
Ch1 A look under the crevice

Trust „Him" with all your heart.Do not lean on your own understanding.

Year 985 of the shadowless calendar,2nd day of the frostbite month.

In the lightless room nothing could break the silence.The room, a suffocating void, stretched endlessly into obscurity. The air was dense, devoid of any discernible temperature. An unsettling stillness lingered, punctuated only by the rhythmic echoes of Carion's breathing, like a distant heartbeat in the vast expanse.

Carion couldn´t see nor hear anything.He felt as if his 5 senses abandoned him.He didn´t know whether he was standing or sitting.Hell,he couldn´t even tell if he was actually alive.The only reason why he tried so hard to keep his counciousness was a small memory.The memory of a small baby wrapped in a blood-stained cloth. Something that clung to the recesses of his consciousness, a lifeline in the abyss.


In the depths of his mind, a torrent of thoughts swirled. Memories and questions collided, each one a flicker in the encroaching darkness. What had brought him to this spectral state? Did he willingly surrender himself or was he a pawn in a grander design?


The verses, once sacred,once revered by Carion himself, now echoed eerily in his mind, a stark contrast to the enigmatic reality he found himself in. "Trust 'Him' with all your heart." The words resonated, and he couldn't help but question the veracity of blind faith in this desolate realm.


As he strained to grasp his surroundings, Carion became acutely aware of subtle vibrations, distant echoes that whispered of a world beyond the veil. Was there more to this lightless room than met the eye, or was it a prison of his own making?


Suddenly,everything changed,as an indescribable pain started searing through his mind.It felt as a thousand needles were poking his very soul.He felt his mind shattering.Then,everything stopped.Someone.....something was observing, him and he could tell.That thing was searching through the inner corners of his memories.The presence felt somewhat...holy.Sacred.But also...wrong.Like something beyond the human comprehension of Authority.

Nonetheless,while he didn´t know how long that presence spent in his mind,eventually,it left.Soon,the presence left,and with it Carion´s senses returned.

Hope began to grow as he opened his only working eye.

Scarlet,coloured by the stigma given to those who broke the taboo.His left eye socket,usually hidden by Perinthian cloth,left uncovered.The empty socket lying underneath,a throphy of a distant battle ,left for anyone to see.His vision was blurry.

Unable to stand up,Carion tried to to move his legs.They Refused to respond.Wait.....legs?Where....were they?He looked in horror at the 2 stumps that replaced his legs. Suddenly he became acutely aware of the excruciating pain that ravaged his body. With trembling hands, he dared to inspect the extent of his mutilation.His limbs, once strong and steady, now lay twisted and broken, contorted into unnatural angles that defied comprehension.

Every breath he took was a torment, every movement a symphony of agony that threatened to overwhelm his senses. And yet, despite the overwhelming pain that coursed through his shattered body, Carion found himself consumed not by despair, but by a fierce determination to endure.

With gritted teeth and a steely resolve, he pushed aside the searing pain and focused his mind on the task at hand. Though his body lay broken and battered, his spirit remained unbroken, a testament to the indomitable will that burned within him.

After a few minutes , the blur subsided and he could look around more freely.That was,until he heard some sounds.That music permeating the room was disgusting,like that of animal flesh being torn apart.He quickly turned around.And then....he saw it.

At the center of the room....JBVEFVMKMLZZZZZZZZZZZZ...IT can not be described with words.IT was not an entity that should belong here.IT just could kill him with just an intent.

As Carion´s thoughts became more convulsed,he started gasping for air.His eye was bleeding.His hair turning from a deep brown to a pale white.His skin started getting itchy.Oh,it was so itchy.

SO ITCHY.He tried to stop himself but he could only do so after his entire face was left bare.Only with his bones prothruding and a few chunks of flesh still attached to his „face".

He cried for help but no sound came out of his throat.He tried in vane to do anything,to save himself,until Carion just cound´t handle it anymore.He screamed.He screamed.He screamed so loudly that it felt as if his tonsils were about to fall out.His throat was burning,but anything was second to the desperate desire of emitting a sound.Any kind of sound.


As he slipped further into the abyss, Carion's last thoughts were of the innocent soul he had sworn to safeguard, and the sinister forces that sought to extinguish its light before it could ever shine.

As Carion's life ebbed away, the chamber descended into an eerie stillness, broken only by the haunting echoes of his final breaths. The air hung heavy with the weight of his sacrifice, and a palpable sense of dread lingered in the wake of his passing.

Two figures stood over the lifeless body.

"See what happens to those who dare defy the will of the Divine,"one of them spat, his voice dripping with venomous delight. "This is the fate that awaits all who stand in opposition to our holy cause."

With a flick of his wrist, he gestured to his subordinate, a sinister glint in his eyes. "Dispose of this wretched carcass," he commanded, his tone laced with contempt. "Hang his head on the cathedral´s gates,or well,at least what´s left of it.Let it serve as a warning to all who would dare challenge HIS authority."

"Of course your highness"

As the chamber emptied, the Cardinal remained behind, a malevolent presence lingering in the air. With a chilling laugh that echoed through the chamber like a death knell, he turned his gaze to the heavens, his heart consumed by a fervent zeal that brooked no dissent.

"In the name of the Divine," he whispered, his voice a twisted hymn of devotion. "We shall cleanse this world of all impurity, and usher in a new era of purity and righteousness. And woe betide any who dare stand in our way, for they shall know the true meaning of suffering."

Hi,Author here.

Honestly,I have no idea what I´m doing.I want to improve so any helpful comment or critique is accepted.Also,English isn´t my native language so I apologise for any grammar mistakes

The_Harpistcreators' thoughts