
Cap 9 : Questions and Answers

-I have a question.... Will Amy, Maggie Greene and Beth Greene be included in the protagonist's harem? That's my question.....

Probably yes but as lovers.... Not as wives...The boyfriends or husbands of any woman in the main cast don't usually have a very happy destiny, so to speak, and Erick knows it...

-muito bom. me pergunto se o seu mc vai resgata o rick, ou vai ter contato com o acampamento de atlant[img=recomendar] e me pergunto se ele vai pegar algumas mulheres do elenco principal como maggie andreia, beth, ou até lori

Yes, Eric is going to interact with Rick and the others....Regarding women, Erick is not someone who is a fan of Drama so he will probably stay away from Andrea or Lori.

He hasn't interacted with the main cast yet. But he will eventually since he knows the prison and is very aware of Atlanta.

-where is the author? I hope he did not drop this fanfic.

I haven't abandoned it. I just prefer to invest more time in my chapters and release them on Wednesdays.

-will you add other shows from the gang genre? like SOA or Days Gone?

Probably not. I'd rather focus entirely on twd right now.

-will mc meet lee and gangs or just main cast gangs from TWD? Also, save amy and beth please and perhaps if mc could get dawn and shepherd, i dont care if mc kill rest of polic

-Yes, Erick is going to interact with other groups like the ones you mentioned. Erick's ambitions involve controlling all of Georgia..... So the farm, the prison, the hospital, Terminus, Woodbury..... and many other places or groups not featured in the show will eventually receive Erick's attention....

As for the police, they, like any group of soldiers, represent a threat to Erick's authority. So unless they submit, he will most likely have to kill them.

-¿Ele vai interagir con algún spin-off? Particularmente eu acompanhei mais Fear, acho que alicia seria muito quente pra ser adicionada no harém. El MC claramente prefiere garotas más doce, y ella era adorável nas 2 primeira temporadas. Tem algunos miembros de lá que poderiam se submeter as órdenes dele sem problema, Daniel e Victor já eram meios corrompidos

-I honestly thought about it quite a bit, The only problem is geography, she's in California at this point while the MC is in Georgia...I can't think of any logical reason for one of them to go where the other is....

And it's not like the MC can just go to his men and say "let's go across the country because there's a super hot chick I wanna fuck"..... If I were one of the MC's men, I wouldn't agree to that even if he offered to fuck the chick first.

- Acho que ao meu ver um dos únicos del elenco de las primeras temporadas que podría trabajar con el MC sin problemas serios con Merle. Los demás parecen ser estos ciertos. Rick principalmente fingia ter moral, ele provavelmente tentaria matar o MC pra "liberar" todo el mundo. ¿Cómo o MC fará para que todos continúen leyendo a él? Seria ótimo se o sistema desse uma ayuda nisso. Seria uma merda levar uma faca nas costas 

-He'll probably take a page out of Negan's book to intimidate them into not daring to fight him..... except he won't do anything to directly earn their hatred like Negan did....

The guy has made it pretty clear that he's a fan of the things that Negan and his Saviors did....

- Cuando vas actualizar la historia?

As much as possible I will update the story on Wednesdays, but if I find myself really busy with college then I might have to slow down a bit.







If you have more questions you can leave them here and I will answer you. The next chapter comes out on Wednesday. See you then and have a good week.