
The virus that changes the world

A new virus was unleashed into the world when a group of scientist decided to melt down an iceberg; Ten years later the government discovered that this virus actually gave some of the new generation super natural abilities, these abilities were classified from SSS being the rarest nd most destructive ones and F being the most common and not threatful ones. The government decided to take this into their own hands and took away hundreds of children with powers in order to exploit them into enhancing their powers for military purposes. Will the Children mange to scape and be free? or will they submit into the hands of the government and become humanized weapon?

thatboy_j3ys0n · Fantasie
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4 Chs

On the Way to Eden

"My name is Chottossa, but people call me Chotto, I'm eighteen years of age, have caramel colored hair and light brown eyes, I'm about 5'5 of height and I'm an idol, even though I'm famous I can never make any friends because I can read their mind and see their true intentions, all I can do is pretend to like everyone." Said a kid walking in a school hallway lost in thought. "Hey Chotto, how are you my man? Sleep good?" Asked a guy to Chotto; "Oh man I hope Chotto did the homework and will be willing to let me copy it" thought the kid to himself while greeting Chotto, "This is Maxel the stupidest person in the entire school." Thought Chotto to himself, "Hey Maxel, I'm doing well, do you need anything?" Asked Chotto with a fake smile; "Well now that you mention it, could I have your math homework so I can copy it?" Said Maxel while smirking, "Sure thing my friend" said Chotto with a smile on the outside but annoyed on the inside, "He wishes he was my friend, just look at him he's so short and scrawny, I could beat him to death if he refuses" thought Maxel to himself; "I forgot to mention that he is the biggest jerk and bully in the school" thought Chotto to himself as they walked in opposite directions. "people don't know that I can read minds, and I like it that way because it can help me see who is actually a genuine person" thought Chotto to himself as he walked up to a window and said "I hope i can find someone I can genuinely trust".

Two days after Aeson and the twins headed to The Land of Frozar they decided to take a break in a city called Harmonious that was located three days away from The Land of Frozar. "Hey guys let's buy some food, they say this city is well known for its delicious food and great music" said Aeson to the twins as they were walking towards a restaurant. "Can I have a table for three please miss" said Aeson to the receptionist, "We're full at the moment, if you don't mind sharing a table we can arrange you that, is that okay?" Asked the receptionist to Aeson, "What do you guys think?" Asked Aeson to the twins, "I'm okay with that" said Makiko, "I will do whatever you want big brother" said Makika; "Very well then follow me" said the receptionist as they started walking to a table of four with another person sitting there. "Do you mind if this three kids sit with you Mr. Chottossa?" Asked the waiter to the guy sitting at the table; "They can do whatever they want, I honestly don't care" said Chotto while he continue eating. "Chottossa right?, thank you for letting us sit here" said Aeson while bowing in gratitude, "Shut up! Shut up!! shut up!!!, its actually you!" Yelled Makika happily, *huh* both Makiko and Aeson turned their head in confusion, "Guys this is Chottossa Kachujin the famous singer, its such a great pleasure to meet you Mr." Said Makika excitedly, "You guys can end my life here I'm genuinely happy and this would be the best way to go out" said Makika with her eyes closed smiling; "Huhhhh!" Yelled Aeson in confusion, *pat* Makiko karate chopped Makika on the head, "Shut up, your talking nonsense" said Makiko with a serious face. "I'm so sorry Mr. Chottossa, we can leave now if you like?" Said Aeson apologizing, *Hahahaha* Chottossa burst out laughing, "Are you okay sir?" Asked Aeson in confusion; "Yeah I'm fine, its been a while since I last laughed like that, please have a sit, is my treat eat as much as you like" said Chottossa as he smiled. "Here are your dishes" said the waiter as she gave Makika Spaghetti with meatballs, Makiko Salmon with salad and Aeson a piece of polar bear steak. "I really appreciate this Mr. Chottossa, if you are ever in need of anything do not hesitate on asking for help" said Aeson to Chottossa, "This guy is actually a good person he gave the twins food so I'll repay him in any way I can" Chottossa heard Aeson's thoughts, "Did I finally Found the one?" Asked Chottossa to himself; "Actually there is something you can do for me" said Chottossa smiling. "I'll do anything in my power Mr.Chottossa" said Aeson, "Let's start by dropping the Mr., just call me Chotto, and what I want is for us to become friends" said Chotto to Aeson, "Is that all?, anyone who treats the twins like this is worthy to be my friend" said Aeson smiling, "I can't read his thoughts anymore did he discover my ability that fast and blocked my telepathy" thought Chotto to himself not being able to read Aeson's mind anymore and getting worried; "Are you okay? Chotto?" Asked Aeson worried to see Chotto's face expression change. "That's enough, although I'm thankful for the meal we never asked you to pay for us, Mr.Aeson could of easily paid for the food himself, I will not tolerate you using your ability un us try that again and I'll kill you right where you are." Said Makiko to Chotto with no emotion on his face. *Hm* Chotto smiled, "so it was you the one that noticed, very well, I guess I was caught, I didn't have a bad intention I just wanted to see if Aeson was a genuine person" said Chotto raising both his arms, showing he gives up and wont try anything anymore; "Big Brother Aeson is the nicest person I know, yes its true we met not that long ago, but I know he's a great person even Makiko lets us travel with him and that says a lot" yelled Makika to Chotto while frowning; "Thank you guys for defending me; Chotto I know being famous isn't as easy as people make it seem, because you can never know who to trust, but I reassure you that we need nothing from you, we can be friends, but friendships don't include trust, trust is something you build up together and it comes with time" said Aeson to Chotto. "I see, well I'll take your word for it and decide to trust you" said Chotto to Aeson.

*A few minutes later* "here is the Ice cream" said the waiter as she placed a big bowl of ice cream on the table. "So where are you guys heading to?" Asked Chotto to Aeson; "We're going to the Land Of Frozar, to train while being guarded by someone strong" said Aeson to Chotto. "Frozar?! You're going to meet that crazy old lady?" Yelled Chotto surprised; "I know you're not talking about crazy after trying to mind read Mr. Aeson's mind" said Makiko with a serious face while licking the ice cream off a spoon, *Hahaha* "your sense of humor is amazing little one" said Chotto while laughing, "Anyway, why do you think lady Barbara is crazy?" Asked Aeson curiously; "Well for starters anyone that enters the land has to pass through a series of traps and at the end fight some of her subordinates" said Chotto annoyed; "You know so much!" Said Aeson amazed; "If you don't mind me asking, how do you know this information Mr. Chotto?" Asked Makiko, "Well you see whenever you're famous you get many different types of acquaintances who give you lots of information as long as you pay them" said Chotto proudly, "No wonder you don't have any friends" said Makiko expressionless, "Shut up you punk" yelled Chotto as everyone laughed. "Anyway I've decided I shall accompany you guys to Barbara's domain" Said Chotto as he stood up; "And who invited you again?" Asked Makiko with a serious face, "I can make your three day travel turn into half a day with my private jet you ungrateful brat!!" Yelled Chotto to Makiko; "There there guys lets stop arguing" said Aeson to Makiko and Chotto.

*Thirty minutes later* "well climb aboard" said Chotto to Aeson and the twins as he invited them into the jet. "Yayyy! I get to ride on a plane with a famous idol" said Makika happily as she ran inside the jet. As everyone got inside and took a sit the plane started to ascend. "Hey Chotto, may I ask you something?" Asked Aeson to Chotto. "Sure thing!" Said Chotto. "Wow! I can see so many houses from here". Said Makika as she slammed her face on the window. "Anyway, Chotto do you happen to know anything about the Great-Eight, you could tell us?" Asked Aeson with a serious facial expression. "I can see that you're serious about knowing, but before I answer, I want you to answer something first" said Chotto to Aeson; "Sure" replied Aeson, "What are you planning to do to the Great-Eight?" Asked Chotto, "Well to be honest, I would like them to work with me to make the world a better and more comfortable place to live for people with abilities, but if they aren't willing to listen I'll just have to become one of them to make them listen" said Aeson with a serious glance; "I see, well i like that answer, and yes I know all them in fact I haven't talked to all, but I have been face to face with them whatsoever." Said Chotto with a smirk. "I don't have the power to read minds, but I can tell that's a big fat lie" said Makiko looking at chotto in a suspicious way. "Mr. Chotto, I will have to agree with Makiko on this one, no one that has come across one of them have managed to scape or if they did I doubt that crossing paths with the other seven will be as a breeze as you make it sound." Said Makika with a concerned look. "Guys if he says he did then he did, we shouldn't come to conclusions without actually knowing, also he'll give us information and that a whole lot better than not knowing anything" said Aeson to the twins, "Thank you for that Aeson, now ask away" said Chotto with smile of pride on his face. "Well do you know anything about number eight, the weakest of all eight?" Asked Aeson to Chotto, "Of course I do, but I wouldn't call him the weakest he is still a member of the Great-Eight you know" said Chotto pouting, "So what is his name and what did he do?" Asked Aeson, "Well that's easy his name is Chottossa and his calamity is taking first place in every singing completion of the world" said Chotto with a big prideful smile on his face, "Okay guys now I do believe what you two were saying" said Aeson to the twins with a depressed expression; "Come on, I'm being serious here Chotto, ar you going to tell us or no" said Aeson with a pouting face, "There is no way you're number eight if I can cancel out your mind reading skill that easily" said Makiko with a serious face, "Don't take it personal Mr.Chotto but even I could probably beat you in a fight " said Makika with a confused face. "Damn what have I come to that people don't take me serious anymore?" Said Chotto while fake crying. "Let's say we believe you, what about the other seven" asked Aeson with a smile, "Gee thanks, but anywho, number seven is Gerald, the false god, he is a bad person making people beg for his forgiveness and judgement, number six is Assassin Spidey, now with that woman you have to be careful because she captures people and eats them just for fun and that's her calamity, number five lord Kell is the oldest out of us all, he's already in his thirties, his calamity creating a new nation of mountains with his powers, number four Lady Barbara ruler of the new found kingdom of Frozar her calamity creating the garden of Eden in a cold dessert; number three, Lord Shadow, he's very powerful as long as there is a shodow he's practically unstoppable his calamity is making the city of darkness where the sun never rises, number two is my favorite Princess Freya her calamity is Destroying her kingdom while going on a rampage, but that was when she didn't know how to control her powers, now her kingdom is growing and the people love her because she's their protector, Number one we call him the masked guy because he doesn't reveal is name his calamity is taking people with abilities hostage to make them human weapons." Explained Chotto to Aeson and the twins, "If number one is that bad why not just kill him?" Asked Makiko, "The thing is that the previous number two tried but ended up getting killed by number one, and he was very powerful, so none of the other seven including myself have the guts to try anything." Said Chotto while looking down with a sad expression, "Why don't just the seven of you guys kill him together?" Asked Aeson, "Well most the Members of Great-Eight are okay with the others doing what they want, we have an agreement on not to interfere with each others' matters." Said Chotto, "That's messed up, can't you do anything about it Mr. Chotto?" Asked Makika sad, "All I can do is protect the kids In my territory." Said Chotto, "Your territory?" Asked Aeson, "Yes, every member of the Great-Eight has their own territory, for instance, Lady Barbara's domain its in the north, meaning the north is her territory, as for my territory is in the North-West, the center is pretty much a free for all anyone can go there to do what they please and no one is save." responded Chotto to Aeson. "Mr.Chottossa, we are landing at the border of Frozar" said the pilot via the radio. "That was fast" said Makika.

As they landed they got down at the airport which was surrounded by forest from every angle, "Why did we stop here? Where is the city" asked Aeson, "I'm sorry I'm afraid we can't go passed this point with a plane, like I told you Lady Barbara is crazy and will shoot down the plane in an instant, and then we wouldn't be able to defend ourselves." Said Chotto apologizing. "Well lets get going" said Aeson as they started walking north into the forest.