behind them.

Materializing from the dead location as the body drops is a figure in a tattered black cloak wearing a lower face mask resembling jagged teeth, they carried a M110 slung over their right shoulder with a XM214 machine gun strapped to their back with a sling. The figure's outfit being a dark gray combat outfit with multiple rigs from chest to thigh lining parts of their body under the tattered cloak. Whatever else they had on their person was hidden beneath their cloak.

"Good work, Skull, cover the area I am moving in. Conley and Godfather will rejoin the wolf pack."

A silent shot rang out, a Haunter's head exploding as a compressed Shadow Ball made contact with the ghost. Ectoplasmic blood and gore painted the direction its head was forced to explode towards, mixing in the dead grunts blood and brain matter. Raising a gloved finger, the cloaked figure entered the house, disappearing while a few more shots rang out. Multiple grunts and Pokémon dropping dead as their head sported new holes, their killer squinting and humming a silent song to themselves.

[Scene Shift]

In the halls of the Rocket lab site, a cloaked figure walked without a sound M110 pointing forward, finger inches away from the trigger. Turning a corner that had signs of life approaching, the cloaked figure disappeared, letting them walk by. They used their gun to strangle the one in the back as their friend kept on walking. As the struggling grunt reached to release their Pokémon, the balls were covered in a shimmer before imploding in on themselves. The occupants of the balls died gruesomely as their blood, flesh, and gore exploded coating the area, yet there was no sound which terrified the grunt. Glancing back at the person strangling them, their gaze met dead red hazel eyes with a golden outer ring to them. Letting out a gargled gasp, the grunts' world ended with a quick and sudden snap of their neck with the gun against it.

Letting the body go, the figure aimed and fired their gun, as the first body hit the ground a second would follow with their pokeballs exploding just like the first grunts. Yet no sound echoed out, only the peaceful quiet remained, disappearing once more the cloaked figure moved on. A camera in the area which had watched it all instead of recording was instead showing the same dead hallway feed on loop all too naturally.

Wandering the halls until the sounds and smell of a certain activity could be heard and faintly hung in the air, the cloaked figure stopped. The emotions from the one on the receiving end wasn't the least bit happy, no, they were terrified and wanted to die from their conflicting emotions. Letting their gun hang limply at their side, the figure reappeared outside a door that was leaking the faint smell of sex from the cracks. Touching the door with a hand sparks fried the door's mechanical locks, unlocking it given the type of room this was.

[POV shift]

'I hate this… I want to die… someone help me… get this monster off of me… it hurts so much…'

The Human male's hips slammed against me from behind as my haunches trembled, blood caking my fur slightly. How can someone possibly keep going for four hours straight?! Why am I a proud Dragon even here, and how did this come to be?! Oh… right… they killed my family and took me as a trophy… a proud Hydreigon reduced to a breeding toy. Chained in place while Humans and Pokémon alike used me like a toy to sate their desires. In my self loathing, I didn't notice that the insistent Human using me had suddenly stopped. Then there was a thud with blood trailing from somewhere when my bindings were broken suddenly by someone using what looked to be psychic.

Weakly looking around, I saw a cloaked figure dragging a body towards some kennels which housed a pack of female Houndooms and Mightyenas. Throwing the body before them, the locks broke as the doors opened by themselves before the cloaked figure turned and started to leave. The all female pack of canines ripped the dead Breeder to shreds to vent their anger upon them for everything. As the cloaked figure left, I saw them crack their neck with an audible pop before they stopped and looked at me. They didn't speak loudly if at all behind that mask of theirs, but I could hear them clearly and who the being in front of was finally registered.

"You're free to leave, Blackthorn City is five days east of here once you're topside. Have a good flight and live for your eldest sons. They are waiting for you at the Blackthorn family's Draconic valley."

Before I could voice anything, they disappeared as if they were never there in the first place. The pack had noticed them as well before they disappeared, as if they didn't exist and were instead a hallucination. Weakly getting up I growled before looking towards the pack of canines and taking my leave through the door and wall which had without prior notice been melted away. Blood arrows marking the way to the exit, with traces of cyan-green flames flickering around them at times.

"Thank you, Lord Heathen… You may be dubbed the Heretic of the Mythicals due to old legends. However, you seem to just do things like a Dragon and Ghost would. Thank you…"