
The Waiter and the Mobster [BL]

Shiloh Warner, a nineteen-year-old waiter, plans his wedding to his fiancé Lucian Botticelli, only to discover that Lucian is a high-ranking member of a powerful mafia organization. As he grapples with this revelation, Shiloh realizes that the wedding plans are the least of his problems. With Lucian's enemies closing in, Shiloh finds himself caught in a dangerous game of power and violence. He must decide whether to walk away from the man he loves or risk his own life to protect him. Can Shiloh save Lucian or will the mafia consume them both? I'm doing W/W so please support me so that I can update faster! Check out my other stories: The Devil Venerable's Mate [BL] Escaping the Demon Lord's Clutches [BL] Fangtastic Love: A Werewolf-Vampire Tinder Romance! [BL]

jmjackie · LGBT+
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72 Chs

Risking it all for Love

"LUCIAN," HE ASKED as they were cuddled in bed together one bleak morning. The rain had been pouring nonstop throughout the night, leaving the stormy clouds hovering just outside. So they decided to lazily spend as long as they could in bed because neither one of them had work.

"Yeah, sweetie?" Lucian asked, pulling him tighter to his naked chest.

For a minute he hesitated gathering his question. He felt stupid questioning his fiancé but things between them had been off since the dinner with Lucian's family. For the past week and a half Lucian's entire world had revolved around work.

He barely saw him only for a quick hello and then goodbye. If there was one thing Shiloh always prided himself about their relationship is that they were honest with each other. Now he got an intrinsic feeling that his soon to be husband wasn't being completely honest with him. It's not that Lucian actually lied about what he did, he was just far too vague, omitting certain—probably important—information.

This was leading to his current suspicion; because in the three years they've been together he never actually noticed how strange it was to have people constantly follow Lucian around, or how odd it was to go to work during unrealistic hours of the day and night. It was certainly peculiar how Shiloh was always told about these unseen dangers and frequently needed protection.

From what?

He wasn't exactly sure.

They met when he was sixteen and his father had a heart attack several years ago, Shiloh had just moved to New York, his father hadn't met his stepmother yet, so they were living on their own for a while. Mark was passionate about running for congress, but at the time didn't have the means or the popularity, and was working at the city council in order to gain more votes and notoriety.

That was when tragedy struck and his father had his first heart attack.

He'd run into Lucian by chance, things were rocky at first but eventually smoothed over. Shiloh's face heated when he thought about what his friends would think if they found out the deal he made with Lucian first…the deal to belong to him, always and forever, and in exchange, Lucian would take care of his every need. It disturbed him at first, to be so young and controlled by an older man, but at the time he was desperate and Lucian was the only one who could help him.

In exchange for paying his father's bills, Lucian required that Shiloh live with him. Sleep in the same bed, and be his partner in all ways except sexually. He never touched Shiloh or did anything that Shiloh didn't consent to due to his young age, but once his father got out of the hospital and found out he was so furious he didn't know how to react.

By then it was too late, Shiloh was already deeply in love with Lucian and he couldn't turn back. Lucian had helped him in his darkest times, and although his methods were questionable, Shiloh was sure that Lucian loved him with his whole heart.

It often amazed him at how fast things seemed to fall into place. Soon after his senior year at high school Mark Warner, his father was offered a job there he couldn't refuse and then got married. Then Jacob, his step-brother, got into acting school and Katerina got into Julliard and suddenly the Warner's were packing up their things and moving to New York. Shiloh felt incredibly lucky to live in the greatest city in the entire world, with his family at his doorstep and a wonderful man wanting to marry him.

However, things still felt off.

Like, it was all too good to be true.

Everything seemed strategically planned like someone had mapped out his entire life, which was absurd because things like that never happened. It sometimes puzzled him how easily Lucian was accepted into his family, nobody seemed to question why a man of nearly thirty wanted to date a high school student. Squeezing his eyes shut he wanted to stop these awful thoughts. He knew with all his heart that he loved Lucian.

These suspicions were just going to make things worse.

But at the same time, he needed to know.

Gathering courage, he asked in a small voice. "What do you do?"

"You know what I do." Lucian said, distractedly playing with the hair at the nap of his neck.

"Yeah but it just... seems like…" he sighed. "Okay, I might sound completely crazy but sometimes it seems like you do something else…Like you have another job,"

"Why would I have two jobs?" Lucian asked, although Shiloh could see the tightness behind his eyes.

"Just tell me the truth. Lately, you've been distant always being called off to work and you never want to be included in our wedding plans—"

"That's not true. I've been with you through everything. I am just as involved as you are." Lucian defended.

"You never stick around long enough to get anything done."

"Shiloh," He said simply as if speaking to a small child. "This job allows us to live in this expensive condo,"

"So what you think I'm ungrateful now? That I mooch off you when I also pay half of the rent too?"

"That's not what I'm saying at all. I need you to understand that my job is very important and yes sometimes I will be away from you but it's never intentional. You think I'd rather spend my days looking at Kyle and David?" He smirked.

Crossing his arms he found his resolve weaken when Lucian flashed him a dashing smile.

"Well, Kyle is kind of attractive,"

"Not like you baby," Lucian said kissing his cheek. "Look I am sorry about being away all the time and I'll try to make it up to you I promise,"

"Good, you can start now," Shiloh demanded pondering his offer for a moment. "I want a foot massage,"

"Then you shall have it,"

"Chocolate cake in bed,"

"I'll lick the icing right off."

He chuckled. "I want to spend the whole day with you. No exceptions, no phone calls just you and me sweetie,"


"Today," Shiloh announced, he twisted in Lucian's arms to look up at him. "I want to spend the whole day with you naked in this bed."

"Can we watch Disney movies?" Lucian asked eyes adorably extensive.

Shiloh rolled his eyes. "If I'm asking you to spend the whole day in bed and all you want to do is watch Disney movies then we've got problems,"

He laughed.

"I meant after I ravish you," Lucian growled, rolling on top of him. Squirming away Shiloh giggled loudly, as his fiancé pinned him to the bed and started planting sloppy kisses all over his face.

"Stop!" He cried, trying to shove the curly-haired man away.

"Never," Lucian chuckled. "I'm going to lick you up and down then fuck my beautiful boy stupid—che culo è mio stanotte—would you like that baby?"

"Hmm," He hummed in agreement slowly grinding his hips on Lucian's leg.

"First I'm going to get rid of these clothes—bel ragazzo—then make you cum without even touching you," Lucian whispered, his hot breath trickling his ear.

"Yes, please," Shiloh whined, thrusting his hips up desperately.

"Just let me make a few calls," Lucian said placing a firm kiss on his cheek before rolling out of the bed. Groaning loudly Shiloh cursed as his fiancé grabbed his phone and went into the other room. He was hard, achingly horny waiting for his boyfriend to come back and ravish him like he promised. Sighing he sat up a little in bed, his face felt hot and flushed from their previous activities and he couldn't help but picture all of the naughty things they were going to do together.

Lucian was an excellent lover.

The way that he spoke in Italian, teasing him with beautiful words and phrases, flicking his tongue in a way that was sinful made the experience much more rewarding. They'd usually spend hours making love, reacquainting themselves with their bodies as if they were discovering it for the first time. He'd always orgasm at least four times; and end up spending the rest of the day horribly blissed out, feeling like his limbs were made of jelly. Lucian taught him so many things, like how to look up while giving head and how to ride his cock precisely in order to gain maximum pleasure.

Yes, indeed Lucian was an excellent lover.

Not that he had anyone to compare him to since he was a virgin when they met. But he's never been so completely taken care off and felt so loved by anyone in his whole entire life. Lucian satisfied him physically and emotionally, often whispering praises and sweet nothings into his ear.

So when his fiancé came back into the room looking exceptionally forlorn he knew that their plan to stay in bed all day had been busted.

"Lucian?" He asked when he saw his face.

"I'm sorry sweetie, there's a problem that I need to solve," Lucian said walking over to their large closest he grabbed a suit off the hangers. "I'll be back as soon as I can,"

"No," He said shaking his head. "Why do you have to leave now and can't they let someone else handle it—"

"Baby, I am the only one who can handle it," Lucian said, tearing off his sleep shirt and pants.

"This is ridiculous they don't expect you to have a life? I thought we weren't going to have any interruptions today—"

"I'm doing the best that I can," Lucian said suddenly irritated.

Shiloh stubbornly crossed his arms over his chest. "Why can't you just tell them you're busy for once?"

Pulling up his pants, Lucian looked around distractedly for his golden watch and before Shiloh could even blink he was shrugging on a deep violet button up, gelling his hair down.

"I'll be back when I can," Lucian said grabbing his keys and wallet.

He scoffed. "Don't bother and you can take those fucking apologies and shove them,"

"God, when did you become such a brat?" Lucian snarled, storming out the room and through the front door slamming it shut.

Releasing a deep breath, Shiloh sat on the bed for a long time thinking about their argument. It wasn't even one of the worst they've ever had but this one was pretty bad. Was he being unreasonable by asking his fiancé to spend just a few hours alone with him? No, he didn't think so. Dragging himself out of bed he went into the shower, already proclaiming that this day would undoubtedly be shitty.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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