
The Wakening Gate

A set of twins jumps between worlds of with advance science and mechs to a world of magic.

LilCerb · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Welcome to our World

Deep in the Elven forest of Khufu what can be found is one of many sets of ancient ruins from a time long ago that are scattered across the globe. These ruins in the forest of Khufu once held a special place for the local people according to their folklore, however after a long period of time the people in the local region have forgotten about the tales long since time has passed and moved onto other things to survive in this world.

Each set of the ruins holds a different set of powers or keys to the past civilizations that had once thrived in the lands. Each one of these ancient ruins that can be found scattered across the land from a time from long before now holds a special power. A special power up until recent history everyone had fought over. Some have even caused great wars between nations to obtain that kind of power.

Some of these ruins have been said that they hold the power to control gates or portals to be transported into other worlds and others have been said to wake sleeping giants. Explorers from across the world would try to get as deep as they can inside these ancient ruins to unlock their special powers. In the local city by the forest of Khufu many explorers have come into the area, exploring the ruins, hoping that they could find any lost technology that is unknown to them and of their modern world of magic and science.

However the people of Academia that is neighboring these ancient ruins by the forest of Khufu have begun developing their cultures over time in the fields of magic, science, combat and alchemy. They have relied less on the power inside of the ancient ruins over the years by developing different fields for magic and science. What these people have begun in these fields is not quite comparable yet to something groundbreaking the modern marvels of science.

A good example of this is like having mined an ore of Iridium and using its properties as a superconductor that relies on the knowledge of Quantum Physics. In general they can be classified in a part of history that has not yet reached past the Middle Ages. All and all most would still call them primitive races when compared to what a normal person would call the modern world.

About half of the races in the land are devoted to old traditions of magic, and of a warrior's path. While others that don't quite make qualifications for the studies to be a warrior or have the aptitude for becoming a mage, they have gone and picked a different path. They help out by joining in one of the studies of what science can bring to their modern world.

If a person wanted to learn more about magic, science, combat or alchemy outside of their village they would have traveled to the city of Academia as it is the nation's top Academy city for combat training and in recent years teaching new forms of science. However as the recent studies of science have been around for a while it is only a recent addition to the schools in Academia that they are more in depth than just Alchemy, and Basic Sciences. This turn of events is recent in the history of Academia nestled inside the Empire of Alexandretta as they crowned a new Emperor.

The Emperor wanted his citizens to become more well versed in either combat or in the Nation's sciences and that was the main reason why Academia was formed. His goal was to have a strong show of force both in his Military and Technological science fields. However people on either side of the spectrum have the potential for greatness in combat or in science at Academia but it is very rare to find someone that can excel both in this world.

Like people have in any world, the Emperor has sought to tip the balance in his favor while others try to keep the balance. Hence the reason why people in the land try to seek out the hidden treasures of the ruins. Some of them have a scholarly outlook and thirst for knowledge while others do it so they could have power, fame, or fortune added behind their names. One thing is for certain that be careful when you try to open Pandora's box.