
The Vladimir Family

The Vladimir family has stood for ages, eons and eons, an unstoppable force ruling over the vampires for centuries. But what happens when the Vladimir deals with an opponent like no other. An opponent that strikes the family dead. Aurelius Vladimir, youngest son of the King Vladimir survives and is accidentally turned into an alpha werewolf which helps him run away. Now aged 20, he must not only hide the truth of the werewolf blood running in his veins which can be seen through his one brown eye but also find this opponent that seeks to wipe out the Vladimir family completely. Along the way, Aurelius will find love, love that will throw him off his feet and make him feel alive, something that he's not felt in a long time. Love with someone named Earl Jasper but will Aurelius be able to stay with someone like him, someone that could be ruined completely because of the past that is slowly catching up with Aurelius.

HyacinthNavyIron · Fantasie
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1 Chs



The Vladimir family has stood for ages, eons and eons, an unstoppable force ruling over the vampires for centuries. But what happens when the Vladimir deals with an opponent like no other. An opponent that strikes the family dead. Aurelius Vladimir, youngest son of the King Vladimir survives and is accidentally turned into an alpha werewolf which helps him run away. Now aged 20, he must not only hide the truth of the werewolf blood running in his veins which can be seen through his one brown eye but also find this opponent that seeks to wipe out the Vladimir family completely.

Along the way, Aurelius will find love, love that will throw him off his feet and make him feel alive, something that he's not felt in a long time. Love with someone named Earl Jasper but will Aurelius be able to stay with someone like him, someone that could be ruined completely because of the past that is slowly catching up with Aurelius

Aurelius sighs, hands coming to rest on his waist as he takes in the view of the sunset before him. To say the young male is pissed would be an understatement, his relatives are coming to visit as they do every month and with themselves they shall bring their snarky comments of his incapability to rule over the vampires at such an early age. He knows they're not exactly wrong, anyone can see he's not fit to rule as he's only twenty and a baby in vampire age but then again he's ruling just fine. The vampires are living in harmony and there's no distortion as there was years ago.

"They're here," The son of the butler's voice calls. Aurelius manages a smile at his friend, the only person who doesn't want to use him for his power as the heir to the throne of the vampire kingdom. "I'm coming," He mutters knowing he's going to receive some scolding for not greeting guests. He spares another glance to the setting sun before putting an arm around Casper's shoulder grinning as he grumbles. "Let's go and face my relatives."

"Aurelius!" He hears his name as soon as he descends the staircase to the living room. He puts on a smile, "Good evening Aunt Jane," He hugs her placing a kiss on her cheek, "Silly boy, you should be waiting by the door when guest arrive," She scolds earning a chuckle, "My apologies, they was some important business at hand," His aunt scoffs, "Right," She says not believing him, "Come not let's sit down. The servants are preparing dinner as we speak," He guides her into the living room and lets her sit down before taking a seat himself. Many more people are already seated and Aurelius greets them with a fake smile, he'd love to be anywhere but here.

Their conversation commences and Aurelius does his best to appear attentive though he can feel himself droning out them easily, "Young master, dinner is served." The head maid's voice rings through his startling him out of his musings, "Oh yes!" He stands up and informs his guests who follow him to the dinner table. The room is filled with silence with it only sliced by the occasional sounds crockery. Aurelius is glad for the silence, it helps him think, think about the answer to a question spinning in his head for years. What exactly did his family's captors wanted, they certainly didn't want the throne, that much was obvious but they did want something. Something that the Vladimir family had?

"You're not eating dear," Aunt Patricia utters snapping the vampire out of his reverie, "I eat alone," He replies pointing at the mask around his nose and mouth. Ever since the incident years ago, Aurelius hid his face from the entire world feeling that it could put him in danger. Many of his relatives had come to believe he was disfigured but he was quite handsome in reality. "Oh well we're all done so let's retreat back to the living room, we have something important to discuss with you," Aurelius raises an eyebrow in curiosity but decides not to ask. "Excuse me for a minute," When he arrives back to his guest, he notices an unfamiliar girl sitting beside Aunt Patricia, "Well what did you want to talk about?" He asks raising his eyebrows. His aunt takes a deep breath, "I think it's time you get married dear."

With eyes blown wide out of incredulity Aurelius sputters, "W-what?" He asks baffled and confused, "You heard me. We tried talking you into giving the throne to your capable cousins who would be able to rule better and leave you to live a normal life as a baby vampire but you were adamant and we could not convince you so we decided to arrange your marriage. She is a capable woman and will be able to help you lead the vampires. Her name is Sabrina and I can assure she will be a great companion."

Aurelius stands up a little too fast, "No," He says fixing his shirt. He holds back a smirk as the girl's face falls, "I do not wish to marry right now and my decision is final." Aunt Patricia scowls, a scowl that fills Aurelius with pleasure, "Then give your throne to someone else," Aurelius chuckles a dark glint visible in his eyes, "Now listen here all of you. Just because I appear to be nice and polite doesn't mean you should take advantage of it. I may be 20 but I'm certainly not dumb. Who told you that you could command me around like that? Now please leave," He days deep voice resonating through the entire room, "Do not bother trying to stay. Leave." He commands watching in satisfaction as they scurry out, shock on their features. Aurelius sighs slumping down on the couch, how long will he have to bear with these people?


Earl slumps down in his chair with a can of soda in his hands, he stares at the computer and sighs in exhaustion, rubbing his itchy eyes. "Come sleep already," His omega friend Lyle calls out smacking him on the head with a book, "Just cause you're a literature major doesn't mean you have to cut sleep," Earl rubs his head grumbling curses underneath his breath. "I'm coming just need to write a few more lines," He replies and before he knows it the omega if lifted up from his chair by Lyle and pushed onto the bed, "Yah!" He says as Lyle cuddles into him on the same bed, "At least let me wash up," He mumbles earning a whine. "I'll be fast," He promises and wriggles out of his best friend's hold with a small smile. As promised he gets done quickly and lays down with Lyle letting the calm heartbeat of the man lull him to sleep.

"Do you have to go?" Lyle asks for the umpteenth time earning a chuckle, "Stop asking me already, father wants to spend some time with me and my siblings," Earl replies scenting his best friend lightly on the cheek. Earl Jasper has hated his father since the beginning of time, he took away a person so dear to him it had stung like a thousand cuts on the skin. He ruined that person completely and even now feels no remorse over it so Earl has hated him and will continue to do so until his dying breath. The only reason he has never retaliated against the man was because of his omega status. He hates being an omega because their might be a bit freedom for wolves like him but the world still looks down upon him and still treats alphas with respect. Betas are normal, they don't have to fight to earn respect like omegas do but they cannot achieve as much as alphas can either. Omegas receive nothing, no respect, no inheritance and no chances to show that they are more than just whores to use for pleasure.

Alphas are given everything they want and everything they do is considered correct. If an alpha rapes an omega in heat, it's because the omega was releasing irresistible pheromones and it's the omega's fault for not keeping check of their heat timing. If an omega says he or she was forced they're wrong, alphas would never do such a thing. The world is unfair for people like Earl and he hates it because he can't fight back even. If his father finds out he disrespected an alpha or did anything to irk them he would be gone for. Earl lets Lyle drive them to his family mansion. Earl hates that house, it reminds him of the cruel methods his father relies on to earn money. When the omega had suggested studying in an elite university his father was not happy but had agreed when Earl had gone to lengths to convince him. He can't believe he's letting his father's damned money pay for his college but as long as he's getting a good education in an elite college, he doesn't have any complaints. He would have preferred going on scholarship but omegas can't receive one due to their status which is more than irksome for people with A-star grades like Earl.

Lyle drives away and Earl watches his car with a downcast expression wishing he could get away from the house his family resides in, "Young master, let me take your bags," Earl smiles and hands it to them with a thank you. He walks inside and stares at the mansion before walking in. "They are at the dinner table," A maid says bowing in respect. Earl nods and walks towards the large hall where dinner awaits. He's dressed finely as per orders of his father.

He greets his family after he enters delivering bows in respect, he hates bowing it makes him feel as if he's accepted what happens to omegas in this world. "How are you?" His father asks earning a fake smile, "Lovely, college is great," He answers earning a hum. He detects a sadness in his alpha sister and brother's eyes and wonders why it's there, "Have you met an alpha yet?" Earl stiffens at the question, internally puking, "Omegas should be married by twenty-four as per rule or have you forgotten?" Earl shakes his head profusely, "Of course not, no alpha has come close actually," He answers hoping his face would show no signs of a lie. "But I will search! I'm sure there is someone who I would love to marry," He adds in quickly. In actuality many alphas had approached him but he had turned them down because either they were too stuck up and wanted to carry him around like a trophy or they wanted to marry Earl Jasper son of Quentin Jasper.

He understands why his siblings look sad, they pity him but Earl doesn't want their pity. He just wants to fall in love with a normal person who shall love him for who he is and want him. he clenches his fist, biting into his lips, "If by the end of your third year you don't find someone, I'm marrying you off to an alpha I've decided is good for you," Earl nods solemnly wondering why the universe had to make him an omega. It was obvious with his terribly cute face and short height but he never liked being an omega especially when he went through heat.

Earl takes a deep breath, a determined look in his eyes. He's going to find a mate soon enough, someone different from all the alphas in the world and someone he'll love with all his heart. Though it might be hard he's going to find someone and he's going to find that certain someone very soon. He has to.

MCs won't meet until later and I hope you will like their meeting. If you might not know a lot about vampires than vampires live a very long life, passing centuries that's why 20 years is considered being a baby in this story. I hope you like this chapter, please show support, I'm a very insecure person so please don't leave harsh comments.

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