
The VERse: Remade

Some say that death is the end, others say it isn't. The afterlife is an old concept dating back thousands of years, but in all that time nobody has proven it to be real. That is until 2076, when the Virtually Extended Reality or VERse is introduced to the world. What happens when all you need to be immortal is a $10 subscription until the day you die, when you are permanently transported into a virtual world where you continue your old life with more freedom than ever before, or start something completely new in one of the infinitely expanding areas in the VERse. Hector Nirmala was the first of many to become immortal in the VERse for one simple reason. After dying in a car accident in 2030, his father, Cliff Nirmala founded The Braintech Corp, and made it his life goal to bring his son back to life. Five decades later he succeeded. Now in the infinite VERse, Hector has the opportunity to explore an ever expanding fantasy reality specifically made for him.

elro_ · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

We offer an afterlife. The Virtually Extended Reality aka VERse has been in development for the past few decades, and now we have finally developed the necessary technology for that. We have quantum computers with more processing power than all the computers ever created combined. Self developing AI smarter, which at the moment is more intelligent than about 15 billion average humans. And the necessary software to simulate a ever expanding reality down to the atom. The VERse is an everlasting always expanding new reality to explore, along with what will be potentially hundreds of billions others.

- Cliff Nirmala, CEO of Braintech Corp, September 17th 2076

Hector awoke on a soft white bed with a startle. The last thing he remembered was driving home with s few new friends from the party, but other than that there was nothing. Sitting up, he looked around the small rooms sterile white walls, sharp lights, the small bedside table and a uncomfortable looking small chair next to the bed. It clearly not his own room, but instead more like that of a hospital, but there were no nurses or staff around, no beeping or nothing else you'd expect to see if you woke up in such a place. But even so it was the only conclusion he came up with.

"I probably just had a mild accident with the car, nothing hurts and I can move with ease, so it probably wasn't bad", he said to himself, trying to ease the mild panic that was slowly enveloping his mind.

Someone knocked on the door, and before Hector could finish saying "Come in", a doctor walked in the room.

"Good morning Mr. Nirmala" the doctor said as he walked to sit on the chair. "You have been in a slightly serious accident, and I'm sorry to say that I have some bad news. After that I'll explain a few things and answer all the questions you have"

"Where am I?" Hector asked almost completely ignoring what the doctor said, "And what do you mean 'slightly serious', I feel fine".

The doctor let out a slight sigh, and started explaining, "Starting with the accident. You crashed your car into a lorry transporting rebar at about 120mph. One of the Metal pieces went through your left eye, and exiting through the top of your head. You d..."

"There is no way anyone could survive that, where am I really, what happened and where are the cameras", Hector said, nearly shouting at the end.

"As I was saying, you didn't survive. You died instantly. And I assure you, this is no prank and there are no cameras. If you allow me to explain without interruption, you will understand enough to ask proper questions", the doctor replied calmly. Hector nodded slightly, and the doctor continued,"After you died, your father couldn't get over it. He spent decades and nearly all his assets with an immense loss, to create what you see around you"

"Decades?", Hector asked in shock.

"Yes, it is currently 19th of December, 2080", before Hector could ask more about that, the doctor continued,"What you see around you, is part of the Virtually Extended Reality, or VERse. A fully simulated world where everyone can enjoy their afterlife in literally any way imaginable. It is similar to what you'd call a MMORPG, but it is mixed with reality, and an extremely advanced AI capable of expanding the VERse for everyone's enjoyment"

At this Hector couldn't stay quiet anymore. He was bursting with the questions completely forgetting that he should be sad about dying. Like a balloon that has too much air in it, they popped out,"What do you mean fully simulated, how large is it, what does it look like, can I have a map, how big is it? Does MMORPG mean there's magic, what kind of system does it work on? Are you dead too? When can I start, and what about seeing my father?"

The doctor let out a long sigh and muttered something about payment, while Hector was asking his questions. Then he started answering,"The world is simulated down to subatomic particles, and is modelled after all known real world physics, with a few additional features. The world is infinite, new parts are generated by the ai whenever necessary. No map, more on that later. I am not dead, Instead I am one of the natives in this world, and will be your guide for the first day. You'll see your father soon, and finally, yes there is magic."

Looking straight into Hectors eyes with a piercing glare, the doctor asked,"now, can I continue my explanation... good" His expression relaxed, and he once again continued explaining calmly,"At the moment there are two areas or 'planes of existence' in the VERse, the one you are currently in, is a copy of Earth. Anyone with our software downloaded on their AR lenses or brain chips will be able to see and hear people in the same location. You can continue your old life this way, but won't be able to interact with real world objects, unless they're specifically made for it"

After a brief pause, the doctor continued,"The second area was specifically made for your enjoyment. It is a infinitely large fantasy world, with gods, magic, lore and everything you have enjoyed in the many games you played throughout your life. I assume you won't want too many spoilers for that world, and I'll let you explore it for yourself. Finally, you are the first person to be awakened to the afterlife, but in the past 4 years there have been about 4,000 others who have signed up for the VERse and died, and about 1,000,000 people who have signed up, but haven't died. all of the 1,004,000 people who signed up, will have access to full immersion in the VERse when it is officially released tomorrow. Now you can ask questions, after which you can talk to your dad"

It didn't take long for the rest of Hectors questions, but once he was done, he couldn't be happier. for his whole life, he'd enjoyed all sorts of fantasy. He had read hundreds of books, spent thousands of hours in all sorts of games, and overall just doing everything he could to escape into fantasy. He'd always thought about how lucky he was to be born into a rich family, where he had enough money to live a comfortable life while enjoying his fantasies. Now he could truly live in an endless fantasy till the end of time, and all it took was dying painlessly, and spending 50 years in something like unconsciousness. It truly was his dream come true.