
The Views Call Girls (0502483006)High Profile# Views Escort Service

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What is The Views Call Girls (0502483006)High Profile# Views Escort Service

Lesen Sie den Roman The Views Call Girls (0502483006)High Profile# Views Escort Service des Autors DaoistnzlkNm, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.The Views Call Girls (0502483006)High Profile The Views Escort Service...


The Views Call Girls (0502483006)High Profile The Views Escort Service

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NARUTO : jujutsu template system

After being thrown tens of meters away by Truck-kun, I found myself in a completely dark area, surrounded by constellations I had never seen before. They said I died when I shouldn't have, disrupting the timeline. They said that to fix the mistake, they had to throw me out of the reincarnation cycle and reactivate a timeline without me. Since I could no longer live in this universe's timeline, I learned that they rewarded me with the chance to be resurrected by preserving my memories in a new universe. There were two big Wheels of Fortune in front of me When I spun the first wheel of fortune, I learned that the universe in which I would be resurrected was the Naruto universe, but that wasn't enough to deter me. According to what he said about the constellations, by spinning the second wheel of fortune, I would get one of the biggest tricks in the world of Naruto. When I spun the two wheels of fortune, I saw that what appeared was a jujutsu template system. While I was about to ask the constellations why I didn't get a gift related to the Naruto universe, my consciousness turned off and I found myself in the body of a baby. -------------- Small note: In the timeline I based on while writing FF, Naruto is born 65 years after Konoha was founded. source(tumbler - belive it ) note 1: the main character is a bit stupid and has mental problems but he doesn't realize it Join my patreon for support me or check my contract work ( FFF class sımulators) patreon /OLD_storage I have a break

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Star Walkers

Hey, can I have your attention for a bit it will only take a moment? I want you to close your eyes and imagine with me, don't worry it will be exciting, imagine being in the darkness just floating surrounded by everlasting silence. It was not a bad silence, it was peaceful, so peaceful even in this cold darkness you can feel its warm embrace. Sounds nice right but we are not done yet, because now the stars illuminate through the darkness and fill the area with eternal light. The stars get together to create a constellation of no animals, not a dipper, a whole world made entirely out of stars call the infinity. you can walk in this star-made world, a world full of people called deities living peacefully in its beautiful city, a place with no discrimination, a place where you can love whoever with no judgment, a place with little conflict, a place with nobody trying to put other Down for their enjoyment. It's a breathtaking place where you always live in Bliss and you can walk in the star well at least it used to be, ever since the elder god has died and never resurrect. seven society take control in different parts of the realm but most of the society leader are corrupt by greed and power and often wage war countless times the purest society was the yoruba society The society of first born wisdom, but yoruba society leader has disappear and it now it up to the newly chosen society leader a human kamari who has gone through racist, the destruction of her county, and the loss of her mother. will kamari be infinity future or it down fall

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