
Chapter 134 Little Kitten

"I can't... can't stop crying just yet, I want to cry a little longer."

Jiang Yue felt even more wronged after Ye Xiao's scolding, and her tears flowed more urgently.

She had been a crybaby since she was little; who could blame her? She was bullied from a young age, and since she couldn't fight back, crying was her only way to vent.

"I give up, go ahead and cry."

Ye Xiao turned her head away to avoid looking at Jiang Yue.

This pitiable appearance was indeed quite sympathetic, like a small cat that had been bullied, which made you want to hold and comfort it.

So, Jiang Yue followed Ye Xiao and cried all the way until they had left the narrow alley.

"Why are you always following me? Go home, will you?"

Ye Xiao suddenly turned around, startling Jiang Yue into taking a couple of steps back.

"No, it's too late, and you might run into bad people."

Jiang Yue said, sniffling.

"So what, what do you want to do? If I run into bad people, do you really think you could protect me?"