

Heavy rain pours in the metro from morning. People retreated to their homes and hid to any form of shade they could find. The sidewalks that were usually filled were now empty as the roads flood from the rain.

Far from the heart of the city the slums was a notorious place for its lawlessness. Many dangerous people gather to transact, share information and meet. These type of personalities can range from assassins, robbers, drug dealers, criminals and sometimes even terrorists.

Walking in the slums was a huge built man, he was foreign to these regions and was of lighter complexion compared to the locals. He wears a trench coat and uses an umbrella to shield himself from the rain. His boots was covered with mud as he navigates through the muddy dirt road.

He was looking for a certain unfinished house. Its roof was painted red, two story tall and has a peculiar architecture. The house was said to be abandoned by its owner after some disagreements with the land owner.

While he was walking, he noticed suspicious men tailing him. He tried to shake them off, but they have surrounded him instead in an alley. One of the ruffians who appeared in front of him grabbed his butterfly knife and pointed it in front of him.

"You don't look like you are from here buddy. Are ya lost?" The ruffian in front of him asked.

"He looks loaded, there might be a fortune in his purse," The ruffian's companion added then laughter bursts in the group.

The man in the trench coat keeps his cool and stays silent. He can always take care of these ruffians by himself, but he doesn't want unwanted attention. Once again he tries to escape but was stopped by one of the ruffian's companions.

"Give it up, you know what we want. Hand it over!" The ruffian said to him with his left palm open.

The man in the trench coat sighs and looks on his pouch. He still had some spare cash inside, he may not want the idea of wasting it to these thugs, but he has no choice.

"I give up," The man in the trench coat said to his muggers and hands over two 1000 peso Verlusian bills.

The ruffian spits to his side and looks intimidatingly at the man before him and said, "Do I look like that cheap to you?" He plays with his butterfly knife to intimidate his victim.

"Very well, 5,000 pesos!" The man in the trench coat said.

"Make it 7,000!" The ruffian raised the price.

The man in the trench coat agreed and handed the money to the ruffians. After receiving the money, they left the man alone and rejoiced. The man shakes his head and continues on his way.

He finally found the house that was at least ten minute worth of walk and examines it further. It was what is described on him and he opened the gate then walks in front of the huge door. The house does not look abandoned at all for it looks like it has been maintained and there were signs of people currently living there.

He reaches to the door of the house and knocks three times and enters then proceed inside. He sneezes furiously as he closed the door. The house was dusty and has not been maintained for a long time. The windows were covered with dusty curtains and the dust caked the furniture inside.

Flickering from old florescent lights dimly lights the house. As he continues his way, he saw a huge man in suit guarding the room. He has a gun hostler in his waist and was heavily built. He welcomes the man in the trench coat.

"The boss is waiting for you." He then opens the door.

The man in the trench coat wipes his nose with his handkerchief and sees the boss in front of him sitting in a long table with his associates. His boss looks at his subordinate then tells his assistant to guide him to his seat. The man in the trench coat sat to the farthest part of the table alone and took off his coat which was taken care of by the assistant.

The man commented to his boss about the venue and said, "You'd better look for a better place for a meeting, Enrique!"

Enrique a lean looking man with a chiseled face wearing a black suit and white tie smiles at his subordinate's complaint, "It is the most convenient venue that I could think of. My apologies if this isn't your liking. By the way, Cobra! You must know why I have summoned you here?"

Cobra wrinkles his forehead then replies to his boss, "I am yet to know boss!"

Enrique orders his assistant to hand a document to Cobra who reads it. He places the document in the table after reading. His a calm yet disappointed face is his reply to his boss.

Enrique who sees the expression of his subordinate becomes annoyed. He then asked his subordinate of what caused the expression of his face.

"I know a fool's errand boss. But this, you are not planning for a suicide mission, are you?" Cobra asked his boss in return.

Enrique smirked maliciously which sent even Cobra in shivers. He stood up and gestured towards Cobra from his seat.

"Cobra, you are one of my most loyal subordinates. It's a waste if you had not realized what I intended to do. I believe by now you must have a clue in what I am trying to do with that plot."

Cobra inspects the documents again and finds out what his boss was intending to do. He realizes of a plot which his boss is planning, and he replies with a smile in his face.

"You want to spice it up?" Cobra replies to his boss.

"Not just that, it is going to be a birth of a new creation!" Enrique said and calls two of his other associates.

Two men appears in front of Cobra from the shadows. One was a lean looking man and the other a slightly obese man. Both looks at Cobra attentively as he stands up.

"These men will aid you in the preparations of our plan. They are one of the best in the ranks. I hope you get along with them!" Enrique introduces them to Cobra.

"What will this operation be called boss?" Cobra asks Enrique.

"It shall be called the Chimera's Myth!" Enrique declared to his subordinates.

The people in the room were pleased and were hopeful for the success of their plans. Cobra looks somewhat unsure, but he realizes that the success of their plan relies on his preparations.