

Fukuri Iwatame. A 23 year old MHA enjoyer that goes by the gamer tag Chad BigDickson He loves Memes and Manga . One day he was cranking 90's on some tryhards and got struck by lightning rip bozo. anyway he got isekaed by Jesus himself because he once gave a poor teenager a Ps5. He was drunk,cried himself to sleep for 7 years.

DerangedNDepressed · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 2

Fukuri Iwatame POV

Our protagonist is currently standing on the roof of a building like the edgy weeb he is,looking around the city for more villains while scrolling through the settings of the system.

"If my presumption is correct, i am able to customize only the cosmetic part of the system,shame.

Well,i guess i should have been more specific.

And that would've been kinda OP...."He muttered while scrolling with his finger.

The system was visible to others.


They see it as a black mist.

I could get Points by doing menial tasks or defeating villains.

Points were separate from the status because they did not enhance my stats,they enhanced the system.

The more Points I have the more powerful the system becomes.

Shop Tokens can be used in the shop to buy equipment,but they are not easy to get.

They can only be earned from bonus quests.

And they are rare.

With 5 Shop Tokens i can buy alot of things.

Alot of useful things.


It is harder for people to feel your presence.

1 ST


[Danger sense:LV1

The ability to sense danger in a 5 meter radius.

2 ST



The ability to teleport yourself and others, range dependent on LV and number of people

2 ST


"Those all could prove useful"I mutter while thinking about my actions.

I decide to just buy em.

After all, why have money if you can't spend it?

though his thoughts got interrupted when he noticed a particular green haired kid.

"Looks like he's going home"I mutter while definitely not stalking the poor kid.

I then decide to prank him.

I drop down into an alleyway he uses as a shortcut.

Oh yeah, i've been stalking him for about 3 days now,cool right?

As he turns to walk into the alleyway, he appears to notice me just sitting on the trash bin,head low and unmoving.

He is obviously scared titless and is about to run away.

"You..."I say

He shivers

"You are....the ninth..."I say raising my head and reaching out my hand.

Mind you,im terrifying.

And he is a wuss right now.

He is trembling like me on a cold morning.

"Wha-What do you mean ninth?"He asks trembling and itching to run away.

I don't answer and stand up.

He is about to fucking bolt.

I turn away and start walking slowly,activating stealth to heighten my badassness.

Izuku Midoriya POV

As I prepare to turn the alley and go home i notice a REALLY scary person sitting on a trash bin

He is in a really scary costume with his head down,though,the costume looks weirdly similar to All Might in some aspects.

Still he is really intimidating.

I then see him raise his head and reach out to me.

I reflexively shiver.

"You are....the Ninth.."He says menacingly....his voice stone cold and his eyes piercing into my soul..

'huh?The Ninth?What?'I realize what he called me

"Wha-What do you mean ninth?I say meekly.

He stands up and my hair stands on end.

I get ready to run but then.

He turns around and walks away disappearing into the air.

( Stealth lowers the perception of others so that they have less of a chance to notice you.

Izuku is currently a scrub with no perception.

Thus to him it is the same as disappearing.)

"Huh?"I let out a confused 'eh'

"What's the matter kid?"A random civilian comes up to me seeing my expression.

"Oh!..Uh...Nothing.."I answer without thinking much and walk into the alley

'What did he mean by ninth?'I think to myself

Fukuri Iwatame POV

Well that was fun.

And yet im still salty for in all of the days i have been in this world, i received no quest from thee, system,why so?

Maybe i need something to happen for a quest to trigger?

Probably,but how big does this event have to be for that to happen?

[Congrats!You interacted with a main character,your image is burnt into their memory! MC:Izuku Midoriya

open for more info. ]

"Nani the fuck?"I yell out in surprise

"How?When?Bitch!This ain't canon!"I yelled at the system

A/N:Why?Because im bored as fuck!

"What do i even get outta this?"I say with irritation

[Plot armour.]

"Wait really?'I jump up with surprise






[Quest!Spy on the Midoriya's for 6 months and go undetected!

Reward: Hyper-Regeneration-X type

Regenerates any injury at high speeds.

Can be granted without losing it.

Bonus quest 1:

Scare Inko Midoriya By leaving a Note on the kitchen table , write anything you want but leave the same name,always.

Reward:6 ST

Bonus Quest 2:

Leave a speaker on Izuku's desk saying any quote you want.

Reward:2 ST

Bonus Quest 3:

Pretend to be a Paralysis Demon

Reward:Grant Status Window


"Do you want me to give people status windows at random? Because,i agree."He said,smirking inside,more at the thought of scaring little poor deku than anything.

And this is how Izuku Midoriya started thinking he had a paralysis demon.

Jk not the end yet lol.)

Naomasa Tsukauchi POV

I look at the papers on my desk with irritation.

'This bitch ruined my vacation..'I think to myself looking at the drawing i got from Itsuka Kendo, the one that saw the new vigilante 'Evil's Bane' the best.

pic here)

{not mine, found on Tumblr,Mangaterial i think.}

He is active for barely 4 days and crime rate has already gone down.

All because of his brutality.

Thankfully,no killing.

No hero encountered him yet.

Well,Kamui Woods did, but he did not see him.

We need someone to catch him,fast.

He is way too brutal.

A/N:Daily Uploads?Maybe.

Roasting my writing is expected and welcomed.