
The villainess is a golden summoner!

Kianna is a highschool student that does nothing but to study. All of her life revolves around studying, thinking that if she did well, she might get her parent's filial love. Having her mother's argument on the phone, the bus that she was riding on crashed to a truck and she died. When Kianna woke up, she reincarnated as the youngest daughter of a viscount. She saw unfamiliar faces! Fortunately, she got herself a new family that loves her unconditionally. "Sia, you are so talented!" At such a young age, she is widely known as the golden summoner. Everyone sees her as a role model. Even the infamous villainess, Seraphim, envies her to the point she retorted to black magic and took her body. "I am Anastasia Castilla, the golden summoner of the kingdom of zeno!" "Golden summoner? ha! go away you witch!" No one believes her.. her golden hair and eyes was swapped with the angelic body of the villainess. "Don't worry, Lady Anastasia.. they will never know that the villainess is the golden summoner." No! I just want to have a normal life, this is my second chance in life! I don't want to be a villainess! Why does everything went wrong again?

Nihao_WeiWei · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Curious thoughts: on

Several long days have passed and Professor Hayden keeps bugging me about my answer. I can't decide yet...

"Goodmorning, my sweet cute wolfy," I whispered to the little wold that is sleeping peacefully in my bed.

Life in the manor was getting busy for me, I kept studying and practicing my healing magic. But nothing happened, that's why I'm thinking about whether to accept the offer or not. I will never improve if no one is teaching me.

Wolfy is still sleeping, I guess I shouldn't bother him. I want to see Siu, I haven't seen him these past few days. He's busy training.

"Brother Siu? it's me, Sia."

He's two years older than me, but to me, he's like my twin. our gold hair matched well, except for the eyes. However still- I consider him as a twin, not an elder one.

No one responded. I guess I'll just have to force myself in. Hesitantly, I slid open the door.

Brother Athanasius is studying. Wow, it's a rare sight for me. He loves swords but I guess there's this kind of side of him.

Siu didn't pay my entrance any mind. He had a book in mind, flipping the page every dozen seconds or so.

Does he wear reading glasses? they look nice on him. Still, he must really into that book. He didn't react when I opened the door. Siu is always clingy at me and will hug me whenever he sees me.

"Sorry for coming uninvited, brother Siu. I wanted to check you out."

He was still immobile. I waved at him to draw his attention. Nothing. I knelt in front of him and raised my voice.

"Athanasius Castilla!"

I was beginning to wonder if he wasn't a very well-done statue. His eyes continued that scanner-like motion on the empty air for a few moments.



When my arrival finally set in, he jerked back in surprise, causing a pile of books to crash down. Brother Siu hugged me and I hugged him back. See? this is the brother that I know!

Siu stacked the books in a tall, crooked, wobbly pile. Now, that's a sturdy stack.

"It won't fall-"

We shared a look of 'oops at the freshly scattered pile.

"How strange. But that's all right, I'll stack them again, sweet sia."

"You don't have to worry, brother. I'll help you."

I stopped him before he could return to placing books with willy-nilly in a continually toppling tower. Starting with the largest, heaviest books, I created a more stable book pile for him. He looked impressed.

Suddenly, a flashback from the past entered my mind. I used to this at the library while reading books. I sat there alone, doing this routine all over and over.

"Thank you, my Sia."

Geez, mother and father always call me that, too!

"So, this book you were so lost in.. what's it about?"

"It's a book on military strategies. It's an interesting topic, at least to me."

I guess he's learning in advance for the academy. Besides, being a swordmaster is not all about skills, you need to have the brains.

"Can I ask you something, brother Siu?"

"Sure, Sia. Go ahead."

"What do you think is the purpose of war? why go to battle, where actual lives are lost?"

The picture of Prince Theodosius killing someone is infuriating me. Also, there will be a war soon. War will take place about a year from now or next year. That's why they need to summon the Salamander and other strong spirits in par of Naiad.

But.. I still don't know yet if I should pursue the offer. I want to be a healer, maybe staying at the back lines is suitable for me.

"That's a difficult question. Maybe no answer can account for the loss of life." Siu lowered his gaze in thought a moment before looking back up. "But I think this period of constant war is only temporary."

"What makes you think so?"

"I think the world is in a state of transition, and that is always a turbulent time. Many fight to test their prowess, yes, but a few fight to see who will win the last battle and establish the new age. It may come to a horrific cost, but perhaps that's what it takes to end the chaos?"

History tells me his guest is almost prescient. Besides, is he not suspicious of me? like why the hell would a six-year-old child ask about a war?

"Thank you for answering, brother!"

I should stop my mouth and stupid thoughts for now.

"You're always welcome, by Sia. If I may, why did you ask me about war?"

ARGHHH! why did I ask him such things?! stupid sia stupid sia.

"I-it's. I...I hate fighting and used to think a certain way about violent people. But recently, I met someone from a nobility that is nice."

Prince Theodosius.. he's not bad I think he is. He still has a soft side beneath him.

"So, I've been wondering how to reconcile that. How someone good can fight, regardless of the cost."

"You're a very conscientious person, my sweet sir!"

"Me? I'm just average."

Brother Siu said it so earnestly. That surprised me a little.

"Anyway, I have to go. I have to play with wolfy, he must've been alone." Standing up, I smiled at Siu. "Now, you should go study and be the strongest swordmaster alive!"

"I'm afraid I'll need your luck if I'm to catch up to Theodosius von Castilla."

Hearing his name out of nowhere like that, redesign like that. It's only natural for him to mention the crown prince since he's a swordmaster. They always spar, whenever my brother is at the palace. Siu always telling me that he will defeat Prince Theodosius and beat the empire's strongest swordmaster.

Well, I wish my brother luck.

"I have to go now. Study well, brother Siu."

Prince Theodosius is in my thoughts again, and for a while, he didn't leave.

"Ah- Wolfy! did you come to find me? you are such a cutie!" I hugged wolfy and kissed his forehead. I looked at the sun.

I wonder how he's doing.

Meanwhile- at the palace.

Theodosius returned to the palace using the spatial mage's power, successful at quashing the revolt that had called him back.

During the victory banquet, he and Lantis sat at the back of the room, sharing a drink.

King Oscar didn't mind his son drinking since that he, too, is a heavy drinker.

Even though they lost, they are still holding a party for the newly recruited members and they managed to conquer one of the towns from the kingdom of Tristanios.

"You got your war and you got to let loose. So, why do you look like nothing's going your way?