
The Villainess Pocket Watch

My life is full of thorns. my dream of achieving my pursue of magic, I've sinned a lot on achieving my position what i have today was built with a huge amount of dead body's. I was killed by an assassin with a magic knife that was stab into my heart when i failed breaking through to a higher realm. thanks for the pocket watch which i pick up in the ancient ruins rewind my time.

sylvia · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: The Intrigue Unfolds

Following the departure of Prince Leon Morningstar and his entourage, life in the Moon residence settled back into its usual quiet rhythm. Illysha Moon returned to her studies and delving deeper into the intricate world of magic. Yet, the events of her meeting with the prince continued to weigh on her mind, like an enigmatic puzzle yet to be solved.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the empire's bustling capital, tensions brewed. News of Illysha Moon's refusal to join the imperial ranks spread like wildfire, igniting fervent debates and discussions among influential figures. The young mage had unwittingly become a symbol of defiance, and her actions sent shockwaves through the corridors of power.

Within the opulent chambers of the imperial palace, Emperor Rodz Morningstar sat upon his ornate throne, deep in contemplation. The empire teetered on the edge of uncertainty, plagued by internal conflicts between the royal family and the Ivory Tower, and the looming specter of external threats from rival nations.

Tower Lord Dean, the emperor's trusted advisor, entered the chamber, bearing a report that he had meticulously compiled. He had been keeping a vigilant eye on the unfolding situation.

"Your Majesty," Tower Lord Dean began, his voice measured, "the matter of Illysha Moon's refusal has become a matter of great concern. It has ignited a fierce debate among nobles and mages alike. Some see her as a beacon of resistance against imperial authority."

Emperor Rodz sighed deeply, his regal countenance clouded by worry. "We cannot afford internal strife, especially now. The empire must remain unified, especially in the face of potential external adversaries."

Tower Lord Dean nodded solemnly, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "I share your sentiments, Your Majesty. However, her decision to spurn the empire has raised questions about the role of the Ivory Tower and its sway over emerging mages."

The emperor's gaze intensified, and he leaned forward, a spark of concern in his eyes. "Are you suggesting that the Ivory Tower might be involved in this?"

Choosing his words with utmost care, Dean replied, "There are whispers and speculations, Your Majesty. It's no secret that the Ivory Tower has thrown its support behind the eldest princess. Some believe that Illysha Moon's actions could be a result of their influence."

Emperor Rodz pondered this possibility. The tension between his family and the Ivory Tower had escalated steadily, and any interference from the tower could tip the delicate balance. He knew he had to tread cautiously.

"Continue your investigations, Tower Lord Dean. I must ascertain the extent of the Ivory Tower's involvement in this matter," the emperor commanded.

"As you command, Your Majesty," Dean replied with a bow before taking his leave.

Beyond the palace walls, in the tranquil Roan province, Illysha Moon continued her studies, blissfully unaware of the intricate political intrigues unraveling in the imperial capital. Her days were consumed by the pursuit of knowledge, filled with books, experiments, and the gentle cadence of a peaceful life. She had made her choice, and for the moment, she found contentment in her chosen path.

Yet, the empire remained far from stable, and the shadows of ambition and conflict grew longer with each passing day. In the chapters yet to be written, the destinies of the empire and Illysha Moon would become intertwined in ways neither could predict.