
The Villain Wants to Quit

It's not uncommon to enter a terrible contract. Unfortunately Theo accidentally entered a contract that forced him to become the right hand of the continent's most infamous villain. The continent is being swept into violence, and Theo is one of the public's worst enemies. He would really like to quit.

OtioseNinja · Fantasie
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58 Chs

Failing a Mission (2)

The waft of chicken hit Theo as soon as he opened the door.

Scourge scrambled out of Theo's cloaks and scampered to the bed where Marc was sitting with a large platter of chicken.

Marc swatted at Scourge but couldn't stop him from stealing a piece of the crispy meat.

"Sorry," Theo said with a laugh, "Scourge hasn't been impressed with traveling rations."

"It's fine. I'm just not sure I can get used to a tiny dragon stealing food."

Marc offered the plate to Theo.

Theo grabbed a piece and slid to the floor. There were no chairs in the small room.

Theo took a bite of food before speaking.

"You wouldn't believe the job my boss has given me," Theo grumbled. "He wants me to steal a ring from a Laenders' vault. Do you know how tough their security is?"

"That's so unreasonable," Marc said, grasping for words.

"I'm so glad I have a trust worthy friend who can sympathize with me."

Theo shoveled chicken in his mouth while he acted to satisfy the spell that wrapped around his neck.

"So what does he want you to steal?" Marc asked.

"I'm supposed to steal a ring that goes with the earring I showed you earlier."

Theo ate another piece of chicken before continuing.

"It's gold and has a black stone. The stone should be in the shape of a diamond. It also has some sort of enchantment on it."

"Do you know what it's spelled with?"

Marc leaned forward, trying to listen for whatever clues Theo could give him.

"No. I just know that it's something that must automatically affect the person that touches it. Dullahan forbid me to directly touch it."

"Which vault in Laenders do you have to break into?" Marc asked.

"The local lord's external vault. It should be in a cave."

Theo wondered if this dunce of a guard would really be able to contact a lord and convince him to move one of his treasures. Theo hoped he would be able to.

Then Theo would be able to subvert Dullahan's mission by chalking the failure up to incorrect information.

It would be a win-win situation for everyone except Dullahan if it all went to plan.

Theo reached for another piece of chicken only to find the plate empty.

"Eehhh. We're out of food. Guess, I'll go get more. You want anything?"

Theo stood up.

"You know what goes with fried chicken best?" Marc asked.




"How do you eat so much and still look like that?"

Marc watched as Theo shoved yet more food in his mouth.

Theo looked at his thin wrist. Lanky would be a kind way to describe him.

"I have a really busy schedule. Sometimes I end up missing meals. Or having to live off of field rations."

"Oooh. Those aren't very filling."

"Nope," Scourge said sadly while nibbling on a cookie. "Mortal Theo fed me hot water for super yesterday."

"It was stew."

Theo flicked Scourge on the forehead.

Marc sipped his beer as he watched the two interact. No matter how he looked at it, it was hard to imagine that the man in front of him was one of the evilest men in the continent. And…

"How are you able to be this relaxed?" Marc asked. "Aren't you worried I will to kill you?"

Theo clutched his throat as the spell reacted suspiciously to Marc's words.

"First of all, you are my friend, so that's a ridiculous question."

Theo tried to calm the spell.

"Second, I am obviously stronger than you. Third, we both know that if you try to use that sword against me, you will end up summoning more monsters the second my blood touches the ground."

Theo gave a pointed look to the sword that Marc had kept one hand on all evening.

"There's more ways to kill someone than cutting them down." Marc said.

"Dullahan raised me to be resistant to most poisons and your magic is ill-suited to other forms of combat."

"Besides…" Theo trailed off as he realized the oath wouldn't allow him to say what he wanted to.

Why would Marc want to take out evil-doer number two when he could use him to take out evil-doer number one?

"Anyway, let's drink!"

Theo forcibly changed the subject and clanged his mug against Marc's. He also patted Scourge who was glaring at Marc.

Today was a good day. He was getting to eat and drink as much as he want, and he was sleeping on a bed. He was even socializing. Somewhat.

"So don't ruin the atmosphere!" Theo called out to a confused Marc.


The next morning Theo woke up refreshed. The quality of an inn in the capital was worlds apart from the little inn in Piederfort.

He hugged one of the numerous pillows in his arms. It would be so nice if he could stay here a little longer.

The little dragon, on the other hand, was yawning groggily from his spot on Theo's pillow.

"Why are you so tired?" Theo asked.

"I had to make sure your friend didn't try to murder my servant while you were sleeping."

There was a lot to unpack in that sentence.

"Your servant?" The started with.

"Just be glad I kept you alive, Mortal Theo."

"…Thanks…" Theo "But I'm pretty sensitive. Things would have been fine."

Besides, if Marc had managed to hatch a plan to capture Theo, Theo would have been more impressed than angry.

Theo stretched as he stood up. His body felt light. As expected, a good night's sleep was truly the best.

"We should try to quickly finish this, so we can sleep in an inn again."

"Mortal Theo!" The dragon cried.

"You stress too much," Theo said.

"I will discuss your actions with the beast of labor."

"Eh!" Theo held Scourge up by the scruff of his neck. "You've become a little impertinent kid. Threatening to tattle."

Theo tsked.

"Honestly, you won't tell Carrot that I was reckless though, right."




Theo started to sweat as the dragon didn't answer. He didn't want to listen to the Carrot pester him about Marc's remarks.

"I shouldn't buy you any breakfast." Theo muttered.

"I will report that you were most cautious and responsible and did not drink many, many mugs of beer if you buy breakfast."

"Just don't mention the drinking at all. Carrot will get suspicious if you specifically mention drinking."

Theo stuffed the dragon in his cloak as he coached the creature about what to say to Carrot.

When they arrived at the stable with breakfast in hand, Scourge scurried out of Theo's cloak and clambered on top of Carrot's head.

"Guess what!" The dragon cried. "Mortal Theo was very responsible, and cautious, and did not drink many, many, many mugs of beer!"

Theo rubbed his face with his hand. Why was there another 'many' added to the sentence? Was the dragon doing it on purpose?

"Mortal Theo would you care to explain what you did last night?"

Carrot swished his tail.

"I just had dinner and a little beer while discussing things with Marc."

Theo raised his hands in front of him.

"How many mugs is many, many, many mugs?"

Theo raised a single finger and froze at Carrot's glare.

"Was it really one?" Carrot asked.

"I didn't exactly count, you know. It might have been one."

Theo flashed a smile at the scowling unicorn.

Carrot's nostrils flared.

"Mortal Theo's friend also threatened his life. I kept guard!"

Scourge puffed up his chest.

Carrot stomped a hoof dangerously close to Theo's foot.

"I am never transporting you to meet this person again."

"Wait!" Theo melodramatically threw himself against Carrot's side. "He didn't threaten me per se."

"Then what did he do per se?"

"He just, like, asked me why I'm so calm and if I worried about him killing me."

"That sounds like a threat."

"You two are just too jaded." Theo muttered. It would be alright if he just insisted. Probably.

Who was he kidding. Carrot knew Theo was the most jaded of the bunch.

"Get on my back." Carrot said.

"You will bring me back here, right?"




Theo wondered how Scourge and Carrot had grown so much alike in only a few days. Maybe the dragon was too impressionable because it was young. He would have to find a kinder role model for the kid.