
The Video Game Tycoon

!!! MACHINE TRANSLATION !!! !!! IT'S NOT AN MTL AND I POSTED IT HERE SO I COULD READ WITHOUT WIFI ON PHONE APP SK DON'T EXPECT QUALITY TRANSLATION !!! Video games are one of the important ways to entertain people in the new era. However, the Japanese Zhu Yuxing who traveled to a parallel world found that the game industry in this world was extremely sluggish, and it seemed that it had never emerged. So Zhu Yuxing decided to bring the ninth art to the world. "Mom, Super Mario 3 is out! This is my most wanted Christmas present!"

slimy_Boi · Videospiele
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761 Chs

Chapter 710

  In the advertisement, Uemura Aika is sitting on the sofa in casual home clothes, and the scene of the whole picture is also very elegant.

  Coupled with the innocent image of Uemura Aika's signature, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

  Uemura Aika sat cross-legged on the sofa and stared at the TV. Then she seemed to feel that her eyes were uncomfortable, so she picked up the remote control to switch to another channel.

  The lens is also aimed at the TV screen at this moment.

  A cartoon-like interface appeared on the TV screen, and the title of Ring Fit Adventure appeared directly in the corner of the screen.

  Then the camera refocused on Uemura Aika.

  Uemura Aika picked up a strange-looking black iron ring beside him, then picked up a legging-like thing and tied it to one of his thighs, then put a handle into the slot of the leggings, and then picked up another A handle fits into that strange round black iron hoop.

  "What... is this for?"

  The white-collar worker who looked at the advertisement was a little confused.

  He is an ordinary white-collar worker who doesn't usually play games, because he is so busy that he hardly has any free time, so he has no time to play games.

  And because he is on the verge of sudden death at any time, he must try his best to maintain his health, so he will go to the gym to exercise part of the time after get off work to ensure that his body can remain in a relatively healthy state.

  And he doesn't really have much interest in video games, which he thinks are for kids.

  He happened to be in junior high school when video games were on the rise, and was about to graduate and enter university.

  He is more maverick, and he can't play with other classmates, and he soon becomes an isolated object.

  He gets bored hearing people talk about how fun video games are every day.

  What's the use of being funny? Can't do myself any good.

  relax? There are countless ways to relax that self, video games are pointless.

  However, today he suddenly became interested in the video game in front of him.

  Because there is his favorite star Uemura Aika in the advertisement.

  He has chased all the TV series she filmed.

  Everyone has their own hobbies, and it is impossible for everyone to like video games, but this white-collar worker's favorite pastime is watching TV series.

  Speaking of the advertisement, Uemura Aika in the advertisement got off the sofa, then stood in a slightly open position, and posed in a relatively standard pose.

  Hold the black iron ring in both hands, and stand firmly with your legs at a certain distance.

  Immediately afterwards, she stared fixedly at the front without taking her eyes off.

  Soon, the white-collar's doubts were resolved.

  Uemura Aika began to follow the prompts on the TV to perform exercises such as squats, running in place, and plank support.

  The white-collar worker's eyes widened slightly.

  Is this... a video game?

  Just now when he saw Uemura Aika holding something that should be a video game controller, he was guessing that it should be an advertisement for a video game.

  He who is not interested in video games, if it weren't for the filming of Uemura Aika, he wouldn't have paid attention at all.

  However, now he is suddenly attracted by what is shown in this advertisement.

  His brain began to run wildly, guessing what kind of product this was.

  Soon, Aika Uemura in the ad was sweating.

  The sweat is very real, and it seems that there should be no fake elements, because the gradually soaked clothes are the most obvious expression.

  Under the lens, the sweaty Uemura Aika also added a touch of allure, and the original innocence had something new.

  The white-collar workers were already deeply attracted by this peculiar product, so they just stood still on the street and stared blankly at the advertisement on the billboard.

  Not only this white-collar worker, but also many people stopped to watch the advertisement under the drizzle.

  There's really nothing special about this ad.

  But it just makes people feel very comfortable.

  Many previous video games highlighted a cool picture effect.

  The cooler it seems, the better it sells, and it is rare to see such a very fresh advertising scene.

  "Fitness ring adventure, which will be released in three months, is a product that can give everyone the opportunity to exercise happily. Please exercise with Uemura Aika! Stay tuned." After a burst of sweat, Uemura Aika

  ended Following the campaign, an ad will be finalized for the game's release date.

  Three months later...

  the white-collar worker looked at the billboard and wanted to buy it almost without thinking.

  He is not short of money, and he often supports what idols promote as much as he can.

  And this thing does look interesting.

  Of course, this doesn't change his opinion of video games, he still thinks video games are boring.

  Even those games such as Titanfall and Final Fantasy that were promoted by countless people before, he felt that they were a bit naive, and he didn't understand why adults would be addicted to such naive things.

  Normally, it is impossible for adults to be tempted by this kind of temptation.

  Forget it, this is not something he needs to care about, now go home quickly.

  The commercial ended, and he was about to walk away.

  But the next ad appeared again.

  This time it's not an advertisement for a star performance like Uemura Aika, but a group of unfamiliar actors, probably at the level of extras.

  These people show the appearance of a family in the advertisement, and this advertisement also has a fresh and elegant style.

  The father is watching the latest TV program on the sofa, the child is bouncing and dancing on the sofa, and the mother is cooking in the open kitchen, watching her husband and child tenderly.

  After the meal was ready, the family gathered for dinner. After the meal, the child suddenly asked with anticipation: "Mom, can we play together today?" The mother smiled softly: "Of course, you want to play?

  " What?"

  "Hmm...I want to play Mario Kart!"

  The father who was standing beside him raised his head to look at his wife and son.

  "Count me in." He said very proactively.

  "Dad, I'm going to beat you to the ground!"

  "Haha, don't underestimate me, Dad. I want to let you know how powerful your father is!"

  The mother continued to look at her husband and children tenderly like this, with a smile in her eyes. Happiness is very abundant.

  The white-collar once again stopped in place and stared blankly at the contents of the advertisement.

  It feels like home.

  It's been a long time since I felt this way.

  He has a wife and children as well.

  But he is busy every day and has almost no chance to communicate with his children and his wife.

  Looking at the warm scene in the commercial, he suddenly felt a very strong desire.

  He also wants to have the opportunity to communicate with his family.

  In the ad, the child happily helped his parents to clean up the dishes, then ran to the sofa and skillfully switched the game to Mario Kart.

  "Hurry up, Mom and Dad! I must win the number one spot today!"

  Afterwards, the parents walked up to their children dotingly, and each picked up a handle, sat next to their children and followed them to choose their own Mario Kart. character of.

  The child chose his favorite Mario, the mother chose Princess Peach, and the father chose Kubawang without hesitation.

  After the character selection, everyone looked at the TV screen at the same time.

  A piece of music that sounded very exciting also sounded.

  "Today I want to take the first place!"

  With the child's oath-like words, the game officially started, but at the same time, the advertisement stopped abruptly.

  'Video games allow you to get closer to the relationship between people. '

  A slogan quietly emerged, and this advertisement was like a heavy hammer hitting the heart of this white-collar worker, making him unforgettable for a long time.