
The Walking Dead: Reborn as Leon Kennedy

In a world ravaged by the undead, one man stands tall amidst the chaos. Meet Leon, a survivor like no other, armed not only with his skills and determination but also with a secret weapon: memories of The Walking Dead show. As he navigates through the horrors of the apocalypse, Leon's mind is filled with vivid images and strategic insights drawn from the beloved TV series. He knows that in this brutal new reality, the greatest threat lies not in the hordes of the undead but in the darkness that resides within humanity. With unwavering resolve, Leon uses his knowledge to forge a powerful society, a sanctuary amidst the ruins, where the weak are protected and hope thrives. Drawing inspiration from the show, he understands that survival is not just about physical strength, but about unity, trust, and the indomitable spirit of the human race. ----- [Why It Was Canceled] ----- Update: Failed experiment of mine testing the utilization of ChatGPT in producing and writing a novel. The consensus was that ChatGPT wrote each chapter as though it was the end of the story, cramming in lines right at the end about hope and humanity and all that junk. This brings up another point, without even bringing it up the AI seemed more inclined to spread positive morals and messages unprompted. As noted by some readers, the constant spewing of such subjects ended up feeling too artificial. On a side note, I attempted feeding in one of my drafts for a different novel without prompting the AI to do too much to it other than editing and optimizing it and the results were relatively positive. It kept most plot points and refined them with minor tweaks, like the addition of vivid descriptions and detailed character processes. Never did it feel like the AI was hijacking the story as it didn't try forcing in ideals of hope and morals, instead like intended, it only edited and optimized my story. Consensus, ChatGPT is ideal for editing a story and not creating one from scratch. Even feeding in the AI an outline to follow doesn't exactly work as the AI ends up hijacking the story to come up with some vague ending or continuation that leans on positivity and hope thanks to its procedure to stay away from dark topics. Only very minor mistakes were made by the AI in editing, like how it sometimes confused he/she or that it rarely gets confused as to whether the story is in first person or third. Nothing too serious that can't be cleaned up by Grammarly or a careful rereading to make sure everything's alright.

_Hachiroku_ · TV
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7 Chs

「In Pursuit of a Cure」

With the sedan fully loaded and supplies secured, Leon, Rick, Morgan, and Daryl climbed into the vehicle, ready to begin their journey to the CDC. They ensured that their walkie-talkies were set to the same frequency as Shane back at the camp, providing a line of communication in case of emergencies or updates.

As the engine roared to life, Leon took a moment to address the group. "Alright, everyone, we're on our way. Keep your wits about you and stay alert. We don't know what we'll encounter out there, so stick together and watch each other's backs."

The sedan rolled forward, leaving the safety of the camp behind. The road stretched out before them, desolate and eerily quiet. The once bustling streets were now hauntingly empty, a stark reminder of the world they now inhabited.

During the journey, the team maintained a steady pace, cautious of any potential threats. They encountered scattered walkers along the way, dispatching them swiftly and efficiently. Each member showcased their skills, working together seamlessly as they cleared their path.

The hours passed, and the landscape changed as they approached the outskirts of the city. The abandoned buildings loomed ominously, their windows shattered, and walls graffitied with messages of desperation and survival.

As they made their way through the urban maze, their walkie-talkies crackled to life, Shane's voice coming through. "Hey, guys, just checking in. How's everything going?"

Rick grabbed the walkie-talkie and responded, "We're making progress, Shane. No major issues so far. We'll keep you updated."

Shane's voice crackled back, "Stay safe out there. Remember, the camp is counting on you."

With renewed determination, the team pressed forward, navigating the streets with caution. They relied on their collective skills and instincts, adapting to the ever-changing challenges of the post-apocalyptic world.

As they ventured deeper into the city, the presence of walkers grew more prominent. The team maneuvered through the streets, utilizing their weapons and tactics to avoid unnecessary confrontations. They moved swiftly and silently, minimizing the risk of attracting more unwanted attention.

Hours turned into what felt like an eternity as they pushed forward, their resolve unyielding. They faced moments of uncertainty, fatigue, and fleeting doubts, but their shared mission and the hope they carried within propelled them onward.

Finally, in the distance, they caught sight of the CDC building, a beacon of potential answers and refuge. The sedan came to a halt, and the team exited the vehicle, their eyes fixed on the massive structure before them.

"We made it," Leon said, a mix of relief and anticipation in his voice. "Let's find the answers we're looking for and gather whatever supplies we can. This could be a turning point for us."

With their supplies in hand and their determination unshaken, the team approached the doors of the CDC, ready to uncover the truth that lay within its walls. The journey had been arduous, but the hope of finding answers and a way to protect their loved ones fueled their spirits.

Together, they stepped forward, ready to face whatever awaited them inside the enigmatic and potentially life-altering walls of the CDC.

Chapter 8: Unveiling Secrets

Except one thing stopped them, the shutters blocking the front entrance. Leon surveyed the surroundings, spotting an abandoned and wrecked helicopter alongside several army vehicles. Daryl banged on the metal shutters, yelling for someone to open it despite finding no way in and no answer from the other side. "So what do we do now?" said Morgan.

Rick turned to Leon, his colt python in hand, looking to him for guidance. Leon's mind raced as he searched his memories from The Walking Dead, recalling the existence of a camera that could pick up audio from outside. He glanced up and spotted it, the camera moving to track his motions as if someone on the other side were controlling it.

"Doctor Jenner!" Leon called out, his voice echoing through the desolate surroundings. The voice on the other end hesitated, clearly taken aback by the mention of his name. "How do you know my name?" Dr. Jenner's voice responded with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Leon didn't waste a moment. He explained that he had encountered individuals who had escaped the CDC, survivors who had shared their knowledge about the last doctor remaining inside. There was a brief pause, and then Dr. Jenner's voice broke through again. "What do you want?"

"We need your help," Leon replied firmly. "We're seeking answers, looking for a cure or any information that could shed light on this outbreak. We have valuable resources and survivors with us. Open the shutters and let us in."

Silence hung in the air for a moment before a loud buzz reverberated, and the metal shutters slowly started to rise. The group exchanged glances, a mix of anticipation and trepidation evident on their faces. As the shutters lifted fully, revealing the darkened interior of the CDC, Leon motioned for the others to enter cautiously.

They stepped into a dimly lit corridor, the flickering lights casting eerie shadows on the walls. The air was heavy with a sense of foreboding, but the determination in their hearts propelled them forward.

Dr. Jenner emerged from the shadows, his expression a mix of weariness and curiosity. "Welcome," he said with a hint of resignation. "I suppose you've come seeking answers."

Leon nodded, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "We need to know what caused all this. Is there any hope for a cure?"

Dr. Jenner sighed, his voice laden with the weight of his experiences. "I'm afraid hope is a scarce commodity in these dark times," he said. "But I can share what little knowledge I have left. Come, let me show you."

Rick looked around inside the CDC, his gaze falling upon the empty corridors and deserted labs. The absence of doctors and scientists he had expected left him unnerved. Hesitantly, he voiced his concern, asking Dr. Jenner where everyone was. The doctor's response sent a shiver down his spine.

"I'll explain after you all take the blood test," Dr. Jenner said, his voice tinged with urgency before turning to his guests, only to find their perplexed and wary gazes fixed upon him. Leon, who seemed more familiar with the situation, nodded reassuringly.

Reluctantly, the group followed Dr. Jenner to a processing room. As they entered, the sterile environment and medical equipment added to the tension in the air. One by one, they took turns sitting in front of the doctor as he prepared to draw their blood.

Rick watched as each member complied, allowing Dr. Jenner to complete the necessary procedure. The prick of the needle and the sight of his own blood being collected sent a chill down Rick's spine, reminding him of the gravity of their situation. They were placing their trust, and perhaps their lives, in the hands of this enigmatic doctor.

Once the blood samples were collected, Dr. Jenner meticulously labeled and stored them, his face a mix of weariness and determination. Rick couldn't help but feel a mixture of unease and curiosity, eager to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within their blood.

As the last member of the group finished the blood test, Dr. Jenner let out a heavy sigh. "Thank you for your cooperation," he said, his voice laden with both gratitude and concern. "Now, let me explain."

The group gathered around as Dr. Jenner began to unravel the truth that had been concealed within the walls of the CDC. He explained that the facility had been abandoned by most of its staff, as hope dwindled and resources became scarce. Driven by his own determination and guilt, he had remained behind, searching for answers and a way to contain the outbreak.

"I've broken the highest level of protocol just by letting you all in," Dr. Jenner admitted, his voice tinged with a mixture of guilt and defiance. "But at least let me do this."

Dr. Jenner led the group deeper into the facility, their steps echoing in the deserted corridors. They arrived at a large room adorned with computers, desks, and a towering screen. It was here that Dr. Jenner intended to reveal a crucial development he had dubbed "TS-19."

As the group settled around the room, anticipation hung in the air. Dr. Jenner called out to the artificial intelligence system that controlled the facility, instructing it to display the footage he wanted to show them. The giant screen flickered to life, illuminating the room with its eerie glow.

On the screen, a series of chilling images unfolded. Dr. Jenner narrated, explaining the stages of transformation that occurred when a human succumbed to the virus and became a mindless, ravenous creature.

The footage revealed the neurological progression, from the initial infection to the deterioration of cognitive functions and the eventual loss of humanity. It was a haunting depiction of the relentless march of the virus, transforming loved ones into horrifying monsters.

As the images played out, the group watched in stunned silence. The gravity of their situation weighed heavily upon them. This wasn't just a battle for survival; it was a fight against an insidious force that attacked from within, twisting and corrupting the very essence of human existence.

Dr. Jenner paused the footage, his expression a mix of sorrow and determination. "This is what we're up against," he said his somber-filled voice.

Dr. Jenner, his voice tinged with regret, continued to share the grim truth with the group. He revealed that the last remaining CDC center he had been in contact with was located in France, where scientists had persevered in their quest to uncover the secrets behind the Wildfire virus. However, even they had eventually succumbed to the overwhelming odds against them.

"I must confess," Dr. Jenner admitted, his tone heavy with the weight of his past failures. "Even I gave up hope. I had one of the best samples I had ever obtained, but a momentary lapse, a mistake on my part, and it was lost. I botched it."

The room fell into an uneasy silence as the group absorbed Dr. Jenner's words. The revelation painted a bleak picture of their chances for finding a cure. The one person who had once dedicated his life to the cause had lost faith, succumbing to the seemingly insurmountable challenges posed by the virus.

While the rest of the group grapples with the grim reality, Leon takes a step forward, his voice steady and determined. "We appreciate your honesty, Dr. Jenner," he says. "But we've come this far, and we won't let setbacks discourage us. We've seen the strength and resilience of humanity, even in the face of the unimaginable."

Leon's unwavering resolve resonates with the group. Rick, Morgan, Daryl, and the others find solace in his calm demeanor and his unwavering determination to press on. They take a collective breath, reaffirming their shared purpose and the importance of their mission.

Dr. Jenner, though initially surprised by Leon's response, recognizes the flicker of hope in his eyes. He admires the group's resilience and determination, a spark he thought had long been extinguished within himself.

Leon takes a step closer to Dr. Jenner, his voice filled with conviction. "Dr. Jenner, I want to share something with you," he says, his eyes reflecting both determination and empathy. "Back at our camp, we've managed to create a large community of survivors. We've come together, pooling our skills and resources to build a place where people can find safety and support. But it's not just about survival; it's about hope."

He continues, "We believe that even in the darkest times, there is still a chance for humanity to prevail. We've seen firsthand the sacrifices people are willing to make for each other, the resilience that emerges when hope is nurtured. And that's why we need you, Dr. Jenner. Your knowledge and expertise could be the key to unlocking a cure, to giving humanity a fighting chance against this virus."

As Leon speaks, Dr. Jenner's mind flickers back to his late wife, a brilliant scientist who had sacrificed herself to buy him more time to research the virus. He remembers the determination in her eyes, her unwavering belief in the potential for a breakthrough. It reignites a spark within him, reminding him of the purpose behind his work.

Dr. Jenner meets Leon's gaze, a mix of weariness and flickers of hope in his eyes. "I've seen the darkness this virus has brought upon the world," he admits quietly. "But I've also witnessed the resilience and sacrifices of those who strive to protect and save others. Perhaps, together, we can uncover new possibilities and pave the way for a brighter future."

Leon nods, understanding the weight of Dr. Jenner's decision. "We'll do everything we can to support your research, to provide the resources and protection you need," he says. "Our camp is a testament to what humanity can achieve when we stand together. Let's join forces, combining our knowledge and efforts, and work towards a cure that can save lives and restore hope."