
The Villainess Returns with a System

In the confines of her chambers, Vivian Moore, made the tragic decision to take her own life. The Crown Prince's abandonment for another and the humiliation she had to go through proved unbearable. Even the Royal Family made a move to banish her from the city by arranging a compensation engagement with a lowly Baron's Son, further shattering her and her family's reputation and dignity. However, this desperate act opened the door for a New Vivian, a fusion of her former self and one from a different world who had witnessed these events unfold in a Visual Novel RPG. This woman is Nadia of Medjay, a skilled thief and a secret agent, now shared Vivian's body and mind. As they became one, they emerged from the ashes of Vivian's destruction to be the Ultimate Villainess. Determined to Survive, Thrive, and Challenge the Narrative, Vivian embarked on a bold counterattack, setting her sights on the Heroine and the Seven Charming Princes. ---------------- If you want to read Early Chapters, you can join Patreon from: https://linktr.ee/donovel - 1$: 1 Chapter - 5$: 5 Chapters - 10$: 10 Chapters *This story is on Patreon, WN, RR, and SH. **Your support means that I can keep to do this hobby as job. ***You can also join our Discord Community Server for Chapter Notifications, D&D, and Chat, use the same link.

El_Don · Fantasie
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57 Chs

49: Isabella's Visit

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The Madonna of Archester, Isabella De Clare, or as many know her in the fashion industry, Sedric Lee Alba, the charismatic yet perverted fashion designer.

The real Isabella isn't by any way a simple lady, she is smart, multi-talented, and a rebel. If I am the black sheep of high society, Isabella is the rainbow sheep. You wouldn't know what to expect from her and there is no desire or indulgence she wouldn't satisfy herself with. She dominates the scene, leaving others as mere supporting characters in her self-centered epic tale. Her charisma and ability to captivate others, igniting them with her zest for living, are simply remarkable.

On top of that, the way she turned her formal suit from masculine to feminine just now by undoing some buttons, unfurling her dyed hair, and getting rid of the disguise all have raised the temperature of the room by a degree or two and was simply jaw-dropping. I had to send Logan and the others out except for Esmeralda in order to keep this scene family-friendly.

[Image Here]

In my honest opinion, she is someone born in the wrong era with no cameras to follow, magazines to feature, or billboards to display. This supermodel friend of mine was someone who could hoard all the spotlights of the world if she was given the chance and I intend to do just that.

"Long time no see, girly. You've been doing great, I heard."

On the opposite side of me, that very same Madonna was sitting very comfortably on my new sofa, spreading her arms over its upper frame, crossing her legs, and having the same naughty look in her eyes that she always has.

"I have risen from the ashes, so to speak." I replied as I lifted up the delicious tea that Esmeralda just brewed, "And how about you? I haven't heard any new…"

"Scandal?" She asked with a naughty smile before lifting up her saucer as well, "I've been being me all the way, darling. It is just you who is causing my stars to dim and my gazers to turn."

"How poetic! Esmeralda, write that down."

"Yes, my lady."

Isabella turned towards Esmeralda with naughty eyes and her smile kept hanging.

"How about switch maids?"

"Esmeralda would hate people like you."

"How fun! Now I am more interested."

Isabella's smile got even wider and I know how her head works.

People would always wonder how it is that the traditional and conservative Vivian Moore is best friends with the carefree and outgoing Isabella De Clare. If there are two sides of any spectrum, we would be the polar opposites without one thing in common.

The truth, however, is mundane. We are different yet we check all the boxes we need for a friend. While Vivian sticks to the rules, she needs freedom from time to time like the one Isabella has, and while Isabella is all about living her life enjoying its riches and being carefree, she appreciates the fact that Vivian displays discipline in her life and controls its reins.

However, I have changed. With Nadia and Vivian sharing the room upstairs, I am almost not that original Vivian anymore. I don't know how this will affect my friendship with Isabella but…

"Hey, Esmeralda, come and sit with us. Your tea is delicious. It's a shame if you can't enjoy it with us!"

But seeing how she was trying to get chummy with Esmeralda, I felt relieved. Nothing changed that much after all and that friend of mine is someone who can't be affected by anything. I let it happen and Esmeralda joined us.

Speaking of Esmeralda, she was having a tough time with this situation. She looked at me, as if she wanted to avoid this, and looked at Isabella, who seemed like nothing but trouble from the way she acted to the way she dressed. Esmeralda is a very serious and stern person while Isabella is just her goofy funny self.

As I enjoyed the tea, Isabella began interrogating Esmeralda about everything from her life to her job. She became so interested in the Hulkling girl to the point where she left no aspect of their lives without asking about.

"So your tribe doesn't cut down trees. They just pull them out from the ground?"

"Yes, but it is not for the sake of logging. It is a practice of power and the trees are put back in the ground again."

"Yes, yes. You told me that your people don't like to destroy the world around them. But hey, can you uproot trees too?"

"No, it is a practice only done by warriors."

"Oh! … How about picking me up?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Pick me up! Pick me up!"

"I'm… afraid I must respectfully decline."


Isabella was disappointed but she looked at me as I was smiling at their interaction and spoke.

"You must have been picked up by her, right?" Isabella said with eyes filled with disappointment.

"On a couple of occasions, yes. Felt like a helpless little kitten."

"Tsk… must've been nice."

I am sure Isabella was happy to see another girl taller than her, that's all.

"So, my new neighbor, how is life as an upcoming businesswoman?" She turned to me and asked.

"It seems you are two months ahead of me in finding that out." I replied.

"Excuse me! Sedric Lee Alba is a respectful businessman, he doesn't have any feminine inclinations whatsoever." She replied while pulling her shirt together.

"Yeah, yeah. Nice roleplaying!"

Isabella's act as Sedric isn't about being a woman in a man's man's world. She's just enjoying the act of fooling others around, that's all to it.

"What kind of things do you do here anyway?" She asked.

"Inventing things."

"Like… creating things that we normal people fantasize about?"

"Yes. Our motto is making your dreams come true."

"Damn girl, my dreams aren't something the world is ready for just yet."

"Maybe one day we'll work on those dreams of yours. Right now, I'm trying to impress the investors from the Conglomerate."

"You'll do a good job, I have no doubt about it." She said before smiling vividly, "But what I want to know is that you're taking good care of yourself above all."

"I am. I even started practicing for my stamina and agility and began shooting guns."

"Heard about that! Are you sure you're alright with all that?"

"Best I have ever been."

"I don't want to touch other sensitive matters but I am glad you are dealing with…" Isabella tried to find the right words.

"My new reality?" I asked.

"I wouldn't put it that way."

"Bella, I put Richard to his knees, embarrassed Robert to no end, and made a certain Prince spend all that he has like a fool in the auction. I am doing more than just alright."

"So you intend to punish them?"

"Why not?"

"Even Valentine?" She asked and felt a little bit complicated, "I know he was with them that day in the academy and he didn't stand up for you. I haven't spoken to him ever…"

"Don't." I said and took a deep breath, "Valentine may like that commoner girl but… he's my friend too. He hasn't done anything to harm me."

"No. He's an idiot! He should have done something."

"Forget about it."

Isabella seemed to have that on her chest for some time now but Valentine isn't someone that has bothered me that much. For all its worth, I won't go after him as long as he doesn't stand in my way.

"But some little bird has told me that you met with him after the auction. He seemed to be spacing out a lot after that meeting with you." Isabella said.

I knew she had her eyes and ears lurking about.

"What's wrong with fattening up some little sheep for slaughter." I said with a remark only she could understand.

"Oh! You didn't! You gave him sweets?" Isabella's eyes widened.

I shrugged.

"You're mean, Viv. You're really mean."

"I'll torment him over it later."

"You still can't forget that, huh?"

"Mama Claudia would never want us to forget such a thing."

"Yep, she wouldn't."

Mama Claudia is Countess Claudia De Clare, the mother of Isabella and Valentine. She is a dear person to my heart but her persona is really extreme. No one surnamed De Clare is normal, to put it mildly.

"When will you tell her?" She asked.

"Esmeralda and I have been working on new recipes. Things that the world hasn't seen before. Valentine's birthday is near so…"

"I won't stand in your way. He deserves it… but that's a new low you're stooping to, Viv."

"What? It's just a bit of… sweet revenge."

Isabella shook her head wryly and turned to Esmeralda.

"She told you what she's planning?"

"No, my lady, but judging from her expressions when she talks about cupcakes and swiss rolls, I can tell she is up to no good." Esmeralda replied.

"I'll give you context." Isabella said and started to explain, "Back in the day, my younger brother Valentine was… to put it mildly, a very well-rounded child… meaning that you could give him a little shove and he'd roll around like a ball. Vivian loved that and I admit that I helped her develop into the mean bully she is today during that time. My mama, Countess Claudia, who is Lozanish, by the way, is a very strict person and has a foul attitude. During one particular summer, my mother decided to fix my brother's immense love for food and brought home three new pets, a cow, a sheep, and a pig."

"Mama Claudia made Valentine eat with the three pets every day until they were fattened. Like she was seriously fattening them and one day, she said that they were fat enough and it was time to slaughter. She brought a butcher and made Valentine watch." I remembered and couldn't help but laugh and tell that part of the story.

"Valentine looked at himself that day and refused to eat for a week. The poor kid got so traumatized only Mama Catelyn got him to eat small portions after that." Isabella said as she was laughing and her eyes became tearful.

Esmeralda was watching us laugh and with a horrified face, she was shaken by the story.

"Wasn't that too much for a child?" She asked.

"Too much? Until this day, he can't eat more than his portion. It's like a blessing." Isabella replied.

"The problem with Valentine is that any amount more than his fixed portion will actually make him accumulate fat very quickly. It is like his body can't process the food well and stores it quickly under his skin as fat." I added.

"Moreover, his bigger problem is that he still loves food so much but can't normally eat anything without considering the consequences. For example, when Vivian gave him sweets that day, he would starve himself for at least a day after it so that his body doesn't bloat." Isabella said.

"My lady… this is awful."

"I know, right?"

"I won't agree to harm Lord Valentine even though you are teaching me new recipes, my Lady."

"No! Esmeralda, please! This is important!"

"If it brings harm to others. I can't do it."


Sadly, Esmeralda seemed to have made up her mind. I can convince her later but knowing her so far, she is a stubborn one.

"This is so fun… I can't remember how long it has been since we relaxed and talked like this." Isabella said as she laid herself back on the sofa.

"It has been a long time indeed." I said trying to remember when was the last time indeed.

"I guess it started three years ago when you got into the Academy, right?" Isabella said.

"I don't really remember. I got so busy all of a sudden, I was visiting the Royal Palace to receive lessons and had to attend many lectures here and there."

"Your engagement took you away from us, Viv. Mama Claudia always says that."

"I really miss her, how about I hop over tonight?"

"Like old times, huh? We just showed up at each other's places whenever we wanted."

"These were the days."

"Well, since it is your first time in a while, I'll need to prepare things for you."

"No need for ceremonies, I still remember your place like the back of my hand."

We smiled and had a little pause which we used to sip on more tea.

"Alright… so let's get to the important business." Isabella initiated the second phase of the conversation.

"I'm all ears." I replied.

"Actually, that's what I would like to say."


"Well, this is now your new business, you are going to do great things as I know you will but you are currently lacking in connections since the royal family is after you. As for me, I hold a lot of influence in the market and my connections are at your disposal."

"Well… Thank you graciously. But, Bella, you and I are in two different markets. I dare say Alba's Fashion and ViTech can't even crossroads at that point in time."

"I know. I wasn't talking about business in general, I have a different offer." Isabella said and got closer to me not minding how much I could see from the plunging neckline of her shirt, "I host a lot of parties, I have friends in both high and low places, and the things they talk with me about… you wouldn't believe it, Viv."

"You got some singing birdies, huh? Pretty nice!"

"You have no idea. Musicians, painters, artists, collectors, and all sorts of deep pockets. A rowdy bunch but a useful one nonetheless."

"Well, I am flattered you're offering me that much."

"Anything for my sweet Vivi. I just want to see you succeed and maybe one day we can benefit from one another."

"Hey, as much as I love the De Clares, I know you people give nothing for free." I said and returned the same smile to Isabella, "What's the down payment?"

Isabella made a sly smile.

"I heard your house is hosting a party at the end of the month. Morris de Brosa himself is invited. Inviting Morris de Brosa was something even I couldn't pull off." She said.

"If it's a simple invitation, you don't even need it. There were never such formalities between our families." I replied.

"I know, I was going to show up anyway but… that's not what I am after."

"What are you after then?"

To my question, Isabella's grin widened and she seemed more excited than ever.

"You know what I want, Viv."

"I'm honestly clueless."

"Don't pretend to be, I've always told you about it."

She did?

I had to go a quick trip down memory lane but I know a lot of Isabella's secrets already. It is hard to specify what she meant by that look in her eyes.

Suddenly, Isabella got up and sat on the coffee table between us facing me.

"Will I finally get your blessing?"

That "blessing" word was enough to make my thoughts freeze.

"Oh, no!"

"Come on, Viv. You're 19 now. You don't know how long I've waited." Isabella cornered me at my seat and got really close.

"Nope! Nope! Definitely not!"

"Argh! You have to give me that chance, Viv. You promised."

"I am not… giving you… any!"

I tried to turn my head away but that long supermodel neck of hers was faster than anything I can evade.

Right now, she was holding me by the chin and having her face just a couple of inches from mine.

"You're breaking our promise, Vivi?" She asked.

"I… huvn't… promith…" (I haven't promised!)

"Heh! We'll see about that."

This exchange of ours, which was seen by a third person in the room, got one hell of a reaction.

"Oh, no!"

Shocked to the end of her wits, Esmeralda made a shocked face as she stood and tried to make Isabella move off me but she was too scared to do anything.

We both turned to her and I could see her blushing and unable to look at us.

"M-M-M-M-M-M-My L-L-Lady! Yo-You can't be… I can't believe… Get off my lady!" Esmeralda became a nervous wreck and pointed at Isabella.

"What's wrong?" Isabella turned to her frowning while I was also trying to understand what was going on.

"Lady Isabella, I am sure my lady isn't into girls. Please, refrain from harassing her… or… or…"

"Into girls?"

Isabella and I frowned simultaneously and looked at each other before…


The two of us couldn't hide our disgust from Esmeralda's not-innocent thoughts.

"How can you say that, Esme! I'm really into men." I said.

"Yes. I'm into men too." Isabella said before rethinking, "Well, now that you mention it…"

"Don't you even think about it!" I said, pointing my finger as I stood up against her.

"A promise is a promise, Viv. You said when you graduate, you will be permitted to give me your blessing."

"What is happening?" Esmeralda asked with a concerned face.

"I was 6 when I said that. Mother just passed away and I was in a bad place."

"A promise is a promise."

"You took advantage of me."

"Still… a promise…"


"You have graduated, the time is due."

"Don't… just don't…"

"By tradition Vivian, if the first wife doesn't choose, her successor must. You are your mother's successor."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Do you like Saskia more than me?"

"Of course not."


"Fuck…" I said in frustration.

"My lady!" Esmeralda almost jumped to cover my mouth.

"Hehehe!" Isabella was grinning ear to ear.

I locked eyes with her and blew off one strand of hair that was above my eye.

"You want it, Isabella? Fine, you have it."


"What did she get?" Esmeralda asked with visible worry.

"Hehehe! I finally get to pursue the love of my life." Isabella said and leaned on me.

"Tsk!" I made a sour face and looked away.

"Don't worry, Viv. I'll be a gracious stepmother."

"Go to hell."

"Nope, I'm going to my dear Count Julian! See ya!"


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