
The Villainess Pocket Watch

My life is full of thorns. my dream of achieving my pursue of magic, I've sinned a lot on achieving my position what i have today was built with a huge amount of dead body's. I was killed by an assassin with a magic knife that was stab into my heart when i failed breaking through to a higher realm. thanks for the pocket watch which i pick up in the ancient ruins rewind my time.

sylvia · Fantasie
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24 Chs

chapter 18

**Chapter 18: Reflections**

As Illysha delved deeper into her magical studies, the days blurred into weeks, and the weeks into months. Each incantation, each spell, brought her closer to unlocking the mysteries of her unique connection to magic. The Roan province had become a haven for her quest for knowledge, offering solitude and peace that fueled her relentless pursuit.

Yet, amid the tranquil moments of her magical exploration, there was a growing undercurrent of questions that tugged at her thoughts. She found herself reflecting not only on the complexities of the arcane but also on the enigmatic aspects of her own past.

One evening, as she sat beneath the ancient oak tree in her garden, Luna, her loyal fox companion, by her side, Illysha gazed up at the stars. They twinkled like distant memories, fragments of a past life she couldn't quite grasp.

"Who was I before this life, Luna?" she murmured, her voice carrying a hint of melancholy. "What secrets do these stars hold about me?"

Luna, ever perceptive to her emotions, nuzzled against her hand, offering silent comfort.

Illysha closed her eyes, allowing herself to drift into a deep state of meditation. In this tranquil state, the boundaries of her current existence began to blur, and she felt herself drawn back, back into the recesses of her own memories.

Images and sensations from another time flooded her mind. She stood in the midst of a grand library, its shelves towering toward the heavens, filled with ancient tomes and scrolls. Her fingers traced over the worn leather bindings, and she could almost taste the knowledge contained within.

Next, she was on a battlefield, clad in armor, wielding a sword with effortless grace. Her heart pounded with a mixture of fear and exhilaration as she faced a formidable adversary. Her movements were a symphony of precision and power.

Then, the scenes shifted to a moonlit garden, where she stood beneath a weeping willow tree, her hand entwined with that of another. Love and sorrow intertwined in her heart.

Illysha's past life flickered before her like fragments of a dream, leaving her with a profound sense of longing and curiosity. Who had she been, and what had led her to this rebirth as a mage?

As she returned to the present, her eyes met Luna's, and she whispered, "I will uncover the truth, Luna. No matter where it leads me."

The fox, as if understanding her determination, let out a soft, encouraging yip.
