
The Villainess turns into the Heroine

Iona is originally a villainess in her world of Fontana after being executed for her crimes she reincarnates into the body of the kind and pure Duke of Devashire’s daughter with the same name. Iona initially struggles with her new identity as she is internally evil and corrupt. But as enemies face her, Iona’s past as a villainous comes quite handy. Especially when she is told that because of her status she must marry the current Tyrant King Peregrine. After hearing a street psychic’s warning that if Iona marries Peregrine she will be met with death soon after, Iona creates a new plan to survive. She must make the Tyrant King hate her. Instead of being his lover she must become his ex-lover! Follow Iona as she goes through her new life as a “good” girl who tries to make the tyrant king hate her with her past life villainous ways. Will she succeed or will she succumb to fate and fall in love with the flirtatious King?

SelaraChan · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Beautiful Toys in a Pitiful Carriage

I whistled as I skipped towards the carriage to take me and my siblings to the city. Happiness filled me as I watched my newly dressed dolls step out of their dollhouse all dolled up. My siblings looked handsome as they walked over next to me. Their whispering tickling my ears. You know the spiteful feeling of when someone talks about you behind your back?

It feels as if you are insignificant and worthless. Gossip truly is a terrible thing. Now how should I punish my playthings in the carriage? Oh! Perfect.

The carriage door opened as I laid down on my larger side of the carriage. The opposite side had a very small sitting area so this would force the three brothers to sit undeniably close during the two-hour trip. I smirked. Let's watch them fight amongst themselves. My brothers looked at me with glares as they looked to the small space that they would have to share. I picket at my ear as I pretended to look innocent. Vicktor then smiled as he said.

"What is the meaning of this Iona?'

I looked at him with feigned confusion as I said.

"What are you asking about brother?"

Vicktor's right eye flinched before he regained his composure and sweetly said.

"My dear sister how are the three of us supposed to fit here? Can't you sit up and let one of us share that expansive area of yours?"

I smirked. How eloquent of my dear brother. As expected of my toy. He will be a tough nut to crack.

"Aren't you being quite selfish brother? I'm your only sister and I'm to meet my fiancée tomorrow.

Can't you be merciful to me a little by providing me some comfort in our last days together?"

Radford then said.

"What do you mean by last days? Its not like you're dying anytime soon."

My left eye twitched. There is a limit to how clueless one can be. I sighed. No matter, I'll get to that toy later. Now I must punish my toy which had chosen to disobey me with such a sweet smile. I smiled sweetly at Vicktor before saying.

"Vicktor dear. Should you really be giving orders to me like that? I understand that you are older than me but after all you are only a mere duke's son, while I'm the future Queen. Do you understand the consequences of disobeying the Queen of Devashire?"

Vicktor flinched as his calm and collected composure slipped slightly. Look bastard if you want to challenge me in a game of wits and will, you are a hundred years too early to do so. My eyes slid over to see Tulio glare at me with such open hatred.


How cute.

Despite how much his expression irks me, his defiance satisfies me all the same. It wouldn't be fun if my prey wasn't defiant after all. Vicktor sighed before he sat down on the opposite side of the carriage. He motioned for Radford and Tulio to join him. Tulio stomped his foot as he said.

"Are you seriously going to comply with her request all because of her empty threat? Why would our sister choose to charge us with treason once she becomes Queen?"

I gave Tulio my death glare as he flinched. I then announced very calmly.

"Tulio. No brother of mine talks to a future Queen in that way. If you are discontent with the seating arrangements of this carriage then I will happily arrange for you to be tied to the carriage with a rope and be dragged along the road. Would you like that?"

Tulio trembled as he sat next to Vicktor and Radford. The three of them lowered their heads in fear as I gazed at them. I then smiled a toothy smile as happiness filled me. Yes. Yes.

Those expressions. Those shaking hands. Those obedient and dull eyes as they look at me as their master. That is what I want from my beautifully dressed dolls. Maybe once we get to the city I might reward them for amusing me in such a way. Father did give me money after all despite my flippant attitude towards him. As the carriage began to move I moved aside the curtain to look at the scenery outside. Radford groaned as the sunlight hit his eyes.

"Is there an issue Radford?"

Radford quickly shook his head as I nodded. Good. These dolls are now more compliant to my requests. During the duration of the two hours I got some beauty sleep while the siblings whispered. Let them whisper amongst themselves. Let them scheme on how to get me back for this immense humiliation that they have stepped. That would only make my time more joyous and entertaining. The more that they hate me the more fun for me. With their scheming selves they will find themselves suddenly turning evil and corrupt. The best thing for a villainess is watching your prey spiral into a desperate state. Once they are broken and crazy, that is the best point of time to truly attack. At their lowest point you must coax them and convince them of your good side. Once you have regained their trust, the whole cycle of games begin once more.

But there is an unspoken rule for a villainess.

We never play with the same toy for too long. After a couple of cycles, the final step is to break the toy beyond compare so that no saint would be capable of fixing it back. I licked my lips in anticipation when I thought of how I was going to have fun with the rumored "tyrant king". No matter how crazy, evil, or soulless he is, he will never compare to my level of evil.

As the carriage stopped, the sound of the voices of a crowd filled my ears. I smiled as I opened the carriage door. My brothers groaned as they stretched out their bent limbs. To follow me out of the carriage. As I faced the crowd in front of me, excitement filled me. Look at all of these new toys! How unfortunate that I can not add them to my toybox. I sighed. Such was the life of a villainess.

I turned as an unnatural tug led me to look at a dark building in the midst of the marketplace. On it were the words, "Malieanna's place of fortunes" written in gold. My curiosity led me to walk towards it.

At the time never would I have anticipated the fortune that I would be told. A fortune so important, that it had changed the course of whole new life. If I had to pick the biggest regret that I have from my two lives, it would be the one including how I have walked into this fortune building.


Thank you so much for reading my luvs! Stay safe! I will try to update more soon!